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  • Öğe
    Köpek ve Toklularda Warfarin ile Experimental Akut Zehi?rlenme Denemeleri? ve Bunların Tedavi?si?ne I?li?şki?n Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi
    This study has been made in order to find out the effect of Transamin (an antifibrinolitic medicine) with Vitamin K, and to observe clinical and haematological changes on dogs and one year old lambs which experimentally poisoned by an anticoagulant rodentisit warfarin. During experimentally studies 60 dogs and 16 one year old lambs were used, 50 mg/kg warfarin was given to lambs clinical symptoms, bleeding time coagulation time and protrombin time, erythrocyte and leucocyte counts, haemoglobin contents, haematocrit values and leucocyte formula were determined. Experimentally poisoned dogs were grouped and following treatments were applied. a) Vitamin K,, b) Transamin, c) Vitamin K,+Transamin. The most succesfull treatment in dogs was applied to lambs. The begining of symptoms and severity was changed with species, age and condition of animal. During the period of increased symptom protrombin, coagulation, bleeding times and total leucocyte count were quite higher (P 0.001) than normal. In countrast, erythrocyte count, haemoglobin contents and haematocrit values were decreased (P 0.001). Changes were determined in leucocyte formula; lymphocyte 10 %, eosinophyl, 33% decreased; neutrophyl 9.6 % increased. Treatment with Vitamin K,+Transamin combination were more succesfull in both species and we believe this combination will be useful.
  • Öğe
    Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (GAK), Holstein (H) ve Bunların G?, G? Melezleri Düvelerinin Kan Serumlarında Na, K ve I?norgani?k P Değerleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Nizamlıoğlu, Mehmet; Başpınar, Nuri
    This study was carried out on 76 heifers in 17-20 months of age; 20 Holstein (H), 20 Southern Anatolian Red (GAK), 20 first cross-bred (G) and 16 second cross bred obtained from the Mercimek Zootechnical Research Institue of General Directorate for Agricultural Affairs. The serum Na and K values were determined with Flame - Photometer. The serum inorganic P values were executed by using Boehringer test kit. The results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance. The levels of Na, K and inorganic P in all the groups respectively between 322.95 8.78 351.60 1.52 mg/100 ml, 21.45 0.45 23.14 1.83 mg/100 ml, 6.090.30 7.20 0.25 mg/100 ml. - The results between all of the groups were not found statistically significant (>0.05).
  • Öğe
    Buzağılarda Eksperi?mental Kolibasilloz'un Esha Calvasid 60, Esha Calvasid ve Cholostral Suplement ile Tedavisi Üzerinde Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Yeysi; Sezen, Yavuz; Erganiş, Osman; Tiftik, Ali Muhtar; Kaya, Osman
    Twelve calves about one week old, were used in this study. Milk replacer was given with special bucket. Before inoculating E. coli strains, the calves were examined clinically and pocket cell volume (PCV), total leucocyt number, serum urea, Na, K, inorganic P and total protein were determined in blood samples. All of these blood parameters were found in normal values. Each calves was given orally 40 ml. enterotoxigenic (10-bacterins/ ml.) and 2 ml. invasion (10 bacterins/ml.) E. coli strain for occuring experimental colibasillosis. All calves were examined clinically and their blood samples were taken for determining blood parameters at 1st, 12th, 36th hour of infection. At 12th hour of infection clinical signs were observed. They were fever, lock of appetite, mild diarrhoea and increased pulse and respiratory rate. At 36th hour these clinical findings were became severe. At the same time PCV, total leucocyt, serum urea levels were increased and Na level was decreased significantly. However, the total protein, K and P values were not affected. After the observation of these sing the calves were divided into three groups: The control, Esha Calvasid Superasid and Cholostral Suplement groups. The calves in control group were given 150g/1 water Esha calvasid 60, the calves in other treatment group were given 125g/1 water Esha calvasid superasid and the third group was fed 50 ml. cholostral suplement/1 milk. Only one calf in control group died and other calves in control group were treated with cholostral suplement. The calves in both treatment group were returned to their normal health.
  • Öğe
    Sustained Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia in a Calf
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2017 Haziran) Naseri, Amir; Ider, Merve; Ok, Mahmut
    Sürekli polimorfik ventriküler taşikardi, ventrikülerin birden fazla odağından kaynaklanan bir ventriküler aritmidir ve ventriküler fibrilasyon gibi ölümcül aritmilere ve ani ölüme yol açabilmektedir. Yedi günlük Holştayn dişi bir buzağı Selçuk üniversitesi, Veteriner Fakültesi, büyük hayvan hastanesine ani kollaps şikayeti ile getirildi. Elektrokardiyografi bulguları sürekli polimorfik ventriküler taşikardi’yi gösterdi. Kardiyak hasar şüphesi kardiyak troponin I (cTnI), kreatin kinaz- MB (CK-MB) ve kreatin fosfokinaz (CPK) düzeylerindeki artışla doğrulandı.
  • Öğe
    İneklerde İnfertilite Nedeni Olan Genital Organ Bozuklukları Üzerinde Postmortem Çalışma
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Dinç, Dursun Ali; Güler, Mehmet
    A total of 1695 bovine reproductive tracts immediately obtained from the slaughtered animals in Konya Meat Combine was examined macroscopically. Of these, 420 cows (24.78 %) were found to be pregnant, 1275 cows (75.22 %) were nonpregnant. 238 pregnancy cases (56.66%) have taken place in the right horn of uterus, 182 cases (43.34 %) were in the left side. Some minor pathological lesions were observed in 5 cases (0.30%) of the pregnant cows as well as in 108 cases (6.37%) of the nonpregnant ones. The most frequently identified lesions were the follicular cysts (2.90 %) in the genital organs. These abnormalities were more frequent in the winter season. Tuberculosic lesions of the genital organs were recorded in a rate of 0.35 %. Although, in one case, the hidrosalpinx and severe ova - bursal adhesions in the right ovarium were present, a 30-35 day old foetus was seen in the left horn of uterus. Beyond that, two 5 months old mummified foetus and a twin pregnancy were encountered.
  • Öğe
    Köpeklerde Renal Angiografi? Uygulamaları Üzerinde Çalışmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Yavru, Nuri; İzci, Celal; Koç, Yılmaz
    In this study an experimental angiography was applied to 10 dogs in 9-28 kg. weight. Henceforth, the applicational possibility. of this method in dog was investigated. For this purpose, the skin upon M. pectineus anterior, at the medial face of os femoris was incised in 5 cm. length. After uncovering up A. femoralis, the Cook's Catheter (6F) was inserted by means of the Sedlinger Cannula and a metalic guide. The point of catheter, under the scopy, was inserted into A. femoralis and advanced through aorta abdominalis up to the bifurcational region of A. renalis. The radiographic film was obtained following the injection of contrast mediums such as Urografin %76 (Schering), Omnipaque (Nyegaard). Later the catheter was taken out by making pressure with adrenalin soaked cotton. Skin and subcutan tissues were sutured. Since the bleeding would not have been stopped in two cases, ligature was applied to A. femoralis. Besides that, any kind of complications did not happened either before or during the experiments. In this study it is deduced that the application of renal angiography would be beneficial in diagnosis of renal diseases of dogs.
  • Öğe
    Hayvansal Dokularda Anti?bi?yoti?k Kalıntılarının Agar Di?ffüzyon Tekni?ği? ile Tayi?ni?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Acet, Ahmet; Ateş, Mehmet; Erganiş, Osman
    After oxytetracyline (20 mg/kg) and tetracycline (50 mg/ kg) were given orally to the broiler chickens, antibiotic residues in tissues were determined by agar diffusion technique. Bacillus cereus (ATCC 11778) was used as a sensitive strain. Petri dishes punched at 8 mm in diameter were incubated at 37°C overnight. A total of 124 tissues was tested. The oxytetracycline and tetracycline residues that have been found in tissues were respectively 0.32-2.56 µg/gr and 0.080-0.240 g/gr. The limites of the test strain sensitivity were determined 0.04 pg and 0.01 g levels for oxytetracycline and tetracycline respectively.
  • Öğe
    Enzooti?k Pneumoni?li? Danaların Ti?amuti?n ile Tedavi?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi
    This investigation has been made in Konya from 1986 - 1987'in winter season on 50 calves with enzootic pneumonia. In investigation, the most affected calves in the infected herds were chosen. Tiamutin was injected (1 ml/10 kg) intramuscularly to each infected calf for three consecutive days. All of the calves recovered by this treatment.
  • Öğe
    Köpeklerde Farklı Bölgelere Yapılan Kasi?çi? Enjeksi?yonlar Üzeri?nde Karşılaştırmalı Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1989 Ocak) Tıpırdamaz, Sadettin; Yavru, Nuri; Özkan, Kadircan
    In this study it was aimed to find the most suitable region comparing both the spread of injected material and appropriaty of the region by means of intramuscularly injections which are applied from different regions in veterinary clinics. In this study 16 dogs were used under two separate groups. The dogs in the first group were injected 2 ml. of contrast medium with a 22 mm. long needle from the infraspinata, supraspinata, gluteal and femoris caudalis regions. Latero-medial radiographs of all the regions were taken and the spread of contrast medium was examined after 5,15, and 30 minutes of injections. In the second group the dogs were injected 2 ml. of indian ink to the above mentioned regions with the same length needles. The dogs were euthanized after 30 minutes of injection and were kept in a deepfreeze for a day. After the end of this prioed, sections were done on the regions in order to determine the degree of spread of indian ink. As a result it has been decided that infraspinata and gluteal regions were superior to the other regions from the point of spread of contrast medium and indian ink, and from the anatomical point of view regio infraspinata was superior to other regions.
  • Öğe
    The Relationship Between Hemogram Parameters and Mortality in Neonatal Calves with Diarrhea
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2023 Mart) Ider, Merve; Naseri, Amir; Erturk, Alper
    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, farklı etiyolojik etkenlere bağlı gelişen neonatal buzağı ishalinde hemogram parametrelerinin mortalite ile ilişkisinin ortaya konulması amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya 50 ishalli buzağı dahil edildi. Buzağılar hayatta kalma durumlarına göre iyileşen ve ölen buzağılar olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Ayrıca dışkı hızlı test kitinde ishale neden olan etiyolojik etken temelinde bakteriyel (E. coli), viral (Rotavirüs ve Koronavirüs) ve paraziter (Cryptosporidium parvum) olmak üzere 3 alt gruba ayrıldı. Total lökosit (WBC), lenfosit (Lym), monosit (Mon), granülosit (Gra), eritrosit (RBC), ortalama eritrosit hacmi (MCV), hematokrit (HCT), ortalama eritrosit hemoglobini (MCH), ortalama eritrosit hemoglobin konsantrasyonu (MCHC), eritrosit dağılım genişliği (RDW), hemoglobin (Hb) ve trombosit (PLT) düzeyleri ölçüldü. Bulgular: Etiyolojiden bağımsız olarak, ölen buzağıların MCHC düzeyleri hayatta kalan buzağılardan daha düşüktü (cut-off: 32.15 g/dL, 68% sensitive, 62% spesifite, p = 0.041). Ayrıca, viral etiyolojiye sahip, ölen buzağıların MCHC düzeyleri, hayatta kalan buzağılardan daha düşüktü (cut-off: 31.75 g/dL, 85% sensitive, 75% spesifite, p = 0.029). E. coli etiyolojisine sahip ölen buzağıların RBC düzeyleri, hayatta kalan buzağılardan daha düşüktü (cut-off: 9.27 ×103 cells/mL, 83% sensitive, 84% spesifite, p = 0.024). C. parvum ile enfekte buzağıların hemogram parametrelerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık yoktu. Öneri: MCHC ve RBC düzeyleri, yenidoğan buzağı ishalinde mortalite tahmininde istatistiksel olarak anlamlıydı. Hemogram parametrelerinin diğer kan parametreleri (kan gazı vb.) ile birlikte değerlendirilmesi mortalite tahmininde daha faydalı olabilir.
  • Öğe
    Bi?r Kuzuda Rastlanan Acrania Olgusu
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Alaçam, Erol; Seyrek, Kamil
    A case of acrania was observed in a Merino lamb. The lamb was one of the twin male fetuses of the Merino sheep with her third lambing. The fetus was 3915 g in weight and 18 x 31 cm in diameters. The hair coat and other organs of the body were seen normal on macroscopic examination and under the x-ray photograhps except lack of the first four cervical vertebrates, cranium and malformation of the pelvic bone.
  • Öğe
    Broyler Pi?li?çleri?nde Si?tri?k Asi?di?n Klortetrasi?kli?ni?n Si?ndi?ri?m Si?stemi?nden Emi?lmesi?ne Etki?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Acet, Ahmet; Eksen, Mursayettin; Durgun, Zafer
    Plasma and tissues concentrations were determined by fluorimetric method, after administering the chlortetracycline orally to the Broiler chickens. It was found that the most drug residues were in the liver and kidney. It was observed that citric acid has increased the chlortetracycline absorption in the alimentary tract. The emission maxima of the chlortetracycline was 500 nm and excitation maxima was at 400 nm. The chlortetracycline residues which were determined in the plasma and tissues were observed between 0,007-0,046 µg/g.
  • Öğe
    Tüberküloz ve Bruselloz'un Yeni? ve Basi?t Bi?r Test ile Teşhi?si? Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi
    This research was carried out on a total of 50 ill animals suspected from tuberculosis and brucellosis which were brought to the clinics of Veterinary Faculty and on 10 healthy cattle that have being raised at our experimental farm. All of the animals were inspected clinically and the new and simple test Balcı test was applied to those ones with tuberculosis and brusellosis. Based on the test evaluation, tuberculin was given in the case positive reaction and the serological methods were applied in the brusellosis incidents. The Balcı and tuberculin tests were both positive at 25 samples out of 40, the Balcı test was positive, but the tuberculin test was negative for 5 samples; on the other hand the Balcı and tuberculin were both negative for 10 samples. The same test was applied to 8 cattle and 2 rams with brucellosis and a positive relation was obtained. This was affirmed by the laboratorial findings. Methodology of Balcı test: A. Solutions 1- 0.75% Eosin Solution (Solution A). This solution was obtained 1 by dissolving Eosin in distilled water. 2- Glycine saline Buffer solution (pH 8.2), obtained by dissolving 7.5 gr glycine in 977 cc distilled water adding 2.5 cc 1 N Na OH the mixture was levelled to 1000 cc by adding distilled water and furthermore 8.5 gr NaCL was added. 3- 1% CaCL? solution, obtained by dissolving 1 gr granul ated pure CaCI, in 100 cc distiled water. 4- Three parts of Glycine Saline Buffer Solution were mixed with one part of 1% CaCI, solution. Sodium Acide of 1/20 concentration in distiled water was added to this mixture until the mixture reached a sodium acide concentration of 1/2000. The resulting mixture was used in the test and it is called solution B. B. Aplication A full drop of blood obtained from the top of ear was placed on a slide. A drop of solution was added and mixed with the tip of the lanset and the mixture was spread over the slide. Next a drop of solution B was added, mixed and spread smilarly. The slide was rolled back and forth. a couple of times. When many red granulations appeared in the mixture within two minutes the test was considered as positive.
  • Öğe
    Büyük ve Küçükbaş Hayvanların Bazı Travmati?k Lezyonlarında DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) Uygulamaları Üzeri?nde Kli?ni?k Çalışmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Yavru, Nuri; Samsar, Erdoğan; Akın, Faruk
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) in the treatment of some traumatic lesions occured in different parts of the body of small and large animals. For this purpose 9 cattle (calf, heifer, cow, bull), 7 horses, 2 cocks, 1 ram, 16 dogs and cats, totally 35 animals were used as materials. Undiluted pure DMSO or its 1/3 diluted solutions of it with glycerine, were applied locally once or twice in a day for the period until recovery of the lesions. DMSO was poured on the surface of the traumatic lesions by naked hand or piece of cotton or gause. The lesions were recovered between 2-15 and 2-5 days in small and large animals respectively. The treatment was failed on only two animals. As a conclusion, DMSO applications were found to be a simple and effective treatment in acut traumatic lesions of both small and large animals.
  • Öğe
    Köpeklerde Aşi?l Tendosu (Achilles Tendon) Kopmalarının Karbon Fi?ber (Carbon Fi?bre) ve Suprami?d ile Di?ki?lerek Tedavi?si? Üzeri?nde Karşılaştırmalı Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) İzci, Celal
    This study was carried out on 40 legs of 20 dogs of varied breed, sex and age. The experimental animals were divided into two groups containing 10 dogs each. In the first group, the tendon ends were sutured with carbon fibre and supramid after the tenotomy. In the second group, following the tenectomy, at first the tendon ends were fixed against each other by using 4/0 stainless steel wire later carbon fibre and supramid were placed like a bridge between the two ends by means of Dexon. In both groups the legs were bandaged covering up the whole hock in an extention state. The bandages were taken off after 17 days of the experiment where tenorrhaphy was applied. However, this was done at 21 st day of the operation where the implantation was tried. Atrophy has formed in soft tissues especially under the hock in cases where the plastared bandage was applied. No complication was observed as to the PVC bandage utilization. The animals for which tenorrhaphy was implemented were allowed for complete free movement at 30 th day, but the other animals for which the implantation was used did so after 35 days. After the recovering period samples had been obtained from the operational region and popliteal lymph nodes under general anesthesia for examining histopatologically, the animals were euthanatized. As a result, it could be forseen that supramid may be used as a sutured material for the treatment of tendon ruptures in dogs, whereas carbon fibre can be used as an implant material for the same purpose.
  • Öğe
    1985 - 1986 Yılları Arasında S. Ü. Veteri?ner Fakültesi Kliniklerine Getirilen Hayvanların I?ç Hastalıklar Yönünden Genel Analizi
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Tiftik, Ali Muhtar
    In this article an information was given about the types of diseases, the systems where they are located, their distribution based on the seasons and the animal species, the origines and the causes of diseases related to a total of 1060 animals that was brought to the clinics of the Veterinary Faculty Selçuk Üniversity in 1985-1986. The distribution rate of diseases was found to be as 34.8% in horse, 16.2% in cow, 36.9 % in calf, 6.2 % in sheep and 5.7% in cat and dog. In the region, the infections of the respiratory system were significantly higher. In fact, the tuberculosis, enzootic pneumonia, viral pneumonia and influenze were more common among these diseases. Furthermore several zoonotic diseases such as malleus and brucellosis, calf septisemia, parasitic disease and other disorders related to mineral and vitamin deficiency were also observed.
  • Öğe
    Bi?r I?nekte Oesophagus Obstruction'u ve Rumen Yabancı Ci?smi? Olgusuna I?li?şki?n Gözlemler
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) İzci, C.; Koç, B.; Alkan, Z.; Özkan, K.; Yalçın, E.
    We have detected the oesophageal obstruction with the ruminal foreign body in a 7 years old cow. The foreign body which is lo cated in the oesophagus, was taken via reticulum by means of rumeno tomie. A week later, she has recovered.
  • Öğe
    I?neklerde Subkli?ni?k Masti?ti?sleri?n Kuru Dönemde Peni?si?li?n - Streptomi?si?n Kombi?nasyonuyla Sağıtımı Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Tekeli, Tevfik; Baysal, Tülay; Gökçay, Yılmaz
    In this study, the effects of penicilin - streptomycin on subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle was investigated during the dry period. The milk samples of 39 cows that were at the end of the lactation period were collected aseptically. They were examined bacteriologically whether they were infected or not. Pathogenic bacteriae were isolated from 46 milk samples. Then, 46 infected quarters were treated by penicillin - streptomycin combatination. To determine the effectiveness of the treatment, milk samples were collected from the mammary quarters after calving and were examined bacteriologically. After calving 84.78% of these infected quarters were found to be free from infection. Streptococci and E. Coli were eliminated by 100% and staphylococci and C. bovis infections were eliminated 85% during the same period.
  • Öğe
    Koyunlarda Experimental Olarak Meydana Geti?ri?len Ketosi?zte Kan Metaboli?tleri?, Rumen Protozoonları I?nsuli?n Düzeyi? ve Karaci?ger Yağlanması ile Ni?asi?n in Bu Parametrelere Etki?si?
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Aştı, Reşat; Tiftik, Ali Muhtar; Eksen, Mürsayettin
    In this investigation, phlorizin was used to induce ketosis in Akkaraman ewes. Before the experiment, all ewes were examined clinically. After the blood was obtained from jugular vein and SGOT, serum insulin levels, blood sugar and total protein concentrations, Na, K levels, Hb and PCV, total leucocyte and differential leucocyte separations were counted. These parameters were accepted as a normal values. phlorizin was injected twice daily to each animal for a period of 12 days. Clinical and blood examinations ofewes were controlled on the 1st, 3th, 6th, 9th days after injection of phlorizin. At the end of phlorizin injection to sheep, rumen content and liver biopsi materials were obtained. Normal SGOT, serum insulin, blood sugar, total protein concentrations, Na, K levels, Hb and PCV, total leucocyte count were found to be as 48.2 U/L, 22.53 mIU/ml, 65.1 mg/dl, 5.86 gr/ dl, 138.4 mEq/L, 16 mEq/L, 6.08 % mg, 28 %, 10.6 x 101 respectively. These parameters have been changed at the end of phlorizin injection (on the 12 day) as 105.72 U/L, 4.52 mIU/ml, 32.3 mg/dl, 6.6 gr/ dl, 315.8 mEq/L, 17 mEq/L, 5.24 % mg, 28 %, 13.9 × 103 respectively and total rumen protozoa count decreased to 20.2004852/ ml and diffuse lipit infiltrastion was seen in epithelial cells of liver. On the 12 the day of the experiment, niacin was given orally to the animals for five days. At the end of the treatment, blood sugar incerased to 60.6 mg/dl, serum insulin levels increased to 20.46 mIU/ml, SGOT decreased to 55.4 U/L, rumen protozoa count increased to 111400 + 15883/ ml and lipid drops in liver samples were disappeared. The other blood parameters have also been changed and all animals were recovered by this treatment.
  • Öğe
    Koyunlarda Ultrases ile Gebeli?k Tanısı Üzeri?nde Çalışmalar
    (Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Dinç, D. Ali; Güler, Mehmet
    Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out on 43 Merino ewes. by means of Doppler-mode ultrasound (Preg-tone) after 35, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 th days of AI. In the first examinations (35 th days) of the animals they were restrained in dorsal recumbency and transducer probe was placed on the hairless area of the ventral abdominal wall just in front of the udder. In the further examinations, ewes were restrained in the standing position and the transducer probe was applied to the hairless region of the skin which lie ventro medially to the precrural skin fold just below the right flank. Results were compared with lambing records. Accuracy rates for pregnant ewes on 35, 60, 75, 80 105 and 120 th days were 14, 33, 56, 77, 95, and 100% respectively.