Modern Yaşamın Çelişkileri: Bohem Hayatı (Boheemielämää)
2023 Nisan
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
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Bir yaşam şekli olarak 19. Yüzyıl?da ortaya çıkan bohem, modernleşme hareketleri ile yakından ilgilidir. Bohem, modern bireyciliğin çatışmalarını, çelişkilerini ortaya koyan ve orta sınıf yaşamı ile bağlantılı olan bir kavramdır. Yaygın görüşe göre, burjuva kavramı ile doğrudan ilişkili olan ve bir anlamda bu yaşam tarzına bir tepki olarak ortaya çıkan 19. Yüzyıl bohemleri kendilerini baskılayan, ötekileştiren orta sınıf değerlerine giyimleri, yaşam şekilleri, düşünceleri ve faaliyetleri ile meydan okumuştur. Dönemin sanatçıları tarafından sanatın başkenti olarak kabul edilen Paris?i merkezine alan bohemler entelektüel birikimi yüksek, ideolojik olarak muhalif bir ruh barındıran ressamlar, yazarlar, müzisyenler vb. sanatçılardan oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Finlandiyalı yönetmen Aki Kaurismäki?nin bohem yazar Henri Murger?in „Scènes de la vie de bohème? eserinden uyarladığı Bohem Hayatı (Boheemielämää, 1992) filmi ele alınmıştır. Filmde, Paris?te yaşayan üç bohem sanatçının hayat mücadelesi anlatılmaktadır. Film, yönetmenin kendi bohem kişiliğini ortaya koymak amacıyla auteur eleştiri ve burjuvazi-bohemizm ilişkisinin ideolojik çatışması ya da birlikteliğini değerlendirebilmek amacıyla da ideolojik eleştiri yöntemleriyle ele alınmaktadır. Yönetmen Kaurismäki, filmindeki bohem karakterleri aracılığıyla kendi bohem kimliğini de ortaya koymaktadır. Bohem karakterlerin hayata bakışı, yaşam şekilleri ve ilişkileri film örnekleminde ele alınmıştır.
Appearing in the 19th century as a way of life, the bohemian is closely related to the modernization movements. Bohemian is a concept that reveals the conflicts and contradictions of modern individualism and is connected with middle class life. The 19th century bohemians were directly related to the bourgeois concept and emerged as a reaction to this lifestyle. The bohemians challenged the middle-class values that suppress and marginalize them with their clothing, lifestyles, thoughts and activities. The bohemians consisted of various artists who possess an intellectually accumulating and ideologically opposing spirit such as painters, writers and musicians and they were centralized in Paris, which was accepted as the capital of art by the artists of the time. In this study, the film "Bohemian Life" (Boheemielämää, 1992), which was adapted by the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki from the bohemian writer Henri Murger?s „Scènes de la vie de bohème?, has been examined. The film is about the life struggles of three bohemian artists living in Paris. The film is discussed with auteur criticism method, to reveal the director's own bohemian personality, and ideological criticism to evaluate the ideological conflict or coexistence of the relationship between bourgeoisiebohemism. Director Kaurismäki also reveals his own bohemian identity through the bohemian characters in the film. The Bohemian characters' view of life, life styles, and relationships have been discussed in the movie sample.
Appearing in the 19th century as a way of life, the bohemian is closely related to the modernization movements. Bohemian is a concept that reveals the conflicts and contradictions of modern individualism and is connected with middle class life. The 19th century bohemians were directly related to the bourgeois concept and emerged as a reaction to this lifestyle. The bohemians challenged the middle-class values that suppress and marginalize them with their clothing, lifestyles, thoughts and activities. The bohemians consisted of various artists who possess an intellectually accumulating and ideologically opposing spirit such as painters, writers and musicians and they were centralized in Paris, which was accepted as the capital of art by the artists of the time. In this study, the film "Bohemian Life" (Boheemielämää, 1992), which was adapted by the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki from the bohemian writer Henri Murger?s „Scènes de la vie de bohème?, has been examined. The film is about the life struggles of three bohemian artists living in Paris. The film is discussed with auteur criticism method, to reveal the director's own bohemian personality, and ideological criticism to evaluate the ideological conflict or coexistence of the relationship between bourgeoisiebohemism. Director Kaurismäki also reveals his own bohemian identity through the bohemian characters in the film. The Bohemian characters' view of life, life styles, and relationships have been discussed in the movie sample.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Bohem, Modernizm, Aki Kaurismäki, Bohem Hayatı, Bohemian, Bohemian Life
Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Lekesiz, F., Küçüksönmez, N., (2023). Modern Yaşamın Çelişkileri: Bohem Hayatı (Boheemielämää). Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, (50), 237-250.
DOI: 10.52642/susbed.1225140