Neo-kemalist bir hareket: Cumhuriyet Mitingleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
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Bu çalışmada 2007 yılında Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçim sürecinde ortaya çıkan tartışmalar ve bunun sonucunda artan politik antagonizmanın bir yansıması olan Cumhuriyet mitinglerinin Kemalizm ile kurduğu ilişki incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda, öncelikle Kemalizme içkin ve ilişkin unsurlar ele alınmış, ardından bu unsurların Cumhuriyet mitinglerindeki tezahürü irdelenmiştir. Böylece Cum-huriyet mitinglerinin Kemalist söylemle hangi noktalarda ortaklıklar kurduğu ve Kemalist ideolo-jiden ne kadar beslendiği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla 2007 yılının Nisan ve Mayıs ayla-rında gerçekleşen Tandoğan, Çağlayan ve Gündoğdu mitinglerindeki kürsü konuşmaları ile slo-gan, pankart ve dövizler inceleme malzemesi olarak kullanılmıştır. Bu yolla bir “neo-Kemalist” hareket olarak benimsenen Cumhuriyet mitinglerinin Kemalizmin hegemonya mücadelesinin bir neferi olup olmadığı tartışılmıştır
In this study the relation between Kemalism and Republic demonstrations, which is a reflection of political antagonism that increased as a result of the discussions raised during the election pro-cess of Presidency of Republic in 2007, is analyzed. In this direction, firstly the components that are immanent and related to Kemalism are considered, and afterwards the appearing of these components is discussed. Thus, it is tried to clarify at what points Republic demonstrations corpo-rate with Kemalist discourse and to what extend are fostered by Kemalist ideology. For this pur-pose, the speeches made and the slogans, placards, and posters appeared in Tandoğan, Çağlayan, and Gündoğdu demonstrations, which occurred in April and May in 2007, are used as research materials. By this way, it is argued that, whether these Republic demonstrations, accepted as a “Neo-Kemalist” movement, are guards of Kemalism or not in the hegemonic controversy
In this study the relation between Kemalism and Republic demonstrations, which is a reflection of political antagonism that increased as a result of the discussions raised during the election pro-cess of Presidency of Republic in 2007, is analyzed. In this direction, firstly the components that are immanent and related to Kemalism are considered, and afterwards the appearing of these components is discussed. Thus, it is tried to clarify at what points Republic demonstrations corpo-rate with Kemalist discourse and to what extend are fostered by Kemalist ideology. For this pur-pose, the speeches made and the slogans, placards, and posters appeared in Tandoğan, Çağlayan, and Gündoğdu demonstrations, which occurred in April and May in 2007, are used as research materials. By this way, it is argued that, whether these Republic demonstrations, accepted as a “Neo-Kemalist” movement, are guards of Kemalism or not in the hegemonic controversy
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kemalizm, Neo-Kemalizm, Cumhuriyet Mitingleri, Republic Demonstrations
Selçuk İletişim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Kabakcı, G. Z. (2011). Neo-kemalist bir hareket: Cumhuriyet Mitingleri. Selçuk İletişim, 7, (1), 96-112.