Bir keçide hermafroditizm olgusu: Klinik ve genetik yaklaşım
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Selçuk Üniversitesi Veterinerlik Fakültesi
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Bu vaka takdiminde, 2010 yılında Selçuk Üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, Doğum ve Jinekoloji Kliniğine getirilen ve hermafroditizm olgusu saptanan Maltız melezi bir keçinin klinik muayenesi ile sitogenetik ve moleküler genetik analizleri ger- çekleştirildi. Anamnezde keçinin tek olarak doğduğu, klinik muayenede boynuzsuz, klitorisin 1.9x0.9 cm büyüklüğünde, vajinanın normalden daha kısa olduğu gözlendi. Palpasyon ve ultrasonografik muayenede inguinal bölgede, deri altında sağ (4.88 cm) ve sol (2.87 cm) testis tespit edildi. Meme ve meme başları normal konumunda ve büyüklükte belirlendi. Deri altı rüdimenter penis varlığı tespit edildi, ancak scrotum ve açık prepisyum gözlenmedi. Karyotip analizi için periferik kandan hazırlanan kromozom preparatları GTG bantlama tekniği ile boyanmış ve image analyzer programı ile uygun metafazlar belirlenerek analiz edildi. Kan örneğinden DNA izolasyonu geçekleştirildi, sex-determining region Y (SRY) ve amelogenin gen bölgeleri pozitif ve negatif kontroller kullanılarak polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (PZR) ile yükseltgendi. Karyotip analizinde metafaz plağı 60,XY olarak tespit edildi. PZR analizlerinde SRY lokusu negatif, amelogenin lokusunda ise yalnızca AMX alleli tespit edildi. Keçilerde yaygın olarak gözlenen hermafroditizm vakalarının şekillenmesinde farklı mekanizmalar bildirilmektedir. Hermafroditizm vakalarının karyotip ve moleküler genetik analizler ile detaylı incelenmesi ve boynuzsuz keçilerin damızlıktan çıkarılması tavsiye edilmektedir.
This case report describes clinical examination and cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses of a hermaphrodite mixed Maltese breed goat that was referred to the Gynecology Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University in 2010. In anamnesis, goat was a single kid at the birth and was polled. Clitoris was 1.9x0.9 cm in size and vagina was shorter than normal. By palpation and ultrasonographic examination, it was determined that the right (4.88 cm) and left (2.87 cm) testicles were located under skin in the inguinal region. Breast and nipples were in normal size. There was a rudimentary penis located under skin but no scrotum or prepitium was observed. After chromosome preparation using peripheral blood samples and GTG staining, appropriate metaphases were analyzed using an image analyzer program. Genomic DNA was isolated from the blood sample. Sexdetermining region Y (SRY) and amelogenin gene regions were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) including positive and negative controls. In karyotype analysis, metaphase plaque was observed as 60,XY. In PCR analysis, no SRY amplification was determined and only AMX allele was observed for amelogenin locus. Hermaphroditism is widely observed in goats and a number different mechanisms were reported. It is suggested that polled rams should be culled and karyotype and molecular genetics analyses should be performed to evaluate hermaphrodite cases in detail.
This case report describes clinical examination and cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses of a hermaphrodite mixed Maltese breed goat that was referred to the Gynecology Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Selcuk University in 2010. In anamnesis, goat was a single kid at the birth and was polled. Clitoris was 1.9x0.9 cm in size and vagina was shorter than normal. By palpation and ultrasonographic examination, it was determined that the right (4.88 cm) and left (2.87 cm) testicles were located under skin in the inguinal region. Breast and nipples were in normal size. There was a rudimentary penis located under skin but no scrotum or prepitium was observed. After chromosome preparation using peripheral blood samples and GTG staining, appropriate metaphases were analyzed using an image analyzer program. Genomic DNA was isolated from the blood sample. Sexdetermining region Y (SRY) and amelogenin gene regions were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) including positive and negative controls. In karyotype analysis, metaphase plaque was observed as 60,XY. In PCR analysis, no SRY amplification was determined and only AMX allele was observed for amelogenin locus. Hermaphroditism is widely observed in goats and a number different mechanisms were reported. It is suggested that polled rams should be culled and karyotype and molecular genetics analyses should be performed to evaluate hermaphrodite cases in detail.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Keçi, hermafroditizm, karyotip, SRY, amelogenin, Goat, hermaphroditism, karyotype
Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Özel, Ç., Şen, G., Hitit, M., Koçak, N., Güzeloğlu, A., Semacan, A., Kurar, E., (2014). Bir keçide hermafroditizm olgusu: Klinik ve genetik yaklaşım. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 30 (4), 227-231. DOI:10.15312/EurasianJVetSci.201447381