Breast-Feeding Behaviours of the Mothers

dc.contributor.authorOnay, Didem
dc.contributor.authorAkman, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorAkdeniz, Şengül
dc.contributor.authorVicdan, Ayşe Kaçaroğlu
dc.departmentSelçuk Üniversitesien_US
dc.description.abstractBreast-feeding is the most useful nutrient due to the facts that its contents change according to the requirements of the newly-born, it protects them against the infections and it meets all the physiological and psychological needs of the baby in the fist six months and it is economical. In the following months, the infants getting breastmilk could be supported by additional nutrients so that they can make a healthy start in life being far away from the malnutrition and infection risks. This study was conducted at the local hospitals of Aksehir, Konya, with an aim to determine the breast-feeding behaviors of the volunteered 345 mothers who had 0-24-month-old babies. The ratio of the mothers who had breastfed their babies in wake of the birth was found to be 50.1%, while the ratio of the ones who did that in the first two hours was 35.9%. It was also found that 14.0% of the mothers hadn't breastfed their babies in the first three or more hours. Another finding in the study was that 89.0% of the mothers had given colostrums, while 7.2% of them hadn't. The other 3.8% said that they didn't remember if they had done that or not. The relationship between giving colostrums and the education level was found to be significant (p<0.05). It was also found that 79.7% of the mothers had chosen breast-feeding as the first nutrient to their babies in wake of the birth. The frequency of breast-feeding was found to vary as follows: 45.8 % of the mothers breastfed when their babies needed, 40.3% of them did that when their babies cried and the other 13.0% did breast-feeding according to a scheduled timetable. The ratio of the mothers who did not breast-feeding was 0.9%. The relationship between that frequency and mother education level was found to be significant statistically (p<0.05), but the relationship between breast-feeding frequency and other variables such as mother age, the order of the child in family and the number of children was found to be insignificant (p>0.05). The period in which the babies were fed by only breast milk without any additional nutrient was found to vary as follows: 69.1% of the babies were breastfed during 4-6 months, 27.0% were breastfed less than 4 months, 4.1% of them 7-12 months. The average breast-feeding period without any additional nutrient intake was found to be 4.5±0.8 months. 73.6% of the mothers who started giving the additional nutrient did that in the 4-6 months after the birth, while 17.2% of them did that before the fourth month and the other 9.2% of them did that after the sixth month following the birth. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2009.en_US
dc.identifier.citationKacaroğlu Vicdan, A., Akdeniz, S., Akman M., Onay D., (2009). Breast-Feeding Behaviours of the Mothers. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 8(8), 1126-1131. Doi: 10.3923/pjn.2009.1126.1131
dc.institutionauthorOnay, D.
dc.institutionauthorAkman, M.
dc.institutionauthorAkdeniz, S.
dc.institutionauthorKacaroğlu Vicdan, A.
dc.relation.ispartofPakistan Journal of Nutritionen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectBreast milken_US
dc.titleBreast-Feeding Behaviours of the Mothersen_US
