Türkiye Selçuklu tarihine damgasını vuran menfur bir cinayet: Sultan I. Alâeddîn Keykubâd’ın zehirlenmesi
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
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Türkiye Selçuklu tarihinin en parlak devrinin yaratıcısı olan Sultan I. Alâeddîn Keykubâd (1220-1237), iç ve dış siyasette önemli kararlar alıp, bunları uygulamaya koymaya hazırlandığı bir sırada hayatına menfur bir cinayetle son verilmiştir. Ne yazık ki bu cinayet, onun en yakın maiyeti tarafından planlanmış ve işlenmiştir. Böyle cinayetler Türk tarihinin çeşitli dönemlerinde zaman zaman görülmüştür. Fakat bu cinayet, diğerlerinden faillerin kimliği, sebepleri ve özelliği bakımından çok farklıdır. Özellikle Sultanın henüz çocuk yaşta olan oğlu Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev’in bu cinayete karıştırılmış olması, son derece ibret verici bir durumdur. Daha da kötüsü, ortada açık bir cinayet olmasına rağmen, bu olayla ilgili hiç kimse suçlanmamış, hiçbir soruşturma da açılmamıştır. Bu cinayet, âdeta normal ve beklenen bir ölümmüş gibi karşılanmış ve kabul edilmiştir. Bu menfur olayın bir diğer özelliği de, suikastçıların sırlarını sıkı bir şekilde saklanmış olmalarıdır. Aynı anlayış devrin kaynak yazarlarına da hâkim olmuştur. Bu hususta onlar da yalan söylemek yerine suskun kalmayı tercih etmişlerdir. Bu yüzden Sultan I. Alâeddîn Keykubâd’ın zehirlenmesi olayının araştırılması ve aydınlatılması, son derece güçlük arz etmektedir. Biz bu kısa yazımızda, bu menfur cinayetle ilgili uzak ve yakın bütün olayları ve bu olaylarda rol oynayan kişilerin karakterlerini analiz ederek, bazı tahmin ve tespitlerde bulunmaya çalıştık.
During the time when the creator of the most brilliant period of Anatolian Seljuk history, Sultan ‘Al? al-D?n Kayqub?d I (1220-1237), was preparing to apply his decisions he had made at home and foreign politics, his life ended with an obnoxious murder. Regrettably, this murder was planned and conducted by his closest retinue. Such murders have been observed in Turkish history in some periods from time to time, but this murder is very different from others in means of the identities of perpetrators, its reasons and its attributes. Especially the involvement of the son of sultan, Ghiy?th al-D?n Kaykhusrav, who was still a child, into this murder is utterly an exemplary occasion. Worse was, even though there was a clear murder, no one was accused of involving in this incident and no investigations were opened. This murder was received as if it was a normal and expected death and it was accepted as so. Another attribute of this obnoxious murder is that the assassins concealed their secrets in a firm way. The same concept also dominated the source writers of the period. Regarding this case, they have preferred to stay silent instead of lying. Because of this, the research and clarification of Sultan ‘Al? al-D?n Kayqub?d I’s murder poses extreme difficulties. In this short article of ours, we tried to make some estimates and evaluations by analyzing all the incidents related both far and close with this obnoxious murder, and the characters of people that acted in these incidents.
During the time when the creator of the most brilliant period of Anatolian Seljuk history, Sultan ‘Al? al-D?n Kayqub?d I (1220-1237), was preparing to apply his decisions he had made at home and foreign politics, his life ended with an obnoxious murder. Regrettably, this murder was planned and conducted by his closest retinue. Such murders have been observed in Turkish history in some periods from time to time, but this murder is very different from others in means of the identities of perpetrators, its reasons and its attributes. Especially the involvement of the son of sultan, Ghiy?th al-D?n Kaykhusrav, who was still a child, into this murder is utterly an exemplary occasion. Worse was, even though there was a clear murder, no one was accused of involving in this incident and no investigations were opened. This murder was received as if it was a normal and expected death and it was accepted as so. Another attribute of this obnoxious murder is that the assassins concealed their secrets in a firm way. The same concept also dominated the source writers of the period. Regarding this case, they have preferred to stay silent instead of lying. Because of this, the research and clarification of Sultan ‘Al? al-D?n Kayqub?d I’s murder poses extreme difficulties. In this short article of ours, we tried to make some estimates and evaluations by analyzing all the incidents related both far and close with this obnoxious murder, and the characters of people that acted in these incidents.
Url: http://sutad.selcuk.edu.tr/sutad/article/view/487
Anahtar Kelimeler
I. Alâeddîn Keykubâd, Melik Gıyâseddîn Keyhüsrev, İzzeddîn Kılıç Arslan, Devlet adamları, Komutanlar, Dignitaries, Commanders
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Koca, S. (2010). Türkiye Selçuklu tarihine damgasını vuran menfur bir cinayet: Sultan I. Alâeddîn Keykubâd’ın zehirlenmesi. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (27), 347-369.