Karaparanın Aklanması Suçu
2004 Aralık
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Türkiye'de, özellikle son yıllarda, üzerinde en çok konuşulan ve
gündemi meşgul eden konulardan biri karapara aklamadır. Karapara aklama;
dünya ekonomisinin globalleşmesiyle beraber sadece ülkemizi değil, tüm dünya
ülkelerini tehdit eden ciddi bir sorun haline gelmiştir. Karapara aklamanın
önlenmesi çerçevesinde yapılan yasal düzenlemelerin özünde yatan düşünce,
organize suçlulukla mücadeledir. Karapara aklamanın önlenmesine yönelik
olarak ilk izlenen yöntem, karapara aklama fiilinin yasalarda suç olarak
tanımlanmasıdır. Fakat aklama sürecinde, genellikle finansal sistem
kullanılmak suretiyle karaparaya yasal bir görünüm kazandırılmaya çalışıldığı
için suçun ortaya çıkarılması son derece güçtür. Bu nedenle finansal sistem
içinde, karapara aklamayı önlemeye yönelik olarak düzenleyici ve denetleyici
tedbirlerin alınması zorunludur. Diğer taraftan karapara aklama fiili sınıraşan
bir yapıya sahiptir. Karapara aklayıcılar, genellikle finansal sistem üzerinde
denetimin zayıf olduğu, karapara mevzuatının olmadığı yahut esnek olduğu
ülkeleri tercih etmektedirler. Bu nedenle karapara aklama ile mücadelede
uluslararası işbirliği önem taşımaktadır.
In Turkey, especially in recent years, the most talked about and One of the issues that occupy the agenda is money laundering. money laundering; With the globalization of the world economy, not only our country but also the whole world has become a serious problem threatening their country. money laundering The idea that lies at the core of the legal regulations made within the framework of the prevention of the fight against organized crime. for the prevention of money laundering Firstly, the method followed is the act of money laundering as a crime in the law. is the definition. But in the laundering process, often the financial system It is tried to give a legal appearance to black money by using It is extremely difficult to detect the crime. Therefore, the financial system regulatory and supervisory measures to prevent money laundering measures must be taken. On the other hand, the act of money laundering has a structure. Money launderers often have an impact on the financial system. supervision is weak, there is no black money legislation or it is flexible prefer countries. Therefore, in the fight against money laundering International cooperation is important.
In Turkey, especially in recent years, the most talked about and One of the issues that occupy the agenda is money laundering. money laundering; With the globalization of the world economy, not only our country but also the whole world has become a serious problem threatening their country. money laundering The idea that lies at the core of the legal regulations made within the framework of the prevention of the fight against organized crime. for the prevention of money laundering Firstly, the method followed is the act of money laundering as a crime in the law. is the definition. But in the laundering process, often the financial system It is tried to give a legal appearance to black money by using It is extremely difficult to detect the crime. Therefore, the financial system regulatory and supervisory measures to prevent money laundering measures must be taken. On the other hand, the act of money laundering has a structure. Money launderers often have an impact on the financial system. supervision is weak, there is no black money legislation or it is flexible prefer countries. Therefore, in the fight against money laundering International cooperation is important.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mücadele, Struggle
Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Coşkun, N., (2004). Karaparanın Aklanması Suçu. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3-4), 229-261.