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Öğe Tip B Kesintili Arkus Aorta: Olgu Sunumu(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Ocak) Fazlıoğulları, Zeliha; Doğan, Nadire Ünver; Sevindik, Betül; Seher, Nusret; Karabulut, Ahmet KağanKesintili arkus aorta nadir rastlanan, fatal seyirli konjenital kardiyak bir anomali olup, aorta ascendens ile aorta descendens arasındaki bir segmentte atrezinin olması şeklinde tanımlanır ve %98 oranında diğer kardiovasküler anomalilerle birlikte bulunur. Üç tipi mevcuttur. Tip A’ da kesinti, a. subclavia sinistra’nın distalindedir. Tip B’de, a. carotis communis sinistra ile a. subclavia sinistra, tip C’de, a. carotis communis sinistra ile a. carotis communis dextra arasındadır. Selçuk Üniversitesi pediatrik kardiyoloji kliniğine başvuran postnatal 5. gününde bir erkek bebeğin çekilen ekokardiyografisinde; truncus brachiocephalicus’un distalinden itibaren tip B kesintili arkus aorta, ventriküler septal defekt, biküspit aorta, patent ductus arteriosus, atrial septal defekt, annulus aorticus hipoplazisi tespit edildi. Bilgisayarlı tomografi anjiyografisinde ise, a. carotis communis sinistra ile a. subclavia sinistra arasında bağlantı olmadığı görüldü. Bu vakada, arcus aorta anomalisi ve eşlik eden diğer kardiovasküler anomalilerin erken tanı ve tedavisinde radyolojik görüntüleme yöntemlerinin önemi vurgulanmaktadır.Öğe Trakeal Bronkus: Bir Olgu Sunumu(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Mart) Solmaz, Ekrem; Cebeci, Hakan; Tatar, Mehmet Cengiz; Fazlıoğulları, ZelihaTrakeal bronkus, trakeadan kaynaklanan sağ bronchus lobaris superior olup, ilk olarak 1785’te tanımlanmıştır. Genelde karinanın sağ üst tarafında, sağ akciğerin üst lobunun segmentum apicale’sini havalandıran nadir görülen konjenital bir anomalidir ve üç tipi vardır. Bir yıldır öksürük ve nefes darlığı şikayeti olan 41 yaşındaki erkek hastanın çekilen kontrastlı aksiyal ve koronal reformat toraks bilgisayarlı tomografisinin incelenmesi sonucunda sağ akciğerindeki bronchus lobaris superior’unun karina üstünden ayrıldığı görülmüştür. Tekrarlayan akciğer enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda ve özellikle Down sendromu olmak üzere konjenital kalp hastalıkları, aspleni sendromu ve kosta anomalileri gibi ek anomalisi olan vakalarda olası trakeobronşial anomaliler akılda tutulmalıdır. Bu hastalara uygulanan yanlış endotrakeal entübasyonun, atelektazi ve pnömotoraks gibi komplikasyonlara neden olabileceği düşünülmelidir. Bunun yanı sıra anestezi öncesi bilgisayarlı tomografi ile anatomik yapının değerlendirilmesi varyasyonların tanımlanması açısından önemlidir.Öğe MR İle Saptanan Uterus Didelphys Bicollis Olgusu(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2019 Aralık) Özcan, Ayşe Gamze; Doğan, Nadire Ünver; Baytok, Ahmet; Fazlıoğulları, ZelihaUterus'un nadir görülen varyasyonlarından olan uterus didelphys, mu?llerian fu?zyonun gerc?ekles?memesi sonucu olus?maktadır. İlk olarak 1925 yılında Wilson tarafından rapor edilmiştir. Bu varyasyonda, iki ayrı cavitas uteri ve iki cervix uteri longitudinal vajinal septum ile birleşmektedir. Mu?llerian kanal anomalileri literatürde %0,1- 3,5 sıklıkta bildirilmektedir. Uterus didelphys ise bu anomalilerin % 5’ini oluşturmaktadır. Mu?llerian kanal malformasyonlarına %20 oranında renal anomaliler es?lik etmektedir. Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi’ne dismenore şikayeti ile başvuran 21 yaşındaki kadın hastanın dinamik kontrastlı pelvik MR ve difüzyon MR görüntüleri incelemesinde uterus didelphys bicollis varyasyonu belirlendi. Genellikle uterus didelphys olguları asemptomatik olup bazen dismenore, tekrarlayan abortus veya infertilite gibi şikayetlere sebep olabilirler. Uterus anomalilerin teşhisinde MR görüntüleri çok değerlidir. Uterus varyasyonları olan kişilerde muayene ve görüntüleme teknikleriyle özellikle gebelik öncesinde tanı konulması komplikasyonların önlenmesi açısından oldukça önemlidir.Öğe Tüm barsaklar sana emanet: Truncus coeliacamesenterica(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Pirinç, Büşra; Nayman, Alaaddin; Fazlıoğulları, Zeliha; Karabulut, Ahmet KağanTruncus coeliacus ve a. mesenterica superior, gastrointestinal sistemin önemli bir bölümünü besleyen iki damardır. Bu iki damarın ortak bir kök ile aorta abdominalis’ten ayrılması nadir görülen ve oldukça önemli bir varyasyondur. 63 yaşındaki erkek hastanın 256 kesitli multidedektör bilgisayarlı tomografi anjiografi görüntüleri incelendi. Yapılan değerlendirmede truncus coeliacus ve a. mesenterica superior’un ortak bir kök halinde 1. lumbal vertebra’nın alt hizasında aorta abdominalis’in ön yüzünden ayrıldıkları tespit edildi. Bunun yanı sıra; a. gastrica sinistra’nın a. hepatica propria’dan orijin aldığı gözlendi. Truncus coeliacus’un varyasyonları karaciğer nakilleri, safra kesesi ve gastrik bölge cerrahisinin yanı sıra girişimsel radyolojik prosüdürlerde de oldukça önemlidir.Öğe Faculty Members’ Evaluations Regarding the Faculty Development Program Conducted with the Hybrid Learning Method(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Çalışkan, S. Ayhan; Doğan, Nadire ÜnverObjective: This study aims to determine faculty members’ feedback and the level of satisfaction about the faculty development program carried out with the hybrid learning method at Selçuk University Faculty of Medicine (SUFoM) and compare faculty members’ satisfaction levels regarding face-to-face and online sessions. Material and Methods: The Faculty Development Program has been carried out since 2010 and updated with program evaluations as well as faculty members’ needs and expectations. In the COVID-19 pandemic era, distance education and hybrid education sessions were added to the program. The renewed faculty development program was conducted in June 2021 with a hybrid learning method, eight sessions both face-to-face and online and six sessions online only. The feedback of the participants was obtained through online questionnaires consisting of structured items rated with Likert-type scales (1: Strongly disagree – 5: Strongly agree and 0: Very poor – 10: Very good) and semi-structured items. Results: Fifty faculty members participated in the program and 30 (60.0%) answered the research questionnaires. Faculty members reported a total of 170 session participation, 140 (82.4%) face-toface and 30 (17.6%) online. It was determined that the participants’ satisfaction levels about the faculty development program sessions was high and very high (min=4.05±0.99 ; max=5.00±0.00). It was also found that there is no statistically significant difference between faculty members evaluations for online or face-to-face participation in the training sessions. Participants reported that their overall evaluation of the program was very good (9.33±0.65). Conclusion: The SUFoM Faculty Development Program, designed in accordance with the COVID-19 conditions, has been successfully implemented using the hybrid method. The positive feedback of faculty members and the fact that online or face-to-face participation in the sessions does not make a difference in their satisfaction levels is considered as an important development for the implementation of the forthcoming faculty development program using the hybrid method.Öğe Examination of Theses on Anatomy in the Field of Basic Medical Sciences (2016-2020)(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Kundakcı, Yunus EmreObjective: The aim of this study was to reveal descriptive data about postgraduate theses on anatomy and to determine their general trends. Material and Methods: The full text of 390 theses published in the Anatomy Department of Basic Medical Sciences in the archive of the National Thesis Center between 2016-2020 were included in the study. The theses were analysed recording their name, type, year of publication, systematic and topographic anatomy class, study design, keywords, receiving budget support, academic title of the advisor, gender of the author, undergraduate education, and universities where the theses were published. Frequency and percentage values were used for descriptive statistics and categorical variables. Results: Of the theses, 237 (60.8%) were written by women, 242 (62.1%) were master’s theses, 254 (65.1%) thesis advisor was professor, 113 (29%) received budget support, and 169 (43.3%) used radiological methods. The undergraduate educations of the authors were ranked as physiotherapy and rehabilitation (n=167, 42.8%), biology (n=64, 16.4%), nursing (n=58, 14.9%) and medicine (n=57, 14.6%). Of the thesis, 126 (32.3%) were from the head region and 174 (44.9%) were from the movement system. The most used keywords were as follows: computed tomography (n=58), morphometry (n=41), anthropometry (n=30), anatomy (n=27) and magnetic resonance imaging (n=25). Conclusion: In this study, bibliometric data related to theses on anatomy were examined and a wide range of information was presented to researchers in the field of anatomy. In recent years, it has been seen that female researchers and physiotherapists have come to the fore in anatomy postgraduate education. It can be said that especially studies involving the movement and nervous system or the head, lower and upper extremities attract the attention of researchers. In addition, radiological, experimental animal and anthropometric methods are frequently used in study designs. It is expected that the result of the study will shed light on anatomy graduate students, clinicians and researchers who carry out or will carry out various academic studies.Öğe Morphometric Analysis of Orbit in Turkish Population: a MDCT Study(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2022) Pirinc, Busra; Fazliogullari, Zeliha; Koplay, Mustafa; Dogan, Nadire Unver; Karabulut, Ahmet KaganObjective: The orbit is an important cavity containing vision-related formations and important neurovascular structures, and adjacent to various regions. This study aimed to evaluation, by multidedector computed tomography (MDCT) images, the morphometry of orbit by examining its changes according to gender and body side, and developments according to age, in Turkish population. Materials and Methods: A total of 200 individuals’s (94 females,106 males;400 sides) MDCT images were evaluated. Images were examined according to the gender, body side, and the anatomical structures development. Results: The height, width and depth of the orbit were determined as 36.04±2.97 mm, 32.33±2.59 mm, 38.35±3.32 mm on the right side, 35.79±3.18 mm, 32.29±2.67 mm, 38.13±3.21 mm on the left side, respectively, in healthy subjects. The height and width of the orbit were found to be statistically significantly larger on both sides in men than in women (p?0.05). Conclusion: Comprehensive information about the orbit and associated apertures is quite important for clinicians working in this area, damage to these structures can cause serious complications. In addition, determining the morphometry of the orbit can be used as an important parameter for determining gender, age and race in forensic medicine.Öğe Covid 19 Pandemi Sürecinin Gençlerin Fiziksel Aktivite Sürelerine Olan Etkisinin Araştırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2021) Koca, Rabia; Fazlıoğulları, ZelihaAmaç: Üniversite öğrencilerinin Covid 19 pandemi öncesi ve sürecinde fiziksel performanslarındaki değişimini ve bu değişimin cinsiyete ve yaş gruplarına göre farklılıklarını incelemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmamız Covid-19 salgınının ortaya çıkmasıyla okulları kapanan ve evde kendilerini izole eden üniversite öğrencilerine ‘‘Google documents’’ aracılığıyla online olarak anket çalışması şeklinde yapıldı. Ankete üniversitemiz Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü’nde öğrenim gören, gönüllü ve yaşları 18 ile 25 yıl arasında değişen 220 öğrenci katıldı. Çeşitli sağlık problemleri bulunan 20 öğrenci çalışma dışında bırakıldı. Bulgular: Yaş ortalaması 20,65±1,63 olan ve %26’sı erkek olan 200 kişi çalışmaya dahil edildi. Pandemiden öncesine göre gençlerin pandemi süresince anlamlı derecede daha fazla uyudukları belirlendi (p<0,001). Ortalama günlük yürüyüş sürelerine baktığımızda hem pandemiden önce hem de pandemi süresince erkeklerin ortalama günlük yürüyüş süresi kadınlardan anlamlı oranda daha fazlaydı (p<0,001). Gençlerin yürüyüş süreleri pandemi esnasında, öncesine göre bakıldığında anlamlı oranda azalmıştı (p<0,001). Günlük ortalama yatarak ve ortalama oturarak geçirilen zamana bakıldığında pandemi öncesinde de sonrasında da cinsiyetler ve yaş grupları arasında anlamlı fark bulunmadı (p>0,05). İki süreç arasında günlük hafif düzeyde ve ağır düzeyde yapılan aktivite süresinde fark yokken (p>0,05), orta düzeyde aktivitede geçirilen sürenin anlamlı olarak azaldığı tespit edildi (p<0,001). Sonuç: Covid 19 pandemisi devam ederken azalan fiziksel aktivite süresinin, toplum sağlığındaki etkisini düşünerek en kısa sürede artırılması amaçlanmalıdır. Bu amaçla da ilgili süreç içerisinde ev temelli aktiviteler insanların formda ve sağlıklı kalmasını sağlamak için en önemli fırsatlardır.Öğe Classification and volumetric study of the sphenoid sinus on MDCT images(SPRINGER, 2019) Pirinc, Busra.; Fazliogullari, Zeliha.; Guler, Ibrahim.; Dogan, Nadire Unver.; Uysal, Ismihan Ilknur.; Karabulut, Ahmet Kagan.Purpose We aimed to determine the position and size of the sphenoid sinus (SS) in our study and compare the results of the measurements relative to age, gender, and the presence of pituitary adenoma using multidetector computerized tomography (MDCT). Methods We retrospectively evaluated the paranasal sinus computerized tomography (CT) images of 200 individuals (age range of all the individuals 4-84 years; 101 females, 99 males; age range of individuals with pituitary adenoma 15-63 years; 15 females, 9 males) with 24 pituitary adenomas. The shape of SS were identified and classified, volume were measured by MDCT also for individuals with pituitary adenoma. Results It was determined that the volume averages were significantly affected by the type of SS. Among all the individuals studied, the sellar type of SS was most frequently observed (41.5%), followed by the postsellar type (38.5%), and the least observed was the presellar type (9%). The volume of the SS is bigger in males than females although the volume is not affected by the presence of pituitary adenomas. The development of the SS continues until the age of nine. Conclusion The morphology and morphometry of the SS show individual differences. These anatomic variations are important for decision making and application for surgical interventions (especially transsphenoidal surgery).Öğe Üst ekstremitede arteriyel ve muskuler varyasyonlar(2014) Uysal, İsmihan İlknur; Çiçekçibaşi, Aynur Emine; Yılmaz, Mehmet Tuğrul; Doğan, Nadire Ünver; Ziylan, TanerRutin öğrenci diseksiyonlarımızda, bir erkek kadavranın sol üst ekstremitesinde arteriyel ve müsküler varyasyonlar gözlendi. Arteria radialis'in yüzeyelde olduğu, arcus palmaris superficialis'in sadece a. ulnaris tarafından oluşturulduğu, m. palmaris longus'un yoklu- ğu ve m. extensor digiti miniminin üç adet tendona sahip olduğu tespit edildi. Varyasyonlar embriyolojik kökenli olduğundan aynı bölgede farklı yapılarda normalin dışında görünümler birliktelik gösterebilir. Bu yüzden anatomik ve klinik çalışmalarda bir varyas- yon tespit edildiğinde aynı bölgede diğer yapılarda da farklılık gözlenebileceği akılda tutulmalıdır.Öğe Variations of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve and Its Terminal Branches in the Turkish Newborn Fetuses(TURKISH NEUROSURGICAL SOC, 2012) Baş, Orhan; Bilgiç, Sait; Salbacak, Ahmet; Sönmez, Osman Fikret; Erkut, AdemAIM: The topography of the superficial peroneal nerve (SPN) and its terminal branches were studied, with the aim of providing further anatomical details for leg and foot in the Turkish newborn fetuses. MATERIAL and METHODS: Limbs from twenty newborn cadavers were dissected. The course of the SPN on the leg and its terminal branches on the foot were investigated. RESULTS: The SPN was lateral (75%), anterior (15%), or branched in both areas (10%) of the cases. The SPN in the dorsum of the feet branched further into medial dorsal cutaneous nerve (MDCn) and intermediate dorsal cutaneous nerve (IDCn). In 82.5% of the cases the MDCn and the IDCn split into three and two branches, respectively. In 10% of the cases, the MDCn gave off three, and the IDCn one terminal branches. In 7.5% of the cases, the MDCn had three while the IDCn had two branches that communicated with the lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve. CONCLUSION: The course of SPN on the anterolateral surface of the leg and its terminal branches on the dorsal surface of the foot were quite different. This unusual variant location will enable the surgeon to find and preserve the SPN and its terminal branches.Öğe Kolda nervus medianus’un bir oluşum varyasyonu(2011) Fazlıoğulları, Zeliha; Ulusoy, Mahinur; Ünver, Nadire Doğan; Yılmaz, Mehmet Tuğrul; Karabulut, Ahmet KağanSelçuk Üniversitesi Meram Tıp Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dalı’nda rutin öğrenci diseksiyonları sırasında, 67 yaşındaki erkek kadavrada n. media- nus varyasyonuna rastlandı. N. medianus kolun proksimalinde plexus brachialis’ten gelen dallarla normal olarak oluşmaktaydı. Kolun ortasında sinire fasciculus lateralis’ten gelen bir bağlantı dalının katıldığı tespit edildi. Radix lateralis nervi mediani ayrıldıktan sonra fasciculus lateralis’in ikiye ayrıldığı ve her iki dalın da musculus coracobrachialis’i deldiği gözlendi. Periferik sinir sisteminin anatomik varyasyonlarının bilinmesinin klinik nörofizyolojinin doğru yorumlanmasında ve farklı klinik bulguların açıklanmasında yararlı olacağı düşüncesindeyiz.Öğe Multiple Variations of the Abdominal Aorta in a Single Cadaver(SINGAPORE MEDICAL ASSOC, 2010) Uysal, I. I.; Çiçekçibaşı, A. E.; Yılmaz, M. T.; Şeker, M.; Şanlı, O.Numerous variations of the abdominal aorta were observed during a routine dissection of the abdominal region in a 60-year-old male cadaver in the Department of Anatomy, Meram Faculty of Medicine, Selcuk University, Turkey. In the present case, a common inferior phrenic trunk arose from the abdominal aorta and then divided into two branches. The left gastric artery arose from the front of the abdominal aorta, with an accessory right hepatic artery arising from the superior mesenteric artery. Although the single right renal artery originated from the abdominal aorta, double left renal arteries were found to originate from the abdominal aorta. Knowledge of these variations could help surgeons to identify and protect the abdominal aorta during surgery.Öğe Morphometric Analyses of the Development of Nasal Cavity in Human Fetuses: An Anatomical and Radiological Study(ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD, 2010) Yılmaz Altuntaş, Neslihan; Çiçekçibaşı, Aynur Emine; Emlik, Dilek; Yilmaz, Mehmet Tugrul; Keleş, Bahar; Salbacak, AhmetObjective: It was aimed to research the morphometric development of the nasal cavity with dissection and radiological scanning methods and to detect anatomical variations. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Departments of Anatomy and Radiology, Meram Medical Faculty, Selcuk University. Patients: Dissection stage was performed on 80 spontaneously aborted fetuses (40 males and 40 females) (63 second trimesters and 17 third trimesters) between 13 and 40 weeks of gestation. Radiological scanning stage was carried out on 40 spontaneously aborted fetuses (19 males and 21 females) (12 second trimesters and 28 third trimesters) with multi-detector computed tomography. Methodology: One hundred and sixty nasal cavities and related structures were examined by means of bilateral dissection. Reference images were obtained in the axial plane with 3-mm collimation using multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT; Sensation 64, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany). These reference images were sent to the workstation (Leonardo, Siemens, Germany) and three-dimensional (axial, sagittal, and coronal) reformatted images with 1 mm thickness were obtained via multiplanar imaging method. Results: In the dissected fetuses 16 suprema nasal conchae were determined. Six (15%) NSDs (four towards the left and two towards the right) were detected on radiological sections. The angle between the virtual line from sphenoidal sinus ostium through limen nasi and the horizontal plane was 32.72 +/- 3.3 degrees on average. Conclusion: It was thought that some anatomic variations (e.g. suprema nasal concha, nasal septum deviation) occur in the fetal period; however, other certain differences (e.g. Onodi, Haller, and Agger nasi cells, concha bullosa) might be with effects of environmental factors (trauma and chronic infections) in postnatal period.Öğe Is the Rabbit Knee a Suitable Model for the Human Interphalangeal and Metacarphophalangeal Joints of the Hand?(TURKISH ASSOC ORTHOPAEDICS TRAUMATOLOGY, 2010) Karalezli, Nazım; Durduran, S. Savaş; Ogün, C. Tunç; Uysal, İsmihan İlknur; Ünver Doğan, Nadire; Öz, MehmetObjectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the suitability of the rabbit knee as a small joint model for the human interphalangeal and metacarphophalangeal joints of the hand. Methods: The proximal joint surface areas of 47 middle phalanges, the proximal and distal joint surface areas of 90 proximal phalanges, and the distal joint surface areas of 42 metacarpals of various human cadavers were calculated and compared with the distal femoral and proximal tibial joint surface areas of 20 knee of 10 New Zealand white rabbits by a photogrammetric method. Results: The mean joint surface area of the rabbit proximal tibia was larger than the proximal joint surface area of the middle phalanx, the distal joint surface area of the proximal phalanx, the proximal joint surface area of the proximal phalanx, and the distal joint surface area of the metacarpal. The mean joint surface area of the rabbit distal femur was larger than that of the middle phalanx, but similar to the proximal joint surface area of the proximal phalanx, and that of the distal metacarpal and distal proximal phalanx. Conclusion: The rabbit knee is not suitable model for the human interphalangeal and metacarphophalangeal joints of the hand. There is still a lack of an appropriate animal model for the small joints of the hand.Öğe Investigation and Review of Myocardial Bridges in Adult Cadaver Hearts and Angiographs(Springer France, 2010) Fazlıoğulları, Zeliha; Karabulut, Ahmet Kağan; Kayrak, Mehmet; Uysal, İsmihan İlknur; Ünver Doğan, Nadire; Altunkeser, Bülent BehlülPurpose We aimed to compare the myocardial bridges (MBs) both in the coronary angiography and cadavers. Morphological (length, thickness, deepness, the angle between the long axis of vessel and location) and angiographic properties (length, degree of systolic obstruction, frequency) of the MBs were evaluated in 50 adult cadaver hearts and in 1,321 cineangiograms. Myocardial bridges were observed in 32 of the cadaver hearts (64%) and 100 of cineangiograms (7.57%). It was observed that MBs caused significant coronary stenosis in 34 of 100 individuals leading to the prevalence of significant MB to be (2.5%) in angiography. The MBs that are above the left anterior descending artery in cadaver were classified as superficial MB (77.4%) and deep MB (22.6%). In cineangiogram, the average length of MB (MBL) was determined as 10.32 +/- A 4.62 mm. The presence of MB, MBL and degree of luminal narrowing were not associated with the age and gender. Deepness and thickness were a major determinant of significancy of systolic obstruction by MBs.Öğe Effects of Long-term 50 Hz Magnetic Field Exposure on the Micro Nucleated Polychromatic Erythrocyte and Blood Lymphocyte Frequency and Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Lymphocytes of Mice(Maghira & Maas Publications, 2010) Okudan, Nilsel; Çelik, İlhami; Salbacak, Ahmet; Çiçekçibaşı, Aynur Emine; Büyükmumcu, Mustafa; Gökbel, HakkıOBJECTIVES: We aimed to investigate the effects of weak extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) on the nucleus size, the silver staining nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs), the frequency of micro nucleated peripheral blood lymphocytes (MPBLs) and the micro nucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCEs). METHODS: One hundred and twenty Swiss albino mice were equally divided into 6 groups. The study groups were exposed to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mu T 50 Hz-EMFs for 40 days. Micronucleus number (MN) per PBL was determined.. RESULTS: ELF-EMF exposure caused a nonlinear decline of nucleus area. A sharp drop occurred in AgNOR area of 1 mu T group, and following it gained an insignificantly higher level than that of the control group. The field did not change mean AgNOR numbers per nucleus of the groups. Relative AgNOR area had the highest level in 1 mu T-exposure group, and the level was quite similar to that of the 5 mu T-exposure group. The remaining groups had significantly lower values quite similar to that of the control level. The field exposure at any intensity did not affect significantly the frequency of either MPBLs or MPCEs. The number of MN per PBL in the 4 and 5 mu T-exposure groups were significantly higher than those of the lower intensity exposure groups. The males in 4 mu T-exposure group displayed the highest MN number per PBL, whereas values changed in a nonlinear manner. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that <= 5 mu T intensities of 50 Hz EMFs did not cause genotoxic effect on the mouse.Öğe Coronary Artery Variations and Median Artery in Turkish Cadaver Hearts(SINGAPORE MEDICAL ASSOC, 2010) Fazlıoğulları, Zeliha; Karabulut, Ahmet Kağan; Ünver Doğan, Nadire; Uysal, İsmihan İlknurIntroduction: This study examined the routes and variations of the left coronary artery (LCA), the right coronary artery (RCA), and their branches, as well as the frequency of a median artery in cadaver hearts. Methods: The hearts of 50 adult Turkish cadavers from various centres were dissected. Results: The LCAs branched out of the aortic sinus and had an average diameter of 4.44 +/-1.79 mm. They gave rise to two branches (bifurcation) in 46 percent, three branches (trifurcation) in 44 percent and four branches (quadrifurcation) in ten percent of the hearts. The median artery was identified in 27 hearts, with a mean diameter of 2.00 mm (standard deviation 0.67). The RCAs branched out from the right aortic sinus and had an average diameter of 3.32 +/-0.79 mm. The conus branch, classically known as a branch of the RCA, branched out from the RCA in 32 percent of the hearts and from the right aortic sinus in 68 percent. Right dominance was observed in 42 percent, left dominance in 14 percent, and equal dominance in 44 percent of the hearts. Myocardial bridges were found on the LCA branches in 22 of the 27 hearts in which the median artery existed. Conclusion: There is a close relationship between the existence of the median artery and myocardial bridges. This suggests that the median artery might be important in myocardial bridges, which exist in embryos but do not result in any clinical symptoms for many years in a large number of people.Öğe Communications Between the Palmar Digital Branches of the Median and Ulnar Nerves: A Study in Human Fetuses and a Review of the Literature(Wıley, 2010) Ünver Doğan, Nadire; Uysal, İsmihan İlknur; Karabulut, Ahmet Kağan; Şeker, Muzaffer; Ziylan, TanerIn this study, median nerves (MNs) and ulnar nerves (UNs) were dissected in 200 palmar sides of hands (left and right) of 100 (50 male, 50 female) spontaneously aborted fetuses with no detectable malformations. The fetuses, whose gestational ages ranged from 13 to 40 weeks, were dissected under an operating microscope. The MN divided first into a lateral ramus and a medial ramus and then formed a common digital nerve. The first common digital nerve trifurcated in all of the studied cases. The branching patterns were classified into two types (Type 1 and Type 2) based on the relationship with the flexor retinaculum (behind/distal of it). A communication branch between the UNs and MNs in the palmar surface of the hand was found in 59 hands (29.5%). The proper palmar digital nerves were numbered from p1 to p10, starting from the radial half of the thumb to the ulnar half of the little finger, and these nerves exhibited six types of variations. The present data obtained from human fetuses will aid in elucidating the developmental anatomy of the nervous system and provide hand surgeons with a more complete anatomical picture to help them to avoid iatrogenic injuries.Öğe Reconstruction of Large Nasal Septal Perforations with a Three Layer Galeal Pericranial Flap: An Anatomical and Technical Study(2010) Keleş, Bahar; Öztürk, Kayhan; Çiçekçibaşı, Aynur Emine; Büyükmumcu, MustafaObjectives: In this study, a modified surgical method was carried out to repair large nasal septal perforations with a galeal pericranial flap using endoscopic technique. Materials and Methods: Six adult human cadavers were dissected by applying the classic open rhinoplasty technique. Large perforations were created in the septal cartilages. To repair the perforations, we prepared galeal pericranial flaps with supraorbital neurovascular pedicles and calvarial bone grafts under endoscopic visualization. The flaps were inserted between the upper lateral cartilages arid folded into three layers. The flaps were sutured to the nasal mucosa with absorbable sutures. The length, the width, the size of the flaps and the perforations were measured using an electronic caliper and a flexible ruler. Results: The mean length and width of the flap pedicles were measured as 26.8±5.1 mm (range 20 to 32 mm) and 19.3±2.6 mm (range 15 to 23 mm), respectively. In addition, the mean length and the width of the flaps were 54.1 ±4.9 mm (range 50 to 60 mm) and 51.6±7.8 mm (range 45 to 63 mm), respectively. All of the nasal septal perforations were repaired with a galeal pericranial flap. Conclusion: The galeal-pericranial flap is well-vascularized and similar to the nasal mucosa for tissue thickness. Therefore, reconstruction with galeal-pericranial flaps can be an alternative surgical technique for repair of large nasal septal perforations.