Urdu dilinde yazılmış Türkiye seyahatnameleri
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü
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Seyahatnameler sadece bir gezi yazısı olmakla kalmayıp pek çok bilim dalına kaynaklık eden eserlerdir. Seyyahlar, seyahatnamelerinde gezip gördükleri yerleri anlatırken gözlemledikleri toplum hakkında siyasi, sosyal ve kültürel bilgiler vermekten de geri durmazlar. Bu yüzden okuyucu için bu eserler bir hatırat olmaktan öte bir toplumu tanımak için güzel bir fırsat sunarlar. İnsanoğlunun Hz. Âdem ile başlayan dünya serüveninde yeni yerler gezip görmek her zaman cezbedici bir unsur olmuştur. Urdu dilinin konuşulduğu Hint Alt Kıtası seyyahları da özellikle XX. ve XXI. yüzyıllarda Türkiye’ye pek çok seyahat düzenlemişler ve bu esnada edindikleri tecrübeleri kitap haline getirerek ölümsüzleştirmişlerdir. Çalışmamızın esas gayesi Urdu dilini kullanan seyyahların seyahatnamelerinde Türkiye hakkındaki izlenimlerini, ülkemize bakış açılarını Türk okuyucusuna tanıtmaktır. Bu konuda Azhar Ali’nin Urdu dilinde yazılmış olan bir makalesi bulunmaktadır. Bizim çalışmamızda, bu çalışmada incelenenden daha çok seyahatnameye ulaşılmış asıl hedef olan Türk okuyucusuna bu konu hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Türkiye ile ilgili Urdu Dili’nde yazılmış seyahatnamelerin içerikleri hakkında bilgiler verilirken zaman zaman eser sahibinin üslubu, eserin teknik olarak öne çıkan veya zayıf yönlerine de değinilmeye gayret edilmiştir.
Travelogues are not only travel writings, but they are also significant sources for many disciplines. While writing their observations about the places they visit, the travelers also give political, social, and cultural information about the society. For that reason, these works offer an excellent opportunity to the readers to know the community rather than reading a memoir. Since Prophet Adam, it has always been a temptation for human beings to see new places around the world. The travelers of the Indian subcontinent, where Urdu language is spoken, made many trips to Turkey, especially during the XX and XXI centuries, and immortalized their trips by writing their experiences. The main objective of our work was to introduce the impressions and attitudes of these travelers on Turkey to Turkish readers. Azhar Ali has written an article about this subject in Urdu language. However, since it was written in Urdu Language, Turkish readers could not benefit from this article. To fill this gap, in our study, more travelogues were reached and it was aimed to give detailed information about these travelogues to the Turkish reader, who is the main target of this article. While giving information about the contents of these travelogues written about Turkey in Urdu language, the paper attempted to analyze the style of the author, technical aspects, and weaknesses of the work at times.
Travelogues are not only travel writings, but they are also significant sources for many disciplines. While writing their observations about the places they visit, the travelers also give political, social, and cultural information about the society. For that reason, these works offer an excellent opportunity to the readers to know the community rather than reading a memoir. Since Prophet Adam, it has always been a temptation for human beings to see new places around the world. The travelers of the Indian subcontinent, where Urdu language is spoken, made many trips to Turkey, especially during the XX and XXI centuries, and immortalized their trips by writing their experiences. The main objective of our work was to introduce the impressions and attitudes of these travelers on Turkey to Turkish readers. Azhar Ali has written an article about this subject in Urdu language. However, since it was written in Urdu Language, Turkish readers could not benefit from this article. To fill this gap, in our study, more travelogues were reached and it was aimed to give detailed information about these travelogues to the Turkish reader, who is the main target of this article. While giving information about the contents of these travelogues written about Turkey in Urdu language, the paper attempted to analyze the style of the author, technical aspects, and weaknesses of the work at times.
URL: http://sutad.selcuk.edu.tr/sutad/article/view/1054
Anahtar Kelimeler
Seyahatname, Urdu dili, Pakistan, Travelogue, Urdu language
Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Durgun, R. (2017). Urdu dilinde yazılmış Türkiye seyahatnameleri. Selçuk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (42), 325-337.