Çalışanların Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması (ERP) Değerlendirmeleri ve Kurumsallaşma Algıları

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Selçuk Üniversitesi

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Son yıllarda inanılmaz önem kazanan bilgisayar destekli kurumsal sistemlerin işletmelerin performansı üzerinde önemli bir etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu etkinin oluşumunda ve bilgi teknolojilerinin bu hızla gelişiminde bilgi yönetimi gereğinin kuşkusuz payı büyüktür. Bill Gates bilgi yönetimine ilişkin görüşlerini şöyle açıklar: ‘Bilgi yönetiminin temel amacı kurumsal zekâyı artırmaktır. Kurumsal zekâdan kasıt, bir firmada bilginin çalışanlara ne hızda yayıldığının ve dolayısıyla çalışanların birbirlerinin düşüncelerinden ne kadar yararlanabildiklerinin ölçüsüdür. Kurumsal zekâsı yüksek bir firmada çalışanlar işbirliği gelişmiş gruplar şeklinde çalışabilirler. Tabi ki bu durumda firmaların üst düzey yöneticilerinin bilgi paylaşımının yararına inanmaları gerekmektedir.’ Bu bilgiler ışığında bu çalışmanın temelini oluşturan ERP (Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması) şöyle tanımlanabilir. ERP, İşletmelerin tüm operasyonel faaliyetlerini -tedarikçilerden tutunda müşterilere kadar- içine alan son derece kapsamlı ve dinamik bir kurumsal sistem. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın ana hatlarını ERP kullanımının fayda ve sakıncalarının bu yazılımları kullanan çalışanların görüşüyle değerlendirilmesi belirliyor. Bunlara ek olarak, çalışanların çalıştıkları işletmeye yönelik kurumsallaşma algılarına göz atıp, yeni bir tartışma alanı yaratmak da ikincil hedefler arasındadır. Bu hedeflerden hareketle, bu çalışmada kurumsal sistemler, ERP, ERP’nin işletme etkenliğine etkisi ve Kurumsallaşma olguları incelenmektedir. Çalışmayı desteklemek amacıyla uygulanan anket çalışmasına Konya Organize Sanayi Bölgesinden Ticaret Odasındaki kayıtlı sermayesi 10 milyon TL’nin üzerinde olan 5 firma katılmış ve ERP kullanıcılarının görüşlerine yer verilmiştir. Sonuçlar ERP’nin genel anlamda firma performansını yükselttiği yönde olup, çalışanların kurumsallaşma algısı yüksek olduğu işletmelerde tüm fonksiyonel bölümlerin varlığı belirlenmiştir. Buradan hareketle ERP’nin işletmelere olumlu faydalarından bahsedileceği bu araştırmada ortaya çıkmış veya çıkabilecek potansiyel sakıncalara da değinilmektedir.
In recent years, discussions on effect of globalisation in highly competitive business environment were really important whereas now, main talks come under the need for greatly important information and its management because of booming technological innovations and complexity of information itself. Companies which integrate their systems effectively with these innovations will obviously pace quicker than others. From this aspect, Information Technologies becomes a key tool for businesses to catch and implement new technologies. Also the purpose of Information Management is to increase institutional intelligence which indicates information flow and an ability of mutual idea sharing. Consequently, computer based enterprise systems has gained an incredible importance in recent years, thus it has an important effects on business performance. Enterprise systems (ES) are called as a commercial software packages however their value for companies are greater than this description. (Shang ve Seddon, 2002: 272) They can be used as a main resource which enables to merge data and processes of information technologies in internal and external value chains. ES are also providing important information and business practises inside the system and allow configuration and customization for companies. It is believed that effective enterprise systems should have modules both in operational and managerial levels. ( Daft, 2000: 676) Development of enterprise systems has shown that communication of all levels within the company is crucial. Most advanced Enterprise System is called ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) which came out late 80s however became more common in 90s. ERP is a comprehensive software system which offering services in quality management, field service, and maintenance, management, distribution, marketing and supplier management activities. This software has eased the external access to the database and it also provides access to information systems of other companies. As result of these features, even customers can reach the information of when a new order can be completed. Therefore the business gains competitive advantage in the market. (Krajewski ve Ritzman, 1998:697-698). In short, ERP is a dynamic enterprise system which gathers information in companies’ whole operational activities -from suppliers to the customers- under one system comprehensively. In the light of these explanations, this study examines the use and effectiveness of ERP through users’ evaluations as well as their perceptions of institutionalism. The main objectives to apply employee’s evaluations are to see what they think of this enterprise system and how they evaluate its effectiveness. The other aspect of this study is to find out employees’ perception of institutionalism. This is also an additional question which will help to find out whether or not ERP is used in companies which institutionalised or in the way. The core purpose of Institutionalism can be described as preserving the natural and autonomous structure of the organisations but differentiate from rivals and secure its future without being dependant on any individual. Regarding to Selznick, institutionalism would combine some important components of the organisational culture such as organisational stability, predictability and legality. This combination will help to integrate the organisation to the environment. Thus the organisation will be acting naturally against external factors with its workers and managers equally internalised perception of institutionalism. (Selznick, 1996; 71) To support the theorical part of this study, survey method implemented to the 193 employees who actively use ERP in 5 large scale companies from the province of Konya Organized Industrial Zone. Total 111 questionnaires turned back and used in non parametric tests. The survey is aimed to find out whether or not ERP is beneficial to the companies depending on the data taken from users. Accordingly Hypothesis included increase in firm performance and effectiveness through using ERP and positive correlation between number of departments in companies and employees’ perception of institutionalism. The results showed that almost %75 percent of the respondents find ERP beneficial. However, another hypothesis tests the possible increase in firm effectiveness and found that targets have not been achieved by the same rates. 17 Targets presented to the employees and they rated these targets from the point of 3.7 to 4.4. However these targets achieved by the rates of 3.0 to 3.7. This shows that ERP has not increased the firm effectiveness yet and the results also indicate that the rates are in the way of achieving these targets. If another study takes place after a certain period of time, results can show better achievement rates of these targets. Final Hypothesis of this study examines the positive correlation between the number of departments and employees’ perception of institutionalism. Employees who found their firm institutionalised has all available departments established within their company. This also shows that institutionalised enterprises mostly have all the departments in their systems. The benefit of this is to allow workload to be done without depending on certain person. Outcome of this hypothesis support the theory by the mean of description of institutionalism. Another important outcome of this study is to find out the most important and most rated targets for using ERP. For this research, 111 employees rated 5 targets out of 17. That means employees think that ERP is targeted because of these reasons. These are; 1. Ensure easy accessibility of information, 2. Time Saving, 3. Order Tracking, 4. Ensure good communication and coordination of all departments, 5. Institutionalism. These top five targets are chosen by most of the employees and they also chosen as most achieved targets by the same high rate. To sum up, the outcomes of this study show that companies can benefit from using ERP systems and this can help them communicate and coordinate better within the company as well as with the customers and suppliers. ERP does not have a direct effect on firm’s performance however; it may help to improve effectiveness. ERP is also used mainly by the big scale, international companies and help them institutionalised better and quicker. According to these, ERP can play a key role and be used to gain competitive advantage.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Kurumsal Sistemler, Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması ve Kurumsallaşma, Enterprise Systems, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Institutionalism


Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

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Çakır, B. Ö., Bedük, A., (2013). Çalışanların Kurumsal Kaynak Planlaması (ERP) Değerlendirmeleri ve Kurumsallaşma Algıları. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 30, 81-91.