Effect of airborne-particle abrasion on retentive strength in overtapered fixed prosthodontic restorations

dc.contributor.authorGurbuz A.
dc.contributor.authorInan O.
dc.contributor.authorKaplan R.
dc.contributor.authorOzturk A.N.
dc.departmentSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To evaluate retentive strength and film thickness of complete metal crowns cemented to overtapered teeth with 3 different cements after the application of airborne- particle abrasion. Method and Materials: Sixty extracted maxillary molar teeth were embedded in autopolymerizing resin. Crowns were prepared with 30-degree overtapered axial walls and a 1-mm shoulder margin using a water-cooled cylindrical airborne-particle abrasion device. Then, 60 complete crowns were made from a nickel- chromium alloy. Teeth and crowns were assigned to 2 groups, 30 to the control group and 30 to the experimental group to undergo airborne-particle abrasion. In the first part of study, 30 teeth from the experimental group were submitted to the siliconreplica technique and their buccolingual cross sections were measured so that cement film thickness could be measured before airborne-particle abrasion. Three measurements using a light microscope were made in 7 regions of each tooth. In the second part of study, complete metal crowns with and without airborne-particle abrasion were distributed into 3 groups with 10 teeth each to be cemented with zinc phosphate, polycarboxylate, or resin-modified glass ionomer. All specimens were subjected to a tensile bond test in an universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.1 mm/min until failure. The results were then evaluated with Student t test at a 5% level of significance. Results: The film thickness showed no statistically significant differences among groups (P > .05). There was a significant difference between the control and experimental groups, with an increase in all 3 cements after airborne-particle abrasion (P < .05). The highest retentive strength in the control group was found with resin-modified glass ionomer (141.4 ± 56.7 N), but there was no significant difference between the resin-modified glass ionomer (141.4 ± 56.7 N) and zinc phosphate (121.4 ± 24.2 N) (P > .05). Retentive strength of polycarboxylate was the lowest (78.03 ± 16 N) (P < .05). For the experimental group, the difference among the zinc phosphate (220.5 ± 83.8 N), polycarboxylate (185.4 ± 60.8 N), and resin-modified glass ionomer (228.9 ± 62.4 N) was not statistically significant (P > .05). Conclusion: Airborne-particle abrasion had a positive effect on the retention of complete metal crowns when the crowns were cemented with zinc phosphate cement, polycarboxylate cement, or resin-modified glass-ionomer cement. © 2008 by Quintessence Publishing Co Inc.en_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Scienceen_US
dc.relation.ispartofQuintessence Internationalen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectAirborne-particle abrasionen_US
dc.subjectFilm thicknessen_US
dc.subjectOvertapered restorationen_US
dc.subjectResin-modified glass-ionomer cementen_US
dc.subjectRetentive strengthen_US
dc.subjectZinc phosphate cementen_US
dc.titleEffect of airborne-particle abrasion on retentive strength in overtapered fixed prosthodontic restorationsen_US
