Yargıtay Kararlarındaki “Güçlü Delil” Kavramının Hukuki Niteliği
2004 Haziran
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Selçuk Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Medeni usul hukukunda deliller, genellikle kesin deliller ve takdiri
deliller olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır. Bu ayırımın yanında, bazı Yargıtay
kararlarında, çoğunlukla “güçlü delil” kavramına yer verildiği görülmektedir. Yargıtay ve öğretide, güçlü delil kavramı yanında, kuvvetli delil, kuvvetli takdiri delil, önemli delil gibi bazı başka kavramları da görmek mümkündür. Yargıtay kararlarında, daha çok güçlü delil kavramına dayanıldığı için, başlık olarak da
bu kavramı tercih ettik. Kavrama, Yargıtay‟ın değişik tarihlerde birbirine benzer
veya farklı somut olaylarda temyiz ve karar düzeltme üzerine verdiği
kararlarında rastlamak mümkündür. Bu konuda yayımlanmış ve yayımlanmamış
kararlar bulunmaktadır. Bu kararlarda, değişik adlarla ve fakat çoğunlukla güçlü
delil kavramına yer verilmekle birlikte, bunun hukuki niteliği üzerinde
durulmamıştır. Öğretide de, bu kavramdan, kuvvetli delil, kuvvetli takdiri delil
gibi değişik adlarla bahsedilmiştir. Güçlü delil, yeni bir delil türü müdür? Yoksa,
kesin ve takdiri delillerin birine mi dahildir? gibi soruların çözümlenmesi
amacıyla bu konuyu incelemeyi uygun gördük.
Evidence in civil procedure law, usually conclusive evidence and discretion The evidence is divided into two parts. Besides this distinction, some Supreme Court it is seen that the concept of “strong evidence” is mostly included in the decisions. It is possible to see some other concepts such as strong evidence, strong discretionary evidence, important evidence in addition to the concept of strong evidence in the Supreme Court and its doctrine. Since the Supreme Court decisions are based on the concept of stronger evidence, it is also referred to as a title. We chose this concept. Comprehension is similar to each other in different dates of the Supreme Court. or on appeal and decision rectification in different concrete cases. possible in their decisions. Published and unpublished on this topic decisions exist. In these decisions, different names but mostly strong Although the concept of evidence is included, its legal nature is emphasized. has not been stopped. In teaching, this concept is used as strong evidence, strong discretionary evidence. referred to by different names. Is strong evidence a new type of evidence? Or, Is it included in one of the definitive and discretionary evidence? resolution of questions such as For this purpose, we decided to examine this issue.
Evidence in civil procedure law, usually conclusive evidence and discretion The evidence is divided into two parts. Besides this distinction, some Supreme Court it is seen that the concept of “strong evidence” is mostly included in the decisions. It is possible to see some other concepts such as strong evidence, strong discretionary evidence, important evidence in addition to the concept of strong evidence in the Supreme Court and its doctrine. Since the Supreme Court decisions are based on the concept of stronger evidence, it is also referred to as a title. We chose this concept. Comprehension is similar to each other in different dates of the Supreme Court. or on appeal and decision rectification in different concrete cases. possible in their decisions. Published and unpublished on this topic decisions exist. In these decisions, different names but mostly strong Although the concept of evidence is included, its legal nature is emphasized. has not been stopped. In teaching, this concept is used as strong evidence, strong discretionary evidence. referred to by different names. Is strong evidence a new type of evidence? Or, Is it included in one of the definitive and discretionary evidence? resolution of questions such as For this purpose, we decided to examine this issue.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yargıtay, Hukuki Nitelik, Legal Qualification, Supreme Court
Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Akcan, R., (2004). Yargıtay Kararlarındaki “Güçlü Delil” Kavramının Hukuki Niteliği. Selçuk Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(1-2), 7-24.