Türkiye’de İletişim Kuramının Öncülerinden: Ünsal Oskay ve Eserleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
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Ünsal Oskay, Türkiye’de iletişim alanında ilk doktora tezini yazan isimlerden birisidir. Kitle iletişim kuramlarının Türkiye’de öğrenilmesinde önemli rol oynayan Oskay’ın, kitle iletişimi ile ilgili ortaya koyduğu eserler onu iletişim alanında öncü kuramcılardan birisi haline getirmiştir. Ünsal Oskay, iletişimin yanı sıra eserlerinde çoğunlukla “toplumbilim” olarak ifade ettiği sosyoloji ile siyaset, hukuk gibi sosyal bilimlerin farkı alanlarından birçok eseri de Türkçeye kazandırmıştır. Yaklaşık kırk yılı bulan akademik hayatına on kitap, on beş çeviri kitap ile yüzlerce makale sığdıran Ünsal Oskay, binlerce öğrenci yetiştirmiştir. Oskay, eleştirel sosyal teorinin benimsenmesindeki çabalarıyla, tüm sosyal bilim camiasında her zaman görüşleriyle göz önünde bulundurulması gereken bir isim olmuştur. Bir veri toplama tekniği olan doküman analizinin kullanıldığı bu çalışmada, Oskay’ın kitap, çevirileri ve makalelerinden oluşan tabir-i caizse külliyatının bir panoraması ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak Oskay, 1960’larda (Ankara Üniversitesi’nde asistan iken) daha çok toplumbilim temalı eserleri Türkçe’ye kazandırırken, kendi kaleme aldığı makaleleri ise iletişim alanından uzaktır. En çok eseri doçent olduğu 1982 yılında veren Oskay’ın çalışmaları teorik olup, ampirik bir çalışması bulunmamaktadır.
Ünsal Oskay is one of the names who wrote the first doctoral thesis in the field of communication in Turkey. Playing an important role in learning mass communication theories in Turkey, Oskay's works on mass communication made him one of the leading theorists in the field of communication. In addition to communication, Ünsal Oskay translated many works from the different fields of sociology, which he often refers to as "sociology" in his works, and social sciences such as politics and law. Ünsal Oskay, who has ten books, fifteen translated books and hundreds of articles in his academic life of nearly forty years, has trained thousands of students. In this study, in which document analysis, which is a data collection technique, was used, it was tried to reveal a panorama of Oskay's corpus of books, translations and articles, so to speak. As a result, while Oskay translated mostly sociology-themed works into Turkish in the 1960s (while he was an assistant at Ankara University), his own articles were far from the field of communication. Oskay, who gave the most works in 1982 when he became an associate professor, has theoretical studies and does not have an empirical study.
Ünsal Oskay is one of the names who wrote the first doctoral thesis in the field of communication in Turkey. Playing an important role in learning mass communication theories in Turkey, Oskay's works on mass communication made him one of the leading theorists in the field of communication. In addition to communication, Ünsal Oskay translated many works from the different fields of sociology, which he often refers to as "sociology" in his works, and social sciences such as politics and law. Ünsal Oskay, who has ten books, fifteen translated books and hundreds of articles in his academic life of nearly forty years, has trained thousands of students. In this study, in which document analysis, which is a data collection technique, was used, it was tried to reveal a panorama of Oskay's corpus of books, translations and articles, so to speak. As a result, while Oskay translated mostly sociology-themed works into Turkish in the 1960s (while he was an assistant at Ankara University), his own articles were far from the field of communication. Oskay, who gave the most works in 1982 when he became an associate professor, has theoretical studies and does not have an empirical study.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ünsal Oskay, İletişim, Toplumbilim, Kültür, Eserleri, Communication, Sociology, Culture, Works
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Varol, F. B. A., (2022). Türkiye’de İletişim Kuramının Öncülerinden: Ünsal Oskay ve Eserleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 48, 403-416. DOI: 10.52642/susbed.1115108