Yeme tek başına ve bazı adsorbanlarla (Polivinilpolipirolidon, bentonit) birlikte katılan aflatoksinin broyler civvivlerde bazı verim değerleri üzerine etkisi
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Bu çalışma ile, tavukçuluk sektörünün önemli bir sorunu olan aflatoksikozis, et-tipi civcivlerde deneysel olarak oluşturularak verim kayıplarının belirlenmesi ve adsorbanların (polivinilpolipirolidon; PVPP ve bentonit; BNT) af-latoksikozise karşı koruyucu etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Hayvan materyali olarak toplam 147 adet aşısız günlük et-tipi civciv (Avian) kullanıldı. Herbirisinde 21 adet civciv olmak üzere 7 grup (Kontrol, AF, PVPP, AFPVPP, PVPPBNT, AFPVPPBNT ve AFBNT) oluşturuldu. Gruplarda 1 kg yeme 2.5 mg AF (karışık aflatoksin; %83.1 B1( %13.0 B2, %2.8 G1 ve%1.1 G2), 3 g PVPP ve 5 g BNT katıldı. Civcivlere 21 gün süreyle ad libitum yem ve temiz su verildi. Gruplarda, yem tüketimleri ve canlı ağırlıklar haftalık tartımlarla belirlendi. Ölen hayvanlar günlük olarak kaydedildi. Üç haftalık besleme süresi bitiminde grupların yem tüketimleri (g/gün) sırasıyla 23.1, 17.2, 32.0, 18.6, 23.4, 24.7 ve 23.4; ortalama canlı ağırlıklar (g) ise aynı sırayla, 234.0, 183.1, 251.6, 162.3, 203.5, 169.7 ve 177.0 olarak belirlendi. Bu verilere göre; AF grubunda kontrole göre yem tüketimi ve canlı ağırlık kazancında önemli oranda azalma (p0.05) kaydedildi. Yeme katılan PVPP ve BNT'in aflatoksinin verim değerleri üzerindeki olumsuz etkisini önleyemediği (p0.05) tesbit edildi.
This study was conducted to determine the effects ot aflatoxin on some the performance parameters of broiler chicks and also to evaluate the preventive efficacy ot various adsorbents {polyviniylpolypyrrolidone; PVPP and bentonite; BNT), given as teed additives, on experimentally induced atlatoxicosis. A total of 147 day-old unvaccinated broiler chicks [Avian) were divided into seven groups (control, AF, PVPP, AFPVPP, PVPPBNT, AFPVPPBNT, and AFBNT) each consist of 21 chickens. 2.5 mg of AF (total aflatoxin; 83.1% Bt, 13.0% B2, 2.8% G1 and 1.1% G2), 3 g of PVPP, and 5 g of BNT were incorporated into per kg of feed. Feed and water were provided ad libitum from 1 to 21 days. Feed consumption, body weight were determined every 7 days. Died animals were recorded daily. Feed consumption (g/day) was 23.1, 17.2, 32.0, 18.6, 24.7, 24.4, and 23.4; final body weights were (g) 234.0, 183.1, 251.6, 162.3, 203.5, 169.7, and 177.0 respectively. These results suggested that, AF caused significant (p<0.05) reduction in feed consumption and body weight gain. Addition of PVPP and BNT on the diet containing AF has no significant improvement on performance parameters (p>0.05) in chicks.
This study was conducted to determine the effects ot aflatoxin on some the performance parameters of broiler chicks and also to evaluate the preventive efficacy ot various adsorbents {polyviniylpolypyrrolidone; PVPP and bentonite; BNT), given as teed additives, on experimentally induced atlatoxicosis. A total of 147 day-old unvaccinated broiler chicks [Avian) were divided into seven groups (control, AF, PVPP, AFPVPP, PVPPBNT, AFPVPPBNT, and AFBNT) each consist of 21 chickens. 2.5 mg of AF (total aflatoxin; 83.1% Bt, 13.0% B2, 2.8% G1 and 1.1% G2), 3 g of PVPP, and 5 g of BNT were incorporated into per kg of feed. Feed and water were provided ad libitum from 1 to 21 days. Feed consumption, body weight were determined every 7 days. Died animals were recorded daily. Feed consumption (g/day) was 23.1, 17.2, 32.0, 18.6, 24.7, 24.4, and 23.4; final body weights were (g) 234.0, 183.1, 251.6, 162.3, 203.5, 169.7, and 177.0 respectively. These results suggested that, AF caused significant (p<0.05) reduction in feed consumption and body weight gain. Addition of PVPP and BNT on the diet containing AF has no significant improvement on performance parameters (p>0.05) in chicks.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi . Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Oğuz, H., Demet, Ö. (1997). Yeme Tek Başına ve Bazı Adsorbanlarla (Polivinilpolipirolidon, Bentonit) Birlikte Katılan Aflatoksinin Broyler Civvivlerde Bazı Verim Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi . Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 13(1), 61-68.