Nadir görülen bir lenfoma türü: İntestinal lenfoma
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Amaç: İnce barsak tümörleri nadir görülür. İntestinal lenfoma, özellikle jejunal yerleşimli olan daha nadirdir. Lenfomaların Hodgkin ve Non-Hodgkin lenfoma olarak iki tipi vardır. Olgu sunumu: 62 yaşında erkek hasta yaklaşık 2 yıldır karın ağrısı şikayeti nedeniyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastanın yapılan fizik muayenesinde sağ alt kadranda mobil, sert kıvamlı ve ağrısız kitle tesbit edildi. Ameliyatta jejuno-ileal bileşkede tümöral kitle bulundu. Patolojik incelemede lenfositik lenfoma tespit edildi. Sonuç: Prognoz histolojik tipe, evreye ve tedaviye bağlıdır. Bu tümörlerde ilk tedavi protokolu cerrahi olmakta ve sonrasında kemoterapi veya radyoterapi kombinasyonu eklenmektedir. İntestinal lenfoma nadir görülen bir vaka olduğu için sunmayı amaçladık.
Objective: Small bowel tumors are rarely seen. Intestinal lymphoma, especially located in jejunum, is seen very rare. Lymphoma has two types; Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Case report: 62 years-old male patient admitted to our service for stomach ache lasted approximately for 2 years. Mobile, solid, painless mass was identified in right lower quadrant in physical examination. A tumor was found out at the jejuno-ileal junction, peroperatively. Lymphocytic lymphoma was diagnosed in pathologic investigation. Conclusion: Prognosis depends on type of histology, stage and therapy. In these tumors surgery is the first choice of therapy protocol and then combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is added. Since intestinal lymphomas are seen rarely we aimed to share this case.
Objective: Small bowel tumors are rarely seen. Intestinal lymphoma, especially located in jejunum, is seen very rare. Lymphoma has two types; Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin. Case report: 62 years-old male patient admitted to our service for stomach ache lasted approximately for 2 years. Mobile, solid, painless mass was identified in right lower quadrant in physical examination. A tumor was found out at the jejuno-ileal junction, peroperatively. Lymphocytic lymphoma was diagnosed in pathologic investigation. Conclusion: Prognosis depends on type of histology, stage and therapy. In these tumors surgery is the first choice of therapy protocol and then combination of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is added. Since intestinal lymphomas are seen rarely we aimed to share this case.
Anahtar Kelimeler
İntestinal lenfoma, hodgkin ve non-hodgkin lenfoma, Intestinal lymphoma, Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma
Genel Tıp Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Çakır, M., Küçükkartallar, T., Hüseyinova, S., Tekin, A. (2008). Nadir Görülen Bir Lenfoma Türü: İntestinal Lenfoma. Genel Tıp Dergisi, 18(2), 81-83.