Structure and problems of dairy farms in the case of Konya province

Küçük Resim



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Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü

Erişim Hakkı



The primary purpose of this research was to determine problems encountered by dairy farms in Konya province and to develop solutions for these problems. The data used in the research was obtained through questionnaire technique from 125 dairy cattle enterprises which were determined with stratified random sampling method on a voluntary basis. The main subjects covered by this study included socio-economic characteristics of farmers, management practices, recent changes in the number of dairy animal sand their reasons, factors to be considered in milking, keeping farm records, and problems encountered in dairy farming. In the region the most critical problems encountered in dairy farming can be listed as the high forage prices and absence of milk in cold chain. In order to develop dairy farming enterprise owners are required to produce forage crops on their own, integrate produced milk into the cold chain and lower forage prices to reasonable costs. Furthermore by providing trainings to the enterprises from specialists (veterinaries, zoo-technicians, agriculture economists, agronomists) assigned from private or public sector, relevant seminars should be provided on animal husbandry, animal care, feeding, fight against diseases, milking and hygiene, record-keeping in enterprises, animal insurance, procurement of input under favorable conditions and marketing ideas.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Dairy farming, Mandıracılık, Konya


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Oğuz, C., Yener, A. (2016). Structure and problems of dairy farms in the case of Konya province. Journal of Selçuk University Natural and Applied Science, 5 (3), 1-14.