Amperometric Glucose Biosensor Based on Gold-Deposited Polyvinylferrocene Film on Pt Electrode

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Elsevier Advanced Technology

Erişim Hakkı



The preparations and performances of the novel amperometric biosensors for glucose based on immobilized glucose oxidase (GOD) on modified Pt electrodes are described. Two types of modified electrodes for the enzyme immobilization were used in this study, polyvinyl ferrocene (PVF) coated Pt electrode and gold deposited PVF coated Pt electrode. A simple method forthe immobilization of GOD enzyme on the modified electrodes was described. The enzyme electrodes developed in this study were called as PVF-GOD enzyme electrode and PVF-Au-GOD enzyme electrode, respectively. The amperometric responses of the enzyme electrodes were measured at constant potential, which was due to the electrooxidation of enzymatically produced H2O2. The electrocatalytic effects of the polymer. PVF. and the cold particles towards the electrooxidation of the enzymatically generated H2O2 offers sensitive and selective monitoring of glucose. The biosensor based on PVF-Au-GOD electrode has 6.6 times larger maximum current, 3.8 times higher sensitivity and 1.6 times larger linear working portion than those of the biosensor based on PVF-GOD electrode. The effects of the applied potential. the thickness of the polymeric film. the amount of the immobilized enzyme, pH. the amount of the deposited An, temperature and substrate concentration on the responses of the biosensors were investigated. The optimum pH was found to be pH 7.4 at 25 degrees C. Finally the effects of interferents, stability of the biosensors and applicability to serum analysis of the biosensor were also investigated.


Anahtar Kelimeler

Polyvinylferrocene, Gold deposition, Glucose, Electrochemical biosensor


Biosensors & Bioelectronics

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