Nadir Bir Paraganglioma Olgusu: Tiroid Paraganglioması
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Paragangliomalar nadir görülen tümörlerdendir. Etyolojisi tam bilinmemektedir. Kemoreseptör organlardan, en sık da Arteria Carotis Communis bifürkasyonu, Juguler foramen, Aortik arkus ve retroperitondan köken alırlar. Genellikle 40-50 yaşındaki bayanları etkilemektedir. Genellikle inferior larengeal paragangliondan kaynaklanmaktadırlar. Bazen tiroid kapsülü içinde yerleşmektedirler. Beraberinde tiroid medüller karsinomu veya metastatik tiroid karsinomu bulunabilmektedir. Genellikle asemptomatik olup nodüler guatr gibi yorumlanır ve tedavi edilirler. Paragangliyomanın perioperatif ve postoperatif tanısı oldukça zordur. Kesin tanı immünohistokimyasal boyamayla konulabilir. Cerrahi rezeksiyon ve radyoterapi, bu tümörlerin lokal tedavisinde yeterlidir. Metastatik olgularda kemoterapinin de etkili olabileceğine dair yayınlar vardır. Bu yazımızda multinodüler guatr nedeni ile opere edilen ve patolojik inceleme sonrasında paraganglioma olarak rapor edilen bir tiroid paraganglioma olgusu literatür bilgileri eşliğinde sunuldu.
Paragangliomas are rarely seen tumours. The etiology of thyroid paragangliomas remains unknown. They arise from Arteria Carotis Communis Bifurcation , Jugular foramen , Aortic arches and retroperitoneal and chemoreceptor organs. Tiroid paragangliomas are rarely seen and affect especially women who are 40-50. They usually arise from inferior larengeal paraganglion. There can be tiroid moduls carsinom or metastatic thyroid carsinom with them. They are generally asemtomatic and they are accepted and treated as nodular goitre. The diagnosis of thyroid paraganglioma is difficult to make both preoperatively and postoperatively.The definitive diagnosis of paraganglioma is made on the basis of the results of immunohistochemical staining. Surgical rejection and radiotherapy are enough for the local treatment of these tumours. There are some publications which claim chemotherapy could be efficient in the metastatic phenomena. In this paper , a tiroid paraganglioma phenomena was reported as a paraganglioma after operation with the reason of multinodular goitre.
Paragangliomas are rarely seen tumours. The etiology of thyroid paragangliomas remains unknown. They arise from Arteria Carotis Communis Bifurcation , Jugular foramen , Aortic arches and retroperitoneal and chemoreceptor organs. Tiroid paragangliomas are rarely seen and affect especially women who are 40-50. They usually arise from inferior larengeal paraganglion. There can be tiroid moduls carsinom or metastatic thyroid carsinom with them. They are generally asemtomatic and they are accepted and treated as nodular goitre. The diagnosis of thyroid paraganglioma is difficult to make both preoperatively and postoperatively.The definitive diagnosis of paraganglioma is made on the basis of the results of immunohistochemical staining. Surgical rejection and radiotherapy are enough for the local treatment of these tumours. There are some publications which claim chemotherapy could be efficient in the metastatic phenomena. In this paper , a tiroid paraganglioma phenomena was reported as a paraganglioma after operation with the reason of multinodular goitre.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Paraganglioma, tiroid bezi, thyroid gland
Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Tekin, A., Küçükkartallar, T., Vatansev, C., Aksoy, F., (2008). Nadir Bir Paraganglioma Olgusu: Tiroid Paraganglioması. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 38-40.