Milli Mücadele'de Kemalist Anadolu'nun mizah organı: Anodolu'da Peyam-ı Sabah
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi
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Kurtuluş Savaşı yıllarında mizah basını, Ankara ve İstanbul Hükümetlerini destekleyen mizah yayınlan olarak temelde iki kampa bölünmüştür. Milli Mücadele döneminde yayınlanan yirmiden fazla mizahi yayından Atay, Anado/u'da Peyam-, Sabah, Diken ve Güleryüz, kurtuluş hareketini destekleyen başlıca mizah gazeteleridir. Refik Halit Karay'm Aydede'si ise Milli Mücadele karşıtı basının mizah alanındaki temsilcisidir. Bu çalışma, Kemalist Anadolu'da Kurtuluş Savaşı'nı destekleyen mizah gazetelerinden Anadolu'da Peyam-, Sabah ı tanıbnayı ve Türk mizah basını tarihindeki yerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Gazete, önce İstanbu!'da 1920'de Alay adı ile çıkmıştır. Kurucuları Ercüment Ekrem (TalCı) ve Enis Avni'dir. İstanbul'da 12 sayı boyunca yayınlanabilen gazete, Milli Mücadele'ye katLlmak üzere Aka Gündüz ve arkadaşları Anadolu'ya geçince Ankara'da Anadolu'da Peyam-, Sabah adıyla yayınını sürdünnüştür. Aka Gündüz, gazetesine, Milli Mücadele karşıtı koronun solisti olarak nitelenebilecek İstanbul Peyam-ı Sabah'ının adını vererek onu gülünç duruma düşürmeyi, onunla "alay" etmeyi planlamıştır. Bu nedenle gazetesini geniş toplum kesimlerine hitap edecek şekilde tasarımlar. Niteliksel tarihsel tasarım karakterini taşıyan araştırmada, ilgili incelemelerden yararlanılarak gazeteye ilişkin özlü bilgiler verildikten sonra, gazetenin kimlik bilgileri ve teknik özelliklerine değinilmiş ardından kadrosu tanıtılarak içeriği değerlendirilmiştir.
The humour attitude of the Turkish press in the period of Turkish lndependence War is mainly divided into two parties in supporting two opposite govemments, Ankara and lstanbul. Among the publications more than 20, Alay, Anadolu'da Peyam-, Sabah, Diken and Güleryüı, were the primary humour newspaper publicatlons that supported the movement of independence. As for Aydede belonging to Refik Halit Karay, it was the representatlve of humour publications which were against the movement of independence. This study aims both to lntroduce Anadolu'da Peyam-ı Sabah, one of the humour newspapers supporting the War of Independence in Kemalist Anatolia and to evaluate its place in the history of Turkish humour press. The newspaper was first published under the name of Alay in İstanbul in 1920. Its founders were Ercüment Ekrem (TalQ) and Enis Avni. The newspaper whose 12 issues were.published in Istanbul, maintained its publication under the name of Anadolu'da Peyam ı Sabah in Ankara as Aka Gündüz and his friends passed to Anatolia in order to join lhe movement of independence. The aim of Aka Gündüz in giving the name Peyam-, Sabah of Istanbul to his newspaper was to mock Peyam-, Sabah of Istanbul that was, in a sense, the soloist of the antimovement of independence chorus. Thus, he arranges his newspaper in a way to appeal to large a large extent of the society. in the present qualitatıve hlstorical study, following the presentation of the concise inforrnation regarding the newspaper, both the identity and the technical characteristics have been given and its content has been introduced and evaluated.
The humour attitude of the Turkish press in the period of Turkish lndependence War is mainly divided into two parties in supporting two opposite govemments, Ankara and lstanbul. Among the publications more than 20, Alay, Anadolu'da Peyam-, Sabah, Diken and Güleryüı, were the primary humour newspaper publicatlons that supported the movement of independence. As for Aydede belonging to Refik Halit Karay, it was the representatlve of humour publications which were against the movement of independence. This study aims both to lntroduce Anadolu'da Peyam-ı Sabah, one of the humour newspapers supporting the War of Independence in Kemalist Anatolia and to evaluate its place in the history of Turkish humour press. The newspaper was first published under the name of Alay in İstanbul in 1920. Its founders were Ercüment Ekrem (TalQ) and Enis Avni. The newspaper whose 12 issues were.published in Istanbul, maintained its publication under the name of Anadolu'da Peyam ı Sabah in Ankara as Aka Gündüz and his friends passed to Anatolia in order to join lhe movement of independence. The aim of Aka Gündüz in giving the name Peyam-, Sabah of Istanbul to his newspaper was to mock Peyam-, Sabah of Istanbul that was, in a sense, the soloist of the antimovement of independence chorus. Thus, he arranges his newspaper in a way to appeal to large a large extent of the society. in the present qualitatıve hlstorical study, following the presentation of the concise inforrnation regarding the newspaper, both the identity and the technical characteristics have been given and its content has been introduced and evaluated.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Milli Mücadele, Anodolu'da Peyam-ı Sabah, Aka Gündüz, Ali Kemal, Turkish war of independence
Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Aydın, H. (2009). Milli Mücadele'de Kemalist Anadolu'nun mizah organı: Anodolu'da Peyam-ı Sabah. Selçuk Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, (22), 101-115.