Tarihsel Süreçte Geleneksel Konya Çarşısı İçin Bir Mekansal Analiz
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Tarihi süreçte önemli ticaret yolları üzerinde bulunan Konya, Selçuklu döneminde önemli bir ticaret kenti olmuş ve Osmanlı döneminde de bu özelliğini devam ettirmiştir. Kentte çarşı geniş bir alana yayılmış ve klasik dönem Türk kentine ait ticaret mekânları yer almıştır. Geleneksel Konya çarşısı, Selçuklu, Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet döneminde de kısmen aynı alanda bulunmaktadır. Konya çarşısının mekânsal organizasyonunu belirleyen bedesten, hanlar ve çarşının gelişiminin üzerinde kurgulandığı uzun çarşı 19. yy. sonları ve 20. yy.da yapılan müdahaleler ve düzenlemeler sonucu yıkılmışlardır. Ancak Konya çarşısı 1950’li yıllara kadar Osmanlı dönemindeki fiziksel özelliklerini, sokak dokusu ölçeğinde ve mekân organizasyonu yapılanmasında sürdürmüştür. Özellikle 1980’li yıllardan sonra pazar alanları üzerlerine çok katlı çarşı yapılarının inşası ile esas değişim başlamıştır. Konya çarşısında döneme göre yeni ticaret işlevleri yer almış, mekânsal ve hizmet olarak dönüşüm yaşanmıştır. Çarşıda tek tek yapılan uygulamalar, doku siluetinde bozulmalara neden olmuş, yeni yapılaşmalar ile eski doku bütünleşmesi sağlanamamıştır. Ancak geleneksel Konya çarşısı günümüzde de fiziksel, sosyal ve kültürel özelliklerini kısmen devam ettirdiği gözlenmiştir.
Konya, located on important trade routes throughout history, has been an important trading city during Seljuk reign and continued to be so during the Ottoman reign as well. The bazaar was dispersed over a vast area in the city and trade spaces of classical Turkish pattern were observed. Traditional Konya Bazaar is located almost over the same lot during Seljuk and Ottoman reigns and the Turkish Republic period. The bedesten and hans which determined the spatial organisation of Konya Bazaar and the long market street over which the development of the marketplace was based have been demolished during the rearrangement process that took place in late 19th and 20th centuries. However, Konya Bazaar retained its physical pattern until 1950s in view of street texture and spatial organisation. Especially after the 1980s a radical change started with the construction of multi-story trade buildings over the marketplace. Konya Bazaar embodied novel trade functions necessitated by the period and underwent a transformation in view of space and services offered. The individual applications on the bazaar have resulted in a corruption in the texture silhouette and a merger of the old texture with the new structures was not attained. However, it has been observed that Konya Bazaar preserves its physical, social and cultural attributes even today, although partially.
Konya, located on important trade routes throughout history, has been an important trading city during Seljuk reign and continued to be so during the Ottoman reign as well. The bazaar was dispersed over a vast area in the city and trade spaces of classical Turkish pattern were observed. Traditional Konya Bazaar is located almost over the same lot during Seljuk and Ottoman reigns and the Turkish Republic period. The bedesten and hans which determined the spatial organisation of Konya Bazaar and the long market street over which the development of the marketplace was based have been demolished during the rearrangement process that took place in late 19th and 20th centuries. However, Konya Bazaar retained its physical pattern until 1950s in view of street texture and spatial organisation. Especially after the 1980s a radical change started with the construction of multi-story trade buildings over the marketplace. Konya Bazaar embodied novel trade functions necessitated by the period and underwent a transformation in view of space and services offered. The individual applications on the bazaar have resulted in a corruption in the texture silhouette and a merger of the old texture with the new structures was not attained. However, it has been observed that Konya Bazaar preserves its physical, social and cultural attributes even today, although partially.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Folklor, Konya çarşısı, Mekânsal yapı, Mekânsal analiz, Konya bazaar, spatial structure, spatial analysis
Milli Folklor Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Uysal, M., (2010). Tari̇hsel Süreçte Geleneksel Konya Çarşısı İçi̇n Bi̇r Mekânsal Anali̇z. Milli Folklor Dergisi, (86), 149-162.