I?kinci Verim Yılını Tamamlamış, Beyaz ve Kahverengi Yumurtacı Tavuk Karkaslarına, Bitkisel Orijinli Proteolitik Enzim Uygulamalarının, Bazı Et Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi
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İkinci verim yılını tamamlamış (1010 ay), beyaz (LSL) ve kahverengi yumurtacı (Brown Nick) tavukların karkasları, I.Grup (Kontrol), II.Grup (% 0.15 Bromelin), III.Grup (% 0.15 Ficin), IV.Grup (% 0.15 Papain) ve V.Grup (% 0.15 Enzim Karışımı Bromelin Ficin Papain eşit oranlarda) olacak şekilde proteolitik enzim ilave edilerek hazırlanmış çözelti içerisine daldırıp, bir saat süreyle bekletilmiştir. Her bir muamele için 5 tavuğa ait göğüs ve but eti örneklerinde sertlik, pH, renk (L*, a*, b*) değerleri ve tüm karkası temsil edecek şekilde hazırlanan örneklerde pişirme kayıpları belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen veriler tesadüf parsellerinde faktöriyel deneme desenine göre (2x5) analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre; beyaz yumurtacı göğüs ve but etlerinin pH değerleri, kahverengi yumurtacılardan daha yüksek (P0.05), but etlerinin pH değerleri ise göğüs etlerinden daha yüksek (P0.05) bulunmuştur. Genel olarak, enzim uygulaması göğüs ve but etlerinin pH değerlerini düşürmüş ve en fazla düşüş paçal şeklinde hazırlanmış enzim çözeltisi uygulanan göğüs etlerinde gerçekleşmiştir. Diğer taraftan, enzim uygulamasının göğüs etlerinin gevrekliğini artırdığı (P0.01) belirlenmiştir. Renk bakımından, beyaz yumurtacıların göğüs ve but etlerinin a* ve b* değerleri, kahverengi yumurtacılara göre daha yüksek (P0.01) bulunmuştur. Pişirme kayıpları Ficin enzimi uygulanmasında kontrole göre, önemli ölçüde azalmıştır (P0.05). Elde edilen bulgular, özellikle ekonomik ömrünü tamamlamış, beyaz ve kahverengi yumurtacı çıkma tavuk etlerinin, ileri işlenmiş ürünlerin üretiminde (sosis, salam gibi) kullanma, pişirme kayıplarını (fireyi) azaltma ve bu etleri hammadde olarak kullanacak et işletmelerinin karlılığı açısından oldukça önemlidir.
The carcass obtained after slaughter of white (LSL) and brown (Brown Nick) egg layers which completed their second laying cycle were dived to the solutions added proteolytic enzymes of plant origin as like First (Control), Second (0.15% Bromelin), Third (0.15 % Ficin), Fourth (0.15% Papain) and Fifth group (each as 0.15 %, Bromelin Ficin Papain) for one hour of duration. The hardness, pH, color (L*, a*, b*) and cooking lost values of breast and tight meat samples of 5 birds from each treatment group were determined. The data obtained were analyzed as to the randomized plot factorial design (2x5). As to the results obtained, pH value of breast and thigh meats from white egg layer were lower (P<0.05) than the brown egger&#8217;s, but it is determined that pH value of thigh were higher (P<0.05) than breast meats. In general, applying enzymes lowered pH value of beast and thigh meats, but lowest pH value were obtained in breast meats samples applied with combined enzyme solutions. On the other side, it is determined that tenderness of breast meat was improved by the enzyme application. As to the meat color, b* and a* color values of breast meats from white egg layer were higher (P<0.01) than the browns. Also, it is determined that Ficine application lowered (P<0.05) cooking lost as to the controls. As to these results, using the meats from white and brown egg layer after the laying cycles for producing the advanced processed products (sausage and salaam), by improving the benefits of these operations with lowering the cooking lost is quite important.
The carcass obtained after slaughter of white (LSL) and brown (Brown Nick) egg layers which completed their second laying cycle were dived to the solutions added proteolytic enzymes of plant origin as like First (Control), Second (0.15% Bromelin), Third (0.15 % Ficin), Fourth (0.15% Papain) and Fifth group (each as 0.15 %, Bromelin Ficin Papain) for one hour of duration. The hardness, pH, color (L*, a*, b*) and cooking lost values of breast and tight meat samples of 5 birds from each treatment group were determined. The data obtained were analyzed as to the randomized plot factorial design (2x5). As to the results obtained, pH value of breast and thigh meats from white egg layer were lower (P<0.05) than the brown egger&#8217;s, but it is determined that pH value of thigh were higher (P<0.05) than breast meats. In general, applying enzymes lowered pH value of beast and thigh meats, but lowest pH value were obtained in breast meats samples applied with combined enzyme solutions. On the other side, it is determined that tenderness of breast meat was improved by the enzyme application. As to the meat color, b* and a* color values of breast meats from white egg layer were higher (P<0.01) than the browns. Also, it is determined that Ficine application lowered (P<0.05) cooking lost as to the controls. As to these results, using the meats from white and brown egg layer after the laying cycles for producing the advanced processed products (sausage and salaam), by improving the benefits of these operations with lowering the cooking lost is quite important.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat Mühendisliği, Yumurta tavuğu karkası, genotip, proteolitik enzim, et kalitesi, Laying hen carcass, genotype, proteolytic enzyme, meat quality
Hayvansal Üretim
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Karakaya, M., Yetişir, R., Aygün, A., Yılmaz, M. T., Tiske, S. S., (2010). İkinci Verim Yılını Tamamlamış, Beyaz ve Kahverengi Yumurtacı Tavuk Karkaslarına, Bitkisel Orijinli Proteolitik Enzim Uygulamalarının, Bazı Et Kalite Özelliklerine Etkisi. Hayvansal Üretim, 51(2), 44-49.