Gandhi'nin ifadesiyle ahimsâ
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ruhani ve Siyasi bir önder olarak Hint yanmadasının en çok saygı gören kahramanı Gandhi'nin, Hindistan özgürlüğüne adanacak olan mücadelesi ve bu mücadelede şiddet dışı yöntemler kullanmaktaki ısrannın temelinde Ahlmsa yatar. Cafnlzmin ana prensiplerinden biri olan Ahimsa karşılık vermeden acı çekmek ue vurana vurmamak için güçlü olmayı gerektiren bir uygulamadır. Gandhl, insan varlığının temel kanunu ve yaşamdaki tek gerçek güç kabul ettiği Ahlmsayı "Hakikat"i ararken k€§/ettiğinl söylemiştir.
Gandhi; the most respeded hero of India Peninsula, (as a spiritual and political /eader) always inslsted on uslng not uiolent methods Jor Jndia's freedom. He inslstency mostly depends on Ahimsa befief. According to Ahimsa beleif, whlch Is on of the main prindples of Cainizm, belng powerful is necces.sary in order to not to hlt the person who hlts you and also to be sony not without making some one unhappy. Gandhl has explalned that he had found "Mlmsa" whi/e he was looking for the "Truth" which he accepted as the basic prlnclple of be/ng a human being and the unique real power of life.
Gandhi; the most respeded hero of India Peninsula, (as a spiritual and political /eader) always inslsted on uslng not uiolent methods Jor Jndia's freedom. He inslstency mostly depends on Ahimsa befief. According to Ahimsa beleif, whlch Is on of the main prindples of Cainizm, belng powerful is necces.sary in order to not to hlt the person who hlts you and also to be sony not without making some one unhappy. Gandhl has explalned that he had found "Mlmsa" whi/e he was looking for the "Truth" which he accepted as the basic prlnclple of be/ng a human being and the unique real power of life.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ahimsa, Gandhi, Bağımsızlık hareketi, Independence movement
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Edebiyat Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özenç, N. (2006). Gandhi'nin ifadesiyle ahimsâ. Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Edebiyat Dergisi, (15), 167-172.