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Öğe A comparative study of fixed effects models and random intercept/slope models as a special case of linear mixed models for repeated measurements(2007) İyit, Neslihan; Genç, AşırAny dataset in which subjects are measured repeatedly over time or space can be described as repeated measurements data. A linear mixed model (LMM) is a powerful method for analyzing repeated measurements data. It is made up of two components. The first component consists of a regression model for the average response over time and the effects of covariates on this average response. The second component provides a model for the pattern of covariances or correlations between the repeated measurements. In this study, a comparative evaluation of fixed effects models with random intercept models and random intercept and slope models as a special case of random effects models from linear mixed models are taken into consideration and the superiority of random intercept and slope models allow to modeling possible heterogeneity in intercepts and in slopes of the individual's own regression line for repeated measurements data is emphasizedÖğe A comparative study of fixed effects models and random intercept/slope models as a special case of linear mixed models for repeated measurements(Selcuk University Research Center of Applied Mathematics, 2007) İyit, Neslihan; Genç, AşırAny dataset in which subjects are measured repeatedly over time or space can be described as repeated measurements data. A linear mixed model (LMM) is a powerful method for analyzing repeated measurements data. It is made up of two components. The first component consists of a regression model for the average response over time and the effects of covariates on this average response. The second component provides a model for the pattern of covariances or correlations between the repeated measurements. In this study, a comparative evaluation of fixed effects models with random intercept models and random intercept and slope models as a special case of random effects models from linear mixed models are taken into consideration and the superiority of random intercept and slope models allow to modeling possible heterogeneity in intercepts and in slopes of the individual's own regression line for repeated measurements data is emphasized.Öğe Examination of Shopping Malls on the Usage Preferences of Physical Disabilities: On-Site Evaluation from Konya/Turkey(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Güngör, Sertaç; İyit, NeslihanWith this research, the suitability of the existing large shopping malls in the city of Konya for the use of physically disabled individuals, the problems they may experience in their use and their expectations were evaluated. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in 4 large shopping malls, private or public rehabilitation malls for the disabled, and the Konya Branch of the Turkish Association for the Disabled. The research was carried out in 2018-2019. A survey was conducted with disabled people who volunteered on different days, weekdays, and weekends. Even though it is difficult to access, the shopping mall where they can be most comfortable as a disabled person has been “Novada”. While "Novada AVM" stands out due to the ease of use of the sanitary facilities, the presence of landmarks for the visually impaired, the presence of a battery-chair charging station and the availability of wheelchairs, "Kent plaza", where its staff receives "sign language" training for the speech-impaired, is one of the preferred shopping malls. has been. In this research, "Kulesite" shopping mall has been the most preferred shopping mall due to the ease of transportation by "tramway".Öğe İlişkili veri analizinde lineer karma modellerin yapılandırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008-12-26) İyit, Neslihan; Genç, AşırBu çalışmada tekrarlı ölçümler için lineer karma modellerde (LMM) bağımlı değişkenin varyans-kovaryans matris yapısının homojen ve heterojen varyans-kovaryans modelleri kullanılarak yapılandırılmasının bağımlı değişkenin ortalama vektör yapısına ilişkin parametre tahminleri, hipotez testleri ve güven aralıkları üzerine etkileri incelenerek gerekli istatistiksel sonuç çıkarımları yapılmıştır.Öğe The Impacts Of Who Regions, Gender, And Age On The Hiv Incidence In The World In Global Public Health By Log-Linear Models For Three-Way Contingency Tabl(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2023 Eylül) Akdam, Neriman; İyit, NeslihanPurpose: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) incidence is defined as the number of new HIV cases at a time period calculated divided by the number of cases at risk of HIV infection. Contingency tables display frequencies for combinations of two or more categorical variables. In this study, it is aimed to investigate the impacts of WHO regions, gender, and age on HIV incidence all over the world in global public health by log-linear models for a three-way contingency table. Method: Log-linear models are constituted for investigating relationships between categorical variables. In this study, log-linear model for three-way contingency table is fitted to the HIV incidence data all over the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO) regions, gender, and age groups taken as the 2019 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study data from Global Health Data Exchange website. Results: The main effects of age, gender and WHO regions, and also two-way interaction effects between age* gender, age* WHO region and gender* WHO regions; three-way interaction effect between age*gender*WHO regions are found statistically significant at ? ? 0.05 significant level. Conclusion: As a conclusion of this study, age, gender, and WHO regions are determined as the main effects with all interaction effects of these variables on the HIV incidence.Öğe İstanbul’daki bazı tarihsel yapılardaki ilave kat uygulamaları üzerine bir değerlendirme önerisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Teknik Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu, 2010) Korumaz, Mustafa; Dülgerler, Osman Nuri; İyit, NeslihanBu çalışmada tarihi yapılara modern kat ilavelerinin en çok izin verildiği İstanbul ilinde yapılan alan çalışmalarda, çok sayıda uygulama arasından konuya özel olan 21 örnek “Kümeleme Analizi” yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Kümeleme analizi kullanılmasındaki temel amaç, mimari değerlendirmedeki kişiye özel (sübjektif) verilerden değerlendirme kriterlerinin ağırlıklarının da dikkate alındığı uygulama niteliklerine yönelik genel (objektif) sonuçlar elde etmektir. Bu sonuçlar paralelinde benzer nitelikteki yapılar “Kümeleme Analizi” kullanılarak gruplanmışlardır. Mimari koruma eyleminin temel amaçlarından birisi olan tarihi yapının özgünlüğünün korunması, değerlendirmede öncelikli olmuş, çalışma sonucunda İstanbul ilinde yapılan uygulamalar hakkında genel yargılara varılmıştır. Uygulamaların birçoğunda, iç mekanların tamamen değiştirilmiş olduğu, bina derinliklerinin artırıldığı, önerilen mimari kompozisyonların alan kullanım haklarını zorladığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu gibi nedenlerden dolayı uygulamalarda, koruma kaygısından daha çok mekan kazanımı kaygısının öncelikli olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bazı uygulamalarda ek katların tarihi yapıdan kütlesel olarak daha büyük oldukları gözlemlenmiş, buna neden olarak ise; tarihi yapıların çevrelerinde yüksek katlı yapı önerisi getiren plan kararlarının etkili olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Uygulamalarda modern eklerin, tarihi yapıdan mimari kompozisyon, malzeme, yapım teknolojisi gibi niteliklerle dönemsel farklılıkları ortaya koyma çabaları olumlu görünse de Avrupa’daki uygulamalar kadar başarılı olamadıkları sonucuna varılmıştır.Öğe Lojistik Regresyon Analizi Yardımıyla Denekte Menopoz Evresine Geçişe İlişkin Bir Sınıflandırma Modelinin Elde Edilmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2005) İyit, Neslihan; Genç, AşırMenopoz; kadında yumurtalıkların östrojen yapımını kesmelerinden itibaren gelişen ve kadının doğurganlık döneminden kısırlık dönemine geçişini tanımlayan bir evredir. Yapılan bu çalışmada, temel olarak menopozun varlığı veya yokluğunun belirlenebilmesi için kurulacak lojistik model yardımıyla, deneklerin bu fiziksel durumdan hangisine sahip olduklarını tahmin etmeye yardımcı olan bir sınıflandırma modeli elde etmek hedeflenmiştir. Yaş, E2 hormon seviyesi, kürtaj sayısı, operasyon özgeçmişi, ateş-ter basması, uykusuzluk problemi, idrar sorunu ve kanama problemi değişkenleri denekte menopoz sorunu ile karşılaşma durumunu etkilediği düşünülen olası risk faktörleri olarak ele alınmış ve kurulması öngörülen lojit model yardımıyla anlamlı bulunmuştur. Uygulanan lojistik regresyon modeli; menopoz şikayetleri ile Konya bölgesinin kırsal ve kent kesiminden özel bir kliniğe başvuran 115 hastaya ilişkin verileri %93 oranında başarıyla sınıflandırmıştır.Öğe Modeling The Causality Relationships Between Gdp/Gni and Electricity Consumption According to Income Levels of Countries By Generalized Estimating Equations(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2018) Yonar, Harun; İyit, NeslihanGross domestic product (GDP) and energy consumption in the economic evaluations of countries are seen as two basic concepts of development. The need for energy resources in recent years has brought countries closer to technology, but in some cases, it causes problems such as wars. It is also important to determine the economic feasibility of energy consumption as well as the feasibility of many aspects such as the origin, usage, and necessity of energy. When we look at the crises that have taken place in the last 20 years, it is once again seen that energy is the dynamism and indispensable necessity of the countries. If we look at the effect of the consumed energy on the country's economy, the first economic variable will be GDP. Interpretation and evaluation of GDP, which reveals steady growth, will give effective results on economic indicators of the country. A lot of research has been done in the literature between the amount of energy consumption (according to the sectors, type of energy used, supply, and etc.) and the GDP which is the most important indicator of the country's economy. The final relationship between these two variables has been examined in details for different countries and energy concepts. In previous studies, it is sometimes observed that energy consumption is a cause of GDP or vice versa, and sometimes a two-way causality between them is determined. On the other hand, a causality relationship can not be always determined between the variables. In this case a suitable regression model can be established without looking for causality. In this study, the causality relationship between the GDP values, categorized by five income levels, and the energy consumptions of the countries between 1980 and 2014 is determined by using the Granger causality test. When we look at the results of the causality test, we find that only one causality relationship exists between high income level countries by GDP and the energy consumption of them. According to the causality test result, dependent and independent variable are determined before generalized estimating equations (GEE) method is used for modelling the data. In GEE method, the smallest values of QIC and QICC information criteria are found in the direction of causality relationships. The same causality assessment is done between gross national incomes (GNI) of countries categorized by income levels and energy consumptions, and it is concluded that the GEE models established according to the causality relationship direction are much better fit to the data. These findings obtained from this study suggests that causality test is a guide for us when we have insufficient knowledge in determining dependent and independent variables before fitting regression models to the data.Öğe Simple Correlations for Estimating the Energy Production of Turkey(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2002) Hepbaşlı, Arif; Oturanç, Galip; Kurnaz, Aydın; Ergin, Erkan; Genç, Aşır; İyit, NeslihanIndustrialization and population increases make the availability of potential energy in most areas a problem of great importance. Energy is considered to be a prime agent in the generation of wealth and also a significant factor in economic development. Most of the locations in Turkey have abundant energy resources, and energy utilization technologies can be profitably applied to these regions. In this study, we analyze the current status of Turkey's energy resources in terms of energy production and present simple correlations with high correlation coefficients for future projections. It is expected that this study will be helpful in dei,eloping highly applicable and productive planning for energy policies.Öğe Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi ile Konya ili selçuklu belediyesi hizmet kalitesinin incelenmesi(2018) İyit, Neslihan; Güçlü, Yelda; Akdoğan, YunusBu çalışmanın amacı, Konya ili Selçuklu Belediyesi tarafından verilen belediye hizmetlerinden vatandaşınmemnuniyet düzeyini ölçmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda LISREL 8.80 ve IBM SPSS 21.0 paket programlarıkullanılarak SERVQUAL hizmet kalitesi ölçüm modeli, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modelindenyararlanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Selçuklu Belediyesi hizmet kalitesi; fiziki görünüm, güvenilirlik, heveslilik,erişebilirlik, güvence, sosyal hizmetler, yardım hizmetleri, temizlik hizmetleri, memnuniyet ve sadakat olmaküzere on farklı hizmet ölçüm faktörü oluşturularak incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, Selçuklu Belediyesitarafından verilen hizmet kalitesi ile ilgili bulgular verilmiş ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur.