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  • Öğe
    Evaluating the deterioration effects of building stones using NDT: the Kucukkoy Church, Cappadocia Region, central Turkey
    (SPRINGER HEIDELBERG, 2019) Hatır, M. Ergün.; Korkanç, Mustafa.; Başar, M. Emin.
    Many churches have been constructed during the last two millennia in the Cappadocia region of Central Anatolia. Among these buildings, the Kucukkoy Church, constructed in 1834, is distinguishable from other churches by its icons and distinctive roof. However, this monument is in a state of rapid deterioration due to its derelict status, local atmospheric conditions, and the geological characteristics of the stones used in the structure. It is therefore important to determine deterioration status and the amount of deterioration of each building stone to facilitate the sustainable preservation of this monument. In recent years, non-destructive tests (NDT) have been commonly used to evaluate the detrioration status of such historic buildings. In the study reported here, we conducted laboratory studies on stone samples and performed in situ NDT (P-wave velocity test, Schmidt hammer rebound [SHR] test, and surface moisture measurement test) to determine the deterioration status of building stones used in the Kucukkoy Church. The lithological characteristics of building stones are known to be the most important parameters in the deterioration process. We found that the deterioration effects were most advanced in those building stones which had properties similar to one type of andesite, as demonstrated by high voids and low P-wave velocity and SHR values. The benefits of NDT is that they are repeatable and that reliable results are obtained rapidly and economically.
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    Geleneksel Kastamonu Evlerinin inşasında kullanılan el ile üretilmiş harman tuğla İle fabrikasyon olarak üretilen tuğlanın fiziksel, mekanik ve yapısal karakterizasyon özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması
    (2018) Çağlar, Hakan; Çağlar, Arzu; Korkmaz, Serra Zerrin; Demirel, Bahar; Bayraktar, Oğuzhan Yavuz
    Bu çalışmada, Geleneksel Kastamonu Evleri’nde kullanılan geleneksel olarak elle üretilen mevcut harman tuğlaların fiziksel (özgül ağırlık, birim hacim ağırlık, kılcal su emme, porozite, donma-çözünme durabilite (dayanıklılık) ve aşınma), ısıl (katı cisimlerin ısı iletim katsayısı tayini) ve mekanik (basınç dayanımı ve yarmada çekme dayanımı) özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca harman tuğlaların yapısal karakterizasyonunun tespiti için SEM ve BET görüntüleri alınmıştır. Çalışmaya Kastamonu il merkezinde bulunan Geleneksel Kastamonu Evi’nden numune temini ile başlanılmıştır. Fiziksel ve mekanik deneyler önce mevcut numunelere, daha sonra fabrikasyon yöntemiyle üretilen numunelere uygulanmıştır. Deney işlemleri tamamlandıktan sonra, bulunan değerler karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen verilere göre mevcut numunenin özgül ağırlık, birim hacim ağırlık ve katı cisimlerde ısı iletim katsayısı tayini değerlerinin fabrikasyon numunesine göre daha üstün özellikte olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca kılcal su emme donma-çözünme etkisi, porozite, aşınma ve basınç dayanımı değerlerine bakıldığında, fabrikasyon yöntemiyle üretilen harman tuğlalarının daha üstün nitelikte olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.
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    Tarihi yapılarda zanaat-Mimari bütünlüğü ve çağdaş tasarımlarda sürdürülebilirliği üzerine bir değerlendirme
    (2018) Karakul, Özlem; Bakırer, Ömür
    Endüstrileşme süreci ve sonrasında 20. yüzyılda yeni yapı teknolojilerinin gelişimi, her alanda olduğu gibi mimaride de “standartlaşma” ve “tek tipleşme” tartışmalarını beraberinde getirmiştir. Mimaride standartlaşma, mimarinin bağlamla, kültürle, zanaat ve sanatla olan ilişkisini kopararak, herhangi bir yerde inşa edilebilecek, her türlü kullanıcıya hitap eden genel ve asgari düzeyde mimari özelliklere sahip bir yapılaşma anlayışı yaratmıştır.Somut olmayan kültürel mirasın bir parçası olan geleneksel zanaatların korunması, uygulayıcı ustaların yaptığı üretimlerin sürekliliği ve nesilden nesile aktarımın sağlanmasıyla mümkün olmaktadır. Geleneksel yapı üretiminin neredeyse tamamıyla son bulması, zanaatların yaşayabilirliğini ve yaşama alanlarını restorasyon süreçleriyle sınırlamıştır. Talebin azalması, uygulayıcı ustaların sayıca azalmasına yol açarak, zanaatin korunmasında, mimariyle kurduğu organik ilişkilerin yeniden kurulmasının zorunluluğunu da ortaya koymuştur. Bu bakımdan, zanaat mimari bütünlüğünün yeni yapı ve çağdaş tasarımlarda sürdürülebilirliğinin yollarını aramak, koruma süreci için yaşamsaldır. Bu çalışma, Cumhuriyet’in kuruluşundan sonra, Ankara’da bulunan I Ulusal Mimari Akımı üslubuyla inşa edilmiş, altı kamusal yapı örneğindeki zanaat üretimlerini inceleyerek, gelenekte var olan zanaat-mimari bütünlüğünün, çağdaş tasarımlar içinde sürdürülebilir yönlerine yönelik bir değerlendirme yapmayı amaçlamaktadır.
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    Determination of Customer Requirements for Thermal Accommodation Facility Designs
    (2018) Varolgüneş, Fatma Kürüm; Canan, Fatih
    In order to provide quality in service in thermal accommodation facilities, the design of the facilitiesmust be properly made. For this reason, the inclusion of customers' expectations and satisfaction inexisting facilities into the design of new facilities will increase the quality of building and service. Thesustainable development of tourism will be ensured through the transfer of knowledge andexperiences of different disciplines connected with tourism. With this consciousness, this architecture-based research was supported by a field study. Surveys were conducted with a focus group on thefacilities located in the Ihlara region, which is considered to be the gate of Cappadocia. Some of thequestions asked in the questionnaire studies were adapted from previous studies. With the field study,the thermal plant design parameters have been tried to be determined in line with the demands andexpectations of the customers. When the findings of the survey are examined, it is seen that thecustomers coming to the thermal accommodation facilities mostly come to health and stay in thefacilities for a long time. For this reason, customers prefer thermal accommodation facility designs tobe compatible with nature. Accommodation facilities with densely populated residential areas in theimmediate vicinity are not preferred. In addition, it is observed that customers prefer social facilitiessuch as natural nutrition, sports activities, social activities and shopping in the facility. After the healthcriterion, the “service” criterion was the most important item. Conspicuous expectations, such as“environmental awareness”, “use of natural resources”, “consideration of natural environment data”,“preparation of action plans”, have shown the sensitivity of energy conservation and productivity ofthermal accommodation facility users. "Physical appearance”, “originality” and “harmony with thenatural environment” have also become important topics. Extensive evaluations of findings aredescribed in detail in the third chapter. While the main areas that play a big role in the country'seconomies are opening to tourism, determining the conditions of the region and the physical,psychological and sociological expectations of the customers and taking the correct steps will be animportant step in sustainable development.
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    Evaluation of Sille settlement in the context of ecological tourizm
    (2017) Beycan, Arife Deniz Oktac
    Today, people have been seeking vacation in historical, cultural and natural environments besides coastal, sea and urban tourism, and they prefer different tourism activities. Tourism requests, focusing on traditional settlements with cultural and natural values, have caused the emergence of sustainable tourism approach. Ecological tourism, one of the sustainable tourism types, is used as sustainable development tool by protecting history, culture, and nature. Ecological tourism, which has minimal impact on the natural environment and has the least impact on ecological, and cultural heritage, contributes to the fields of tourism by protecting values, providing local economic benefits and eduction to the area where it is used. Sille, located on the outskirts of Konya province in Turkey, has natural, historical and cultural values regarding alternative tourism. In this context, the study focuses on the evaluation of Sille as a new ecological tourism destination. The study was completed using survey, interview, photography and literature review. In the first part of the study, ecological tourism was defined. In the second part, natural, cultural and architectural features of Sille were explained. In the third part, positive and negative sociocultural and architectural changes experienced recently in Sille were discussed. In conclusion, some suggestions were made within the context of ecological tourism for the development of Sille through tourism by preserving the values it already has and conveying these values to the future.
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    Son dönem Konya camilerinde biçimsel arayışın analizi
    (2017) Aydın, Dicle; Sıramkaya, Süheyla Büyükşahin
    Biçime dayalı olarak Mimar Sinan"ın 16 yy da en yüksek seviyeye ulaştırdığı tek ve yarım kubbeli kare planlı cami örnekleri 20. yy"da tekrar/benzer olarak ülkemizde inşa edilmeye devam etmiştir. Ancak bir döneme iz bırakmış muhteşem cami örneklerine öykünülerek tekrarlarının yapılmasına ve bu tutumun bir zorunluluk olarak algılanmasına mimarlık ortamında karşı çıkılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bu tarz uygulamalardan farklı olarak bir mimari arayışı olduğu düşünülen cami örnekleri Konya kent merkezi özelinde örneklenmiş, iyi-kötü/olumlu-olumsuz olarak değerlendirilmeden mekânsal ve biçimsel okumaları yapılmıştır. Cephe ve üst örtü niteliği açısından farklı olduğu düşünülen camilerin iç mekân bezemesi ve plan kurgusu yönünden klasik camilerden izler taşıdığı, farklı ve yalın yorumların biçimsel arayışlara rağmen az sayıda olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır
  • Öğe
    Kent geometrisine bağlı olarak kentsel ısı adası etkisinin belirlenmesi: Konya örneği
    (2017) Canan, Fatih
    Kentsel ısı adası etkisi, kentlerin yapısal yoğunluklarının artması sonucu gözlemlenen olumsuz bir mikroklimatik koşuldur. Çalışmada Konya kenti bağlamında seçilen 4 bölgede, kentsel dokuların geometrik oluşumuna bağlı olarak maksimum kentsel ısı adası etkileri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar dikkate alındığında, maksimum ısı adası etkisinin, gökyüzü açıklıkların düşük olduğu yoğun kentsel alanlarda yüksek değerlerde olabileceği belirlenmiştir. Gökyüzü açıklık değerleriyle ısı adası etkisi arasında ters orantı söz konusudur. Konya kenti için az yoğun yerleşim alanlarının (yüksek SVF değerleri) planlanması daha uygun bir yaklaşım olabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu durumda, yaz dönemlerinde kent ortamında gece oluşan ısı adası etkisinin azaltılmasının ve kışın da binaların az yoğun yapılaşmaya bağlı olarak güneşten pasif olarak yararlanabilmelerinin mümkün olabileceği belirtilmiştir. Son olarak ülkemiz koşullarında planlama ve tasarım aşamalarında yapılaşma yoğunlukları belirlenirken SVF parametresinin bir girdi olarak değerlendirilmesinin gerekliliğine vurgu yapılmıştır
  • Öğe
    Re-specification of concepts in the morphogenetic approach for property market research
    (2016) Eren, Fatih
    The Morphogenetic Approach (MA) was developed to explain social structural change processes by sociologist Margaret Archer in 1995. MA became a remarkable and much-debated approach shortly in social sciences because of its unique consideration about structure and agency dualism. Although MA has been discussed intensively in the science world, its appropriateness to real world situations has slightly been questioned by scholars and it has been applied very few to social fields other than education. Starting from this gap, this study aims to introduce MA to property researchers and turn it into a practical methodological tool which may easily be used to explain any social change process in urban and property studies. The study attempts to test the suitability of this methodological tool for property market studies as an alternative social field and seeks the answer of this basic question: "Can we explain the change process of a property market with the help of concepts and methodological framework in MA?". An indepth and comparative literature review method has been used in this methodology-focused research. The research reveals that despite some of its weaknesses, MA is a useful methodological tool which may be used in explaining the change process of a local property market. The study also makes some important theoretical contributions to the structure and agency dualism.
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    The Emergence of StudioApartments
    (2016) Ulusoy, Mine; Özkaynak, Merve
    The first studio-type residences that emerged in America have become widespread throughout the world in the coming years. The studio flourished as an American culture in Turkey, in order to meet the need for single-person living. During the 19th century, immigrants from America and other European countries, mostly from Great Britain and Ireland, have been migrated. The search for solutions to these housing problems has created studio-type apartments. Immigration has resulted in millions of people coming to the media in bad conditions and bringing legal solutions to the agenda. In this study; the sociocultural and architectural qualities of the concept of the studio apartment in America, which is frequently seen in recent years in Turkey, have also been examined.
  • Öğe
    The Increase of prestige gated communities in consumption culture and the reasons for their increasing
    (2015) Kuyrukçu, Emine Yıldız; Ulusoy, Mine; Kuyrukçu, Zafer
    Gated communities are the new forms of residential settlements, which emerged as a response to changing urban dynamics, becoming increasingly common across the world. Fenced or walled off from the surrounding and limiting the access of the nonresidents, gated communities are in an attempt to create an alternative way of living by eliminating the disadvantages of the ordinary city life and providing secure, well-managed, wellmaintained and peaceful environments. On the other hand, gated communities are open to ongoing discussions and controversies. Gating attitude is mostly criticized in many fields, especially causing corruptions on the social and physical cohesion of the cities. Turkey is also witnessing these conflicts by the growing number of private residential areas. The start of constructing gated communities for higher-income people in Konya after 1990 points out a significant transformation in terms of city planning, city management and urban class relations. These housing areas having controlledentrances are the settlement areas that are based on automobile ownership, separated from their environment using barriers such as walls-fences etc., and differentiating from urban life in terms of physical texture and socio-economy. The basic question to be answered is why people choose to live in these prestige islands. In the this study ,the formation period and formation factors of the gated communities were evaluated with the examples in Konya and the parameters providing user satisfaction in these houses were investigated. With the findings of survey, the models for gated communities in Konya such as Meram Yeni Yol Houses were taken into consideration as the sampling area. The user profile and common characteristics of these houses, the reasons for preferring these houses, the satisfactions of their users were analyzed by the help of polls and oral interviews. In the conclusion chapter, the findings of the poll study from which various results were also derived were evaluated. The reasons for preferring gated communities and user profile were defined, and some foresights and suggestions were made on the future of these houses.
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    Judging Primary School Classroom Spaces Via Artificial Neural Networks Model
    (2012) Arslan, H. Derya; Ceylan, Murat
    An experimental study was conducted with 2nd grade students at primary schools in Turkey as part of an attempt to describe the ideal classroom space for primary education students. In the study, photographs of 20 different primary education classrooms were evaluated by 189 students. The students evaluated the images by means of surveys in which they were asked questions on four concepts: belonging, like (partiality), learning and safety. Reliability analyses of numeric data obtained from student surveys were made and they were subjected to various statistical analyses. In the second part of the study, the students' preferences for the classroom spaces were evaluated by means of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) method, by using numeric data obtained from the student about concepts as well as the classroom space photos. Numeric data were treated and test procedures were performed to ensure that ANN makes decisions in the name of 2nd grade students. This is the first study in which numeric survey results and photographic characteristics have been used together. The ANN results were very similar to the students' evaluation of the ideal classroom space, particularly in terms of belonging and like (partiality) concepts.
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    Features of Interior Space Components in the Traditional Turkish House: Konya Houses
    (2019) Arat, Yavuz
    Bu çalışmanın amacı, geleneksel Konya Evi iç mekân kurgusunda önemli bir yer edinmiş olan sedirin, tespit ve analizlerine yöneliktir. Konya Evleri iç mekân sabit donatılarından sedire ait yükseklik ve genişlikler ile Türk insanına ait antropometrik veriler arasında bir ilişki kurulmuştur. Bu ilişki çevresinde insanının donatıyı kullanırken aldığı vücut şekilleri ve bu şekillere ait antropometrik veriler, sedir donatısıyla kıyaslanmıştır. Eylemlere yönelik duruş şekilleri ve bu duruş şekillerine ait antropometrik veriler yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilmiştir. Donatı analizleri, eyleme göre belirlenen duruş şekline ait antropometrik veriler ile yapılmıştır. Burada temel amaç, geleneksel Konya evlerinin sabit donatılarından sedire ait yükseklik ve genişliklerinin, Türk insanının antropometrik yapısını tespit için yapılan çalışmalardan elde edilen ortalama verilere göre analizinden ortaya çıkan sonuçları günümüz donatım çalışmalarında kullanma gayesidir.
  • Öğe
    Traditional Building Formations of Apiaries in the Antalya Province in Turkey
    (UNIV ZAGREB FAC ARCHITECTURE, 2012) Uysal, Mehmet; Arat, Yavuz
    Ovaj se rad bavi analizom pèelinjaka sa stajališta odnosa tradicijske gradnje i biomimikrije. Pèelinjaci, kao primjeri graditeljskih formacija tradicijske arhitekture za životinje, smješteni su u okolici okruga Elmali u provinciji Antaliji. Cilj je rada ispitati u kojoj mjeri prirodni elementi i pèelinji ekološki sustav utjeèu na formiranje pèelinjaka. Analize biomimikrijskih mjerenja (na razini organizma te na bihevioralnoj razini i na razini ekosustava) prema Maibritt Pedersen Zari (2007.), provedene u ovome radu, imaju za cilj pojasniti ovaj fenomen.
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    The Anatolian Seljuk City an Analysis on Early Turkish Urban Models in Anatolia
    (VERLAG OTTO HARRASSOWITZ, 2010) Özcan, Koray
    The Seljuk period has been significant in the urban history of Anatolia because it marked the inception of Turkish-Islamic colonization and urbanization processes in the region. With the establishment of the Anatolian Seljuk State in the early 12th century, Turks became actively involved in shaping the settlement patterns of Anatolia. The Anatolian Seljuk State was not merely a tribal confederation composed of Turcoman nomadic groups or subgroups originating from Central Asia and Iran; it also represented a synthesis of Christian-Byzantine social, cultural, and economic institutions with the social and cultural values derived from the sedentary or nomadic lifestyles of the Turks migrating from Central Asia and Iran to Anatolia.
  • Öğe
    Sustainability in the Architectural Design Studio: A Case Study of Designing On-Campus Academic Staff Housing in Konya and Izmir, Turkey
    (WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2010) Bala, Havva Alkan
    It is important to engender a 'sustainable' architectural consciousness in the students who will be the next generation architects. In architectural education, design decisions taken during the early phases of the design process play an important role in ensuring concern for the sustainability issue. But, in general, all discussions about the site that have been held since the beginning of the semester get forgotten, and at the end of the design process students usually create projects that ignore the site criteria. In this article, a specific teaching methodology which supports the sustainability issue in the design studio is presented as a teaching/learning experience. The article is an overview of the design studio process illustrated by a case study on academic staff campus housing in Konya and Izmir, Turkey. To solve the same problem with the same brief in different regions requires developing sensitivity to climate issues. The resulting product is good evidence that teaching about sustainability in the design studio is effective.
  • Öğe
    Students' Evaluations of Different Architectural Styles
    (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010) Erdoğan, Ebru; Akalın, Aysu; Yıldırım, Kemal; Erdoğan, H. Abdullah
    This paper indicates how the quantitative analysis of architectural representations can be used to identify both dissimilarities and commonalities in individuals' construes of architecture. Particularly, this paper has focused on the image of different architectural styles and their interpretation by architecture students at different stages of architectural education. As shown in the paper, first year architecture students as new learners perceived examples differently than senior last year architecture students as pre-architects. These interpretations were investigated using multiple sorting techniques, with respondents asked to sort 21 examples of different architecture styles according to their own criteria.
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    Rule-Based Mamdani-Type Fuzzy Modelling of Thermal Performance of Wall Types Most Used in Residential Buildings in Turkey
    (Int Scientific Conference SGEM, 2011) Tosun, M.; Dinçer, K.; Başkaya, Sinem
    Heat insulation applied on outer wall surfaces of buildings for the purpose of conserving energy, can be analyzed experimentally, mathematically and by using simulation modelling. In this study, simulation modelling of insulation layer (d2), for residential buildings in 81 cities classified into four climatic regions in Turkey was investigated. This stimulus model is constructed into rule-based Mamdani-type fuzzy modelling (RBMTF), using input parameters (U. T.) and output parameter d?, described by RBMTF if-then rules. RBMTF has been designed using the MATLAB 7.04 fuzzy logic toolbox. The d? was predicted using two input parameters: U and T. The values for U,, ranged from 0.4 to 0.7. The values for T, ranged from -43 °C to -3 °C. The values for da ranged from 0.07 to 0.21. Seven linguistic terms were considered for each of the input and output variables, namely Very Low (L1), Low (L2), Negative Medium (L3), Medium (L4), Positive Medium (1.5), High (L6), Very High (L7). R for the testing data were about 97.4%. Overall, RBMTF can be used as a reliable modelling method for thermal performance of multi-layer precast concrete panels used in residential buildings' studies.
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    Reuse of Monumental Buildings as a Sustainability Component
    (Czech Technical Univ Prague, 2010) Yaldız, Esra
    The concept of "sustainability" was developed in recent years in order to make decisions under the consideration of environment. The urban application of sustainability concept has the meaning for a city and its environment to continue their functions with public-wish life quality by not restraining the choices of the present and future generations and not causing any undesired effects in and out of the city. The sustainability in architecture is the belief of;t Economic use of resources (reduction, reuse and recycle), Life cycle (the ability of analysis of the sustainability period and its effects on the environment) and A human-integrated design (covers the strategies questioning the relations between humans and natural environment). In this context, when the monumental buildings are taken into consideration in terms of sustainability, the fact of "not giving any concession against the opportunities of meeting future generations' needs by using both today's needs and the opportunities provided by the past generations" comes into existence.
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    Reproduction of Turkish Traditional Wall-Painting Using Close Range Photogrammetry, a Case Study in Gaziantep
    (Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Korumaz, Mustafa; Korumaz, Armağan Güleç
    Wall-paintings are widespread used decorative elements in traditional Turkish architecture. They reflect cultural situation of the period they were made and enrich indoor space with their color, pattern and their history in paintings that is why they should be conserved. In restoration process of historical buildings, these indoor space elements should be provisionally documented and researched. As results of these researches structural condition of the paintings are made and according to these results intervention decisions are produced in decision making process. In this process, while some pictures are not being touched because of being in good condition, some pictures need to be restored. As result of deformation on the walls and pictures, some pictures need to be reproduced. In this study, photogrammetric researches and documentation of some wall-paintings of Gaziantep will be made with photometric techniques. Besides, scope of this study to get documentation with their original color and pattern by using laser scanner and to get orhophoto of these wall-paintings. The importance of orthophotos will be mentioned for reproducing the wall-painting on its original place or restoring them. In this study, importance of using photogrammetric methods in documentation of wall-painting as an architectural documentation will be highlighted.
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    Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Nonductile Infilled RC Frames Strengthened With External Mesh Reinforcement and Plaster Composite
    (Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2010) Korkmaz, S. Z.; Kamanlı, Mehmet; Korkmaz, H. H.; Döndüren, Mahmud Sami; Çöğürcü, Mustafa Tolga
    The aim of this paper is to report on an experimental study about Turkish Earthquake Code on suggested strengthening method. The proposed method uses existing brick infill walls and the strengthening is done with the application of external mesh reinforcement and plaster. 5 nonductile 1/2 scaled, one bay, two storey RC specimens were tested under a reversed cyclic loading. The first two specimens were reference specimens and the other ones were strengthened with the proposed method. The specimens contained several design and construction mistakes such as low concrete quality and improper steel detailing. Strength, stiffness and storey drifts of the test specimens were measured. The results of the test on these frames were compared with the reference specimens. The effects of the reinforced mesh plaster application for strengthening on behaviour, strength, stiffness, failure mode and ductility of the specimens were investigated. Unexpected failure modes were observed during the testing and the results were summarized in this paper.