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  • Öğe
    Using Geographical Information Systems in Determination of Production Areas of Ornamental Plants Konya, Turkey
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019) Karakayacı, Zuhal; Polat, Ahmet Tuğrul; Çelik, Yusuf; Eşitken, Ahmet
    The increase of dependency of people in nature, due to the gradual increase of population at cities and the effect of life conditions, causes an increase in demand for green areas and ornamental plants. This increase of demand had provided an economic sector dimension to cultivation of ornamental plants. This study had been realized in order to determine suitable areas for cultivation of ornamental plants in the province of Konya which is a significant agriculture potential of Turkey and which has an ecology suitable for cultivation of many agricultural products. In the determination of these suitable areas, Geographical Information Systems having many functions such as location determination, data storage, data analysis and spatial analysis had been used. Climate, topography and soil features required for cultivation of ornamental plants had been obtained in map environment for the research area, and the analyses required for determination of suitable areas had been made in ArcGIS module. As the result of the analyses, it had been determined that the south-east and south-west areas of the province of Konya were suitable or conditionally suitable areas for cultivation of ornamental plants. These areas will be assessed considering their proximity to market and the socio-economic features of the current producer potential, and establishment of ornamental plants cultivation facilities at the most suitable area will provide significant contributions for the province of Konya in economic, social and environmental aspects.
  • Öğe
    An Economic Analysis of Plums Production: The Case of Gradacac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Vukojevic, Sumedina Spahic; Direk, Mithat
    The production of plums has an important economic significance in BiH. By this product, Bosna Hersek is recognizable for a long time, since significant quantities of fresh and dried plum, besides for supply of domestic market, have been exported to the European and Global market. Municipality of Gradacac has a significant role in all of this, because takes the first place in the production of plums in BiH. This study investigates the economics of production of Plums in Gradacac. For this purpose, primary data were collected from plums farmers using a (multistage random sampling technique / stratified randomly sampling technique/simple random sampling technique). Date were analysed using economic analysis and descriptive statistical techniques. Results show that, the capital structure of the enterprises surveyed in the research area was classified according to their functions and the average active capital of the enterprises was calculated as 284.125,49 KM (Average 1$=1,67 KM in 2017). 91,76% of this is the farm capital and 8,44% is the fixed enterprise capital. The average of gross production value realized at the surveyed farms is 17366,41 KM, of which the value of the cattle production belongs to 19,75 %, while the plum’s production value is 80,25 %.
  • Öğe
    A Research of Affecting Factors on R&D Management in Food Industry
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Özaydın, Gürhan; Çelik, Yusuf
    The purpose of this study was to analyze the R&D approaches of business managers and the factors that affect R&D activities in the central districts of the province of Konya in Turkey. The main data of the study were collected by questionnaires that were applied with managers of 67 businesses in the food industry who were determined by the method of quota sampling. Ac-cording to the results, the effects of the educational status of the business owner, the personnel structure of the business, the date when the business was established, having a plan for R&D activities for the next 5 years, whether or not they had knowledge on the institutions that provide support for R&D projects and the level of collaboration with universities on the R&D activities of businesses were significantly effective on the level of 5%. The variables that were related to the R&D perceptions of the business managers were determined by factor analysis, and it was found that there were 5 factors regarding the R&D perceptions of the managers. Regression analysis was used to determine whether or not the factors related to R&D perceptions were effective on conducting R&D activities. As a result of the regression analysis, it was determined that R&D had contribution in the operations of the business (Factor I), and the two factors related to universi-tyindustry collaboration (Factor V) had significant effects on businesses’ R&D activities on the level of 5%.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Agro-Industries According To Management Functions: Case of Konya Province
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Özaydın, Gürhan; Direk, Mithat
    The study is to investigate the current situation in agricultural industry enterprises according to business functions. The data used in the research were made voluntarily through face-to-face interviews. The sample volume of the study was determined as 199 according to the quota (stratified purposive sampling) sampling method in the agro-industries of Konya, using TOBB data. According to the research results, it has been determined that the management functions in agro-industries are mostly carried out by business owners, business managers are generally male individuals, and their education level is generally at the undergraduate level. In agro-industries, raw materials are mostly (43.22%) brought from the province of Istanbul. It has been determined that the majority of agroindustries operate in national and international (71 enterprises) markets. The majority of the exports (15.08%) in the analyzed agro-industries are allocated to Iraq. It is stated that the average annual turnover of agro-industries is approximately 61 million TL. In agro-industries, income is one of the important factors used in determining the level of enterprises. When we look at the sector, it can be said that the existing industry consists of workshop-type family businesses rather than institutionalized companies and they have just started to institutionalize.
  • Öğe
    The Elemental Compositionin Aboveground and Underground Organs of Some Agropyron Species Grown in Different Salt Concentrations
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Koyun, Nur Koç; Acar, Ramazan; Direk, Mithat
    Salinity, which is more common in semi-arid and arid areas, is increasing every day with climate change, poor quality irrigation water, and soil structure. High salt concentration restricts plant production and causes productivity loss in agriculture. To sustain agriculture in saline soils, the determination of plant species resistant to salinity comes into prominence in areas with salinity problems. For this reason, the research was performed to determine the nutrients (Ca, Mg, P, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn) accumulating at aboveground and underground parts of the three different Agropyron species, namely Agropyron cristatum, A.desertorum and A. elongatum (Syn. Elymus elongatus) under different salt concentrations (control, 5, 10 and 15 EC dS m-1NaCl). A. cristatum, A.desertorum, and A. elongatumspecies, which are quality forage crops grown in drought and salinity conditions, were determined to Ca content 1.03%, 1.01%, and 1.49% respectively, and Mg content. 0.13%, 0.11% and 0.20% respectively. As salt concentrations increased, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in the aboveground organ has increased compared to the control treatment but decreased in the underground organs. Ca and Mg content of the aboveground organs of A. elongatum grown at 10 EC dS m-1NaCl increased by 204% and 98%, respectively, compared to the control. Fe content of the wheatgrassspecies in saline conditions was found quite high, and an average of 788 mg kg-1 of Fe was found in underground organswhile this value was as 430mg kg-1 in aboveground organs. The results showed that A. elongatum had more nutrient elements in both underground and aboveground parts of the crop by comparison to the other two Agropyron speciesunder increased salinity levels.
  • Öğe
    Evaluation of Turkey's Agricultural Support Policies in Terms of World Trends
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Abdullahi, Abdirizak Ali; Arısoy, Hasan
    The agricultural sector seems to be overshadowed by the services sector in the globalizing world, but it still maintains its importance. Because agricultural products will continue to meet the basic needs of countries in the future as they do today. The most important problem faced by the sector, which is so important, is that it is overly affected by climatic conditions and the low income of the farmers operating in this field. Because of these features, agriculture has been a sector supported by various tools. The aim of this study is to reveal the evaluation of Turkey's agricultural support policies in terms of world trends implemented the world and to make necessary inferences by evaluating Turkey's agricultural support policies in terms of world trends in this context. For this purpose, agricultural support policy trends of the EU and USA were examined in this study. The main material of this study consisted of previous studies on the subject and material obtained from the web pages of the relevant institutes. The study was carried out as a compilation of studies containing analyzes and thoughts about the current situation and future of agricultural support policy trends in line with the determined purpose. Of the observed countries, only the United States has a positive CSE, that meaning its consumers are not taxed. On the other hand, Turkey recorded the highest negative CSE values in the observed period, which means that Turkish consumers are taxed the most.
  • Öğe
    Yapısal Kırılma Varlığında Türkiye ve Dünya Buğday Fiyatlarının Nedensellik Analizi
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2008) Uysal, Doğan; Kan, Arzu; Şaylan, Şerife
    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye ve dünya buğday fiyatlarındaki 1996:06-2007:10 dönemine ait nedensellik ilişkisi araştırılmıştır. Zaman serilerinde geleneksel birim kök testinin (Augmented Dickey Fuller) yanı sıra, yapısal kırılmanın varlığının tespiti için, Tekrarlı Tahmin Yöntemi ve Philips Perron birim kök testi kullanılmış ve Türkiye ve Dünya buğday fiyatları arasında Granger nedensellik analizi yapılmıştır. Philips Perron ve ADF testi sonuçları benzer şekilde verilerin fark durağan olduğunu göstermiştir. Standart Granger nedensellik testi sonuçlarına göre %90 güven sınırında dünya buğday fiyatlarının, Türkiye buğday fiyatlarının oluşumunda etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Ancak bu durum, daha yüksek güven düzeylerinde Türkiye'de buğday fiyatlarının oluşumunu dış şartlardan daha çok içsel ekonomik, siyasi ve buğday arz durumu gibi faktörlere bağlı olduğunu göstermektedir.
  • Öğe
    Socio-economic analysis of dairy cattle enterprises in urban sprawl
    Dairy cattle are an activity that provides sustainability in the livestock sector and consequently in the agricultural sector. Therefore, socioeconomic structures of dairy cattle farms are important. On the other hand, the location of an enterprise is very important both in terms of proximity to raw materials and marketing opportunities, and urban sprawl have high potential in this respect. In this study, the socioeconomic structures of 91 dairy cattle farms in the province of Konya are investigated. Since milk is a perishable product, the marketing process must be carried out in a healthy way and the importance of urban sprawl has been determined in the study. The most important feature of enterprises in urban sprawl is that their capital structures are different. As these areas are in the process of urbanization, land and building capital is perceived as non-agricultural investment. This situation has a negative effect on the rantability of agricultural enterprises and the unit cost of milk. In the calculation of unit cost of milk the amortization, interest of capital and repair and maintenance costs of the building capital are considered as fixed costs and the average unit cost of milk is $0.33/kg. The cost of milk is determined as $0.29/kg when the building capital is subtracted from the cost calculations by considering the structural characteristics of urban sprawl. This difference in unit cost of milk is interpreted as the location rent of the dairy enterprises in the urban sprawl. In addition, transportation costs are low due to being close to the market. And it is also because of location rent. In this case, the management of dairy in the urban sprawl is evaluated economically and it is recommended to plan the organized livestock regions in the regions close to the cities.
  • Öğe
    Unit milk cost and profitability of dairy cattle farms supported and non-supported by IPARD program: a case study of Konya, Turkey
    The animal production value is 59% of total plant and animal production value in Turkey while the 35% of this production is the value obtained from animal products. The most important of these animal products is milk with 22 million tons of production. With the Preaccession Assistance-Rural Development (IPARD) program supports implemented within the scope of EU compliance process, it was aimed to establish highly competitive dairy farms. The aim of this study was to compare the milk production cost and the profitability of dairy farms, supported and non-supported by the IPARD program in Konya which has an important place in milk production in Turkey. In the milk production cost and profitability calculations of the farms, according to the purpose of the study, the farms were not evaluated as a whole, they evaluated only by taking into account the dairy cattle production activity. The primary data of the study were obtained from dairy farms supported and non-supported by the IPARD program by using a questionnaire filled during the face-to-face interviews. Full count method was used to determine the 50 dairy farms supported by IPARD Program (SDF) while Neyman allocation sampling method was used to determine the 100 dairy farms non-supported by IPARD program (NSDF). As a result of the study; considering the average values of the NSDF, gross profit per LAU was $719.97, net profit per LAU was $18.64, unit milk cost was $0.37 per kg and milk sales price was $0.38 per kg while these values were $1,398.58, $566.27, $0.33 per kg and $0.40 per kg respectively for SDF. SDF had lower unit milk costs and higher profits than NSDF had. NSDF has failed in their dairy cattle production activities and they have been maintaining their sustainability as a result of their plant production activities.
  • Öğe
    The use of energy in milk production; a case study from Konya province of Turkey
    (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2019) Oğuz, Cennet.; Yener (Ogur), Aysun.
    The aim of this study is to examine the energy efficiencies of dairy products produced in dairy enterprises in Konya region and to provide suggestions to increase energy efficiency. For this purpose, 125 dairy enterprises have been selected as samples by using stratified random sampling method to identify the enterprises to be examined. As a result, 8.05% of total energy input per cow was direct energy and 91.95% was indirect energy. 89.66% of total energy output is from milk production, 4.65% is from productive stock value (PSV) and 5.69% is cow manure. The energy use efficiency in the research area was found to be 1.07. Energy productivity in milk production has been calculated as 0.13 (kgMJ(-1)) when milk production per unit animal was taken into consideration. The specific energy value per dairy cow has been calculated as 7.42 MJ/kg. A non-parametric production function of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) has been applied to optimize energy use in dairy enterprises. The average technical efficiency (TE) in the research area has been calculated as 0.921. In this sense, the amount of input needs to be reduced by 7.9% in order to achieve the same level of production. (C) 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Öğe
    Sub-Sector analysis of fruit tree nursery in Turkey
    (SPRINGER, 2019) Karamürsel, Dilek; Öztürk, Fatma Pınar; Kaçal, Emel; Bayav, Alamettin; Emre, Meltem; Oğuz, Cennet; Karamürsel, Ömer Faruk; Akol, Süleyman; Sarısu, Ayşegül; Altındal, Mesut
    In this study, a sector analysis has been conducted to increase the competitiveness of the Turkish fruit nursery using the SWOT and Strategic Orientation Management (SOR) method and strategic aims and goals have been determined. It is an important power factor that exports of nursery plants tend to increase. However, the problems experienced in supplying certified sapling production materials are the weakest point of the industry. In addition, the increase in the number of new fruit plantations in recent years in countries that have the high market potential for export of saplings for Turkey and the increasing demand for world fruit saplings are significant opportunities for the sector. The expected increase in the demand for certificated saplings in the near future, protecting of the new varieties accepted in the world market and the high quality of the saplings in the competing countries are the most important threats for Turkey. A total of 7 strategic objectives, 17 targets, and 63 projects/activities were determined in the prepared strategic action plan. In case of the projects/activities defined in the Action Plan are taken into consideration by the stakeholders and cooperated with each other, it is possible that Turkey's fruit nursery sub-sector could reach the targets set for 2023 and its competitiveness would increase.
  • Öğe
    Determination of urban sprawl effects on farmlands value using GIS
    (SELCUK UNIV, 2019) Karakayacı, Zuhal.; Karakayacı, Özer.
    This paper presents to determine urban sprawl boundaries and the factors of affecting farmland value in urban sprawl. Urban sprawl index is calculated to identify its boundaries and Analytic Hierarchic Process Method is used for determined to weight for the factors. By using these weights in the Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the value map is created. We illustrate that the farmlands in urban sprawls lost their properties and transformed into urban lands. The analyses revealed that farm criteria have no effect on the lands in urban sprawl. Both urban and rural solutions should be improved in order to prevent the abuse of fertile farmlands that occurred as a result of urban sprawl.
  • Öğe
    Comparison of economic Analysis of dairy farms supported and non- supported by IPARD program: a case study of Konya Province, Turkey
    The aim of this study was to compare the economic analysis of dairy farms, supported and non-supported by The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance-Rural Development (IPARD) program in Konya where has an important place in milk production in Turkey. The primary data of the study were obtained from dairy farms supported and non-supported by the IPARD program by using a questionnaire filled during the face-to-face interviews. Full count method was used to determine the 50 dairy farms supported by IPARD Program (SDF) while Neyman allocation sampling method was used to determine the 100 dairy farms non-supported by IPARD program (NSDF). As a result of the study, the average gross production value (GPV) was found as $154,618.59 per farm in NSDF while it was found as $624,334.06 in SDF. The average GPV per Large Animal Unit (LAU) was $3,104.98 in NSDF while it was $3,909.29 in SDF. As expected, for both groups, most of the costs constituted from feed costs. In NSDF, 48.65% of the variable costs were concentrated feed and 42.09% was roughage in NSDF, while these rates were 46.40% and 38.51% in SDF, respectively. Total production costs in NSDF were $129,624.43 while it was $461,403.75 in SDF. Total production costs per large animal unit (LAU) were $2,603.06 in NSDF while it was $2,889.10 in SDF. The average unit milk cost was determined as 0.37 $ / Kg and average milk selling price was determined as 0.38 $ / Kg in NSDF. The average unit milk cost was determined as 0.33 $ / Kg and average milk selling price was determined as 0.40 $ / Kg in SDF. When milk support was taken into account, the cost of unit milk in NSDF falls to 0.32 $ / Kg and in SDF to 0.28 $ / Kg. The average gross profit value for NSDF was $719.45 per LAU, while it was $1,397.53 per LAU for SDF. When the average gross profit values per LAU were evaluated, it was seen that dairy farms supported by IPARD program were much more profitable.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’de kiraz üretiminin yapısal analizi
    (2019) Çelik, Yusuf; Sarıaltın, Hatice Kübra
    Bu çalışmada, Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de kiraz üretiminin mevcut durumu incelenmiş ve Türkiye’de kiraz sektörünün SWOT analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın temel materyalini ilgili istatistikler ve yapılmış olan bilimsel çalışmalar oluşturmuştur. 2017 yılı FAO verilerine göre Dünya’da yaklaşık 416.445 hektar alanda kiraz üretimi yapılmakta ve 85.401 hektar alan ve 627.132 tonluk üretim ile Türkiye dünyada kiraz üretiminde ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Üretim bakımından ilk sırada olmasına rağmen pazarlama stratejilerinin etkin ve yeterli olmamasından dolayı kiraz ihracatında Türkiye, Şili ve ABD’den sonra üçüncü sırada yer almaktadır. Türkiye’nin ağırlıklı olarak kiraz ihracatı yaptığı ülkeler, Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri (Başta Almanya, Bulgaristan ve Hollanda olmak üzere), Rusya ve Irak’tır. Dünya kiraz ithalatında ilk sırada %21 oranıyla Çin, ikinci sırada ise %19’luk oranı ile Rusya gelmektedir. Türkiye’de ağaç başına kiraz verimi 2017 yılında 29 kg olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Türkiye’de 2018 yılı verilerine göre kiraz üretimi bakımından, Konya ili ilk sırada yer almıştır. Konya ilinde 70.987 da alanda, 68.376 ton kiraz üretimi yapılmış olup, bu miktar toplam kiraz üretiminin %10,87’sini oluşturmaktadır. Üretim bakımından ikinci sırada İzmir ili gelmektedir. Türkiye’de kiraz sektörünün yapılan SWOT analizinde, Türkiye’nin sahip olduğu ekolojik çeşitlilik ve uygunluk avantaj oluştururken, işletmelerin yapısal sorunları ve üretici örgütlenmesinin yetersiz olması dezavantaj oluşturmaktadır. Diğer taraftan Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği ve Rusya gibi ithalatı yüksek ülkelere yakın ve iş birliği içinde olması fırsat oluştururken, yaşanan iklim değişikliğine bağlı üretim ve fiyat istikrarsızlığı önemli riskler oluşturmaktadır. İhracat olanaklarını artırabilmek için üretici örgütlenmesi ve üretici örgütlerinin etkinliğini artırmak, kiraz üretim tekniklerinin bilimsel esaslara göre yürütülmesi, uluslararası piyasalarda tat ve aroma bakımından tercih edilen kiraz çeşitlerinin yaygınlaştırılması gerekmektedir.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’de üretilen mısırın ekonomik gelişim seyri
    (2018) Bayramoğlu, Zeki; Bozdemir, Merve
    Bu çalışmada dünyada ve Türkiye’de önemli bir gıda ve endüstriyel hammadde kaynağı olan mısırın ekonomik gelişim seyrinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda ikincil verilerden derlenen mısırın yetiştirildiği alanı, üretim miktarı, verimliliği, üretim- tüketim dengesi, ithalat-ihracat değerleri, yurtiçi ve yurtdışı fiyatları incelenmiştir. Dünyadaki başlıca mısır üreten ülkeler ile Türkiye’de mısırın gelişim seyri iç ve dış piyasa açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de yıllar itibariyle mısırın verimliliği ve üretim alanları artmış, buna bağlı olarak da hem üretim miktarı hem tüketim miktarında artış olduğu görülmüştür. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri (ABD) mısır üretimi ve tüketiminde ilk sırada yer alırken, mısır en çok hayvansal üretimde yem olarak kullanmıştır. İthalat ve ihracat değerleri incelendiğinde ABD iç tüketimini karşılama açısından başarı göstermiş ve iç tüketimini karşılamanın yanı sıra mısırın ihracatında da önemli rol almıştır. Türkiye’de ise 2016/17 üretim yılı içerisinde mısırın yeterlilik derecesi %87,80 olarak belirlenmiş ve yıllar itibariyle yeterlilik oranının arttığı belirlenmiştir. Dünyadaki nüfus artışına bağlı olarak gıda talebinde oluşacak artışlar, alternatif enerji kaynağı arayışları ve mısırın kullanım alanının genişlemesine bağlı olarak gelecek yıllarda mısıra olan talebin artmaya devam etmesi ve dolayısıyla yaratılan ekonomik değerinde artması beklenmektedir.
  • Öğe
    The comparison of innovative technology usage levels of dairy farms supported and non-supported by ipard program; a case study of konya
    (2018) Örs, Aykut; Oğuz, Cennet
    The purpose of this study is to compare innovative technology usage levels of dairyfarms, supported and non-supported by The Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance-Rural Development (IPARD) program, by scoring their usage level of 10 innovativetechnologies in their dairy farms. Another purpose of the study is to determine the factorsassociated with the innovative technology usage levels of dairy farms. The main materialof the study is dairy farms supported and not supported by the IPARD program in Konya.Full count sampling method was used when determining the dairy farms supported byIPARD Program and Neyman allocation sampling method was used when determiningthe dairy farm non-supported by IPARD program. Research data were collected from 50dairy farms supported by IPARD program and 100 dairy farms non-supported by IPARDprogram by administering a questionnaire filled during the face-to-face interviewsconducted with each individual respondent. As a result of the study, it was determinedthat the average gross production values and gross profits of dairy farms supported byIPARD program were 4 times higher than those non-supported by IPARD program.While innovative technology usage level of dairy farms non-supported by IPARDprogram were entirely low level, 90% of dairy farms supported by IPARD program werehigh level. From the point of view of dairy farm scale, it was determined that innovativetechnology usage levels were high (69.84%) in dairy farms that had 51 and more milkingcows. As a result of chi-square independence test, statistically significant relationship wasfound between innovative technology usage level of dairy farm and 12 of 13 factors.
  • Öğe
    Türkiye’de Ceviz Üretiminin Rekabet Analizi
    (2018) Ketenci, Cihangir Kenan; Bayramoğlu, Zeki
    Bu çalışmada, sert kabuklu meyveler içinde yer alan cevizin üretimdeki rekabet gücü ve ekonomikdurumu belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. İstatistik kurumlarından alınan veriler ve daha önce yapılmış olan bilimselçalışmalar esas alınarak bu araştırma hazırlanmıştır. FAO 2016 yılı verilerine göre dünya üzerindeki yaklaşık1,200,000 hektar tarımsal ceviz alanı içerisinde 487,000 hektar alana sahip olan Çin, ilk sırada yer almaktadır.Buna rağmen nüfus yoğunluğundan dolayı iç talebin fazla olması, Çin’in uluslararası pazarda aynı güce sahipolmamasına neden olmaktadır. Buna karşın ABD, kapama bahçelerinden oluşan standart ceviz çeşitliliğine sahipolduğundan 2016 yılında %38 pay ile ihracatta dünya lideridir. Türkiye’nin ise dünya genelinde 86,853 hektaralan ve 195,000 tonluk üretim ile %5’lik paya sahiptir ve ilk dört ülke içerisinde yer almaktadır. Sert kabuklumeyveler içerisinde cevizin pazar payının artırılabilmesi ve rekabet edilebilmesi için üretici örgütleri oluşturulup,piyasa ve talepler ile ilgili analiz ve değerlendirmeler yapılmalı, kapama bahçe tesisi ve ceviz yetiştiriciliği teşvikedilmelidir.
  • Öğe
    Analysis of financial performance in dairy enterprises; The case study of Konya, Turkey
    (2018) Oğuz, Cennet; Yener, Aysun
    Sustainability and development of the dairy enterprises are dependent oncompetitiveness. Determination of the performance of the enterprises requiresmeasurement and analyses of the financial performance of the enterprises. The ability ofdairy enterprises to continue and grow is dependent on competitiveness. It requires thatthe financial performance of the farm enterprises be measured and analysed in order forthe enterprises to be able to detect the competition power in a healthy manner. The aim ofthe study is to analyse the financial performance of the dairy enterprises in Konyaprovince by determining the capital structure. Çumra, Karapınar and Ereğli districtsconstituted 15% of the number of bovine animals, were selected by using samplingmethod. The number of dairy cattle in these enterprises constituted the main frame of thepopulation the primary data collected from 125 dairy farm enterprises with questionnairetechnique through stratified sampling method with 95% confidence interval and errormargin of 5%. The capital structure of the enterprises surveyed in the research area wasclassified according to their functions and the average active capital of the enterpriseswas calculated as 845,330.85. 67.87% of the active capital is composed of land capital,31.70% is composed of fixed enterprises capital and 0.43% is variable working capital.The economic profitability level (EP) was determined as 6.90% and the financialprofitability level (FP) indicated the success of the enterprise was calculated as 7.06%.The capital turnover rate, an important indicator in the success and comparison of theenterprises, is 28.22%. As a result, their development and competitiveness are slow,because they do not use enough business and investment capital.
  • Öğe
    Regression analysis for the factor affecting on farm land/urban land value in urban sprawl
    (2018) Karakayaci, Zuhal
    In this study, the factors affecting on land value in urban sprawl were analysed viaregression analysis. In the analyse, the nominal value of land was taken to be dependentvariable while factors affecting the value of the land in urban sprawl were considered tobe independent variables. 9 factors that were thought to affect the value of the land werehandled. In this study, 3 separate models were analyzed, and all models providedstatistically significant results. The basic reason for applying three separate models is tobe witness the effects by including the variables in different categories (environmental,social amenity and economical factors) separately to the model. As a result of theseanalyses, all of environmental, amenity and economic factors should be considered forvaluation of urban sprawl.
  • Öğe
    The effect of socio-economic factors on adoption of innovations in dairy farms
    (2017) Yener, Aysun; Oğuz, Cennet
    The research was conducted with the aim of determining the social and economic factors which are effective on the adoption of new technologies at dairy farms in the province of Konya. The data used in the research was obtained on a volunteer basis by questionnaire technique from 128 dairy farms determined with stratified sampling method that is one of random sampling method. 51.56% of enterprises investigated were high innovators and 48.44% of enterprises were low innovators. In conclusion, it was determined that the milk yield, enterprise income, education of enterpriser, family size, number of animals, existence of land, case of receiving services of consultancy and frequency of using mass media tools made positive contributions to adoption of innovations by enterprises in the research field. But the training level decreased as the age of enterpriser increased in the research field. This case retards the adoption process of innovations and deescalates the use of new technologies in the enterprises. The young farmers come to the forefront in the adoption and implementation of innovations.