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Öğe 1985 - 1986 Yılları Arasında S. Ü. Veteri?ner Fakültesi Kliniklerine Getirilen Hayvanların I?ç Hastalıklar Yönünden Genel Analizi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Tiftik, Ali MuhtarIn this article an information was given about the types of diseases, the systems where they are located, their distribution based on the seasons and the animal species, the origines and the causes of diseases related to a total of 1060 animals that was brought to the clinics of the Veterinary Faculty Selçuk Üniversity in 1985-1986. The distribution rate of diseases was found to be as 34.8% in horse, 16.2% in cow, 36.9 % in calf, 6.2 % in sheep and 5.7% in cat and dog. In the region, the infections of the respiratory system were significantly higher. In fact, the tuberculosis, enzootic pneumonia, viral pneumonia and influenze were more common among these diseases. Furthermore several zoonotic diseases such as malleus and brucellosis, calf septisemia, parasitic disease and other disorders related to mineral and vitamin deficiency were also observed.Öğe Bi?r Buzağıda Abomasum'un Sağa Yer Deği?şti?rmesi? ve Sekum Di?latasyonu Olgusunun Operati?f Yöntemle Sağıtımı(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1986 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Turgut, Kürşat; Koç, YılmazA caecum dilatation and right abomasal deplacement case was determined at a male weaning calf of cross bread southern Anatolia Red (GAK) that was brought to the clinics of internal medicine of Veterinary Faculty at the same day, the caecum was discharged and the abomasum brought back in its right place by the appropriate operative procedures. The calf was treated by applying antibiotics and liquid electrolites via intra peritonal and parenteral means. It was observed that the animal has been recovered in the 10th day of treatment.Öğe Buzağı I?shalleri?ni?n Sağıtımında Celi?ac'in Önemi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Aslan, Veysi; Şen, İsmailIn this investigation, it was studied on 20 neonatal calves suffered from diarrhea After clinical examination, blood sample was taken from jugular vein and WBC, PCV and blood pH were measured. The commerical drug Celiac which contains various elektrolites and vitamin and natural fibers was given orally to each calve suffered from diarrhea. Daily blood and clinical examinations were checked up until the end of study. At the end of study 17 calves out of 20 were observed to turn their health and diarrhea was disappeared. Three calves were died/euthenased during the study.Öğe Buzağılarda Solunum Yolu Enfeksiyonlarının Tanısında Bronkoalveolar Lavaj Sıvısı Muayenelerinin Önem(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2002) Birdane, Fatih Mehmet; Aslan, VeysiYapılan çalışmada buzağılanın solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlarının tanısında BAL sıvısındaki biyokimyasal ve sitolojik değişikliklerin belirlenmesinin yaranı araştırıldı.Bu amaçla, 18 akut, 17 kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlu ve 11 sağlıklı buzağı kullanıldı. Tüm buzağıların klinik muayenesi, tam kan analizi ve BAL sivisi analizleri yapıldı. Bron- koalveolar lavaj sıvısı sitolojik, biyokimyasal ve bakteriyolojik yönden incelendi. Bronkoalveolar lavaj sıvisi laktat de- hidrogenaz (LDH), alkalen fosfataz (ALP), aktiviteleri ve total protein konsantrasyonları, akut ve kronik solunum enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağılarda, sağlıklı gruba göre önemli ölçüde (p<0.01) yüksek olarak belirlendi. Sağlıklı grup ile karşılaştırıldığında akut ve kronik solunum enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağılanın BAL sıvısı nötrofil oranları önemli (p<0.01) ölçüde yüksek bulundu. Bronkoalveolar lavaj sıvisi makrofaj oranı akut ve kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağılarda normal buzağılara göre düşüktü. Kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağıların BAL sıvısı makrofaj oranlan akut enfeksiyonlu gruba göre daha yüksekti. Bu çalışmanın sonuçlanı BAL SIVISI analizlerinin pnömonik buzağıların spesifik tanısında hızlı, basit ve güvenli bir yöntem olduğuna karar verildi. Diagnostik amaçla BAL Svisi LDH, ALP aktiviteleri ve makrofaj, nötrofil yüzdelerinin belirlenmesi değerli bulunmuştur. Solunum sisteminin sitolojisi, daha kompleks diagnostik işlemler yapılana kadar hastaya uygulanacak işlemlerin seçilmesinde yönelik bilgi ve etiyopatolojik bir tanı sağlayabilir.Öğe Buzağılarda solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarının tanısında bronkoalveolar lavaj sıvısı muayenelerinin önemi(2002) Birdane, Fatih Mehmet; Aslan, VeysiYapılan çalışmada buzağıların solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlarının tanısında BAL sıvısındaki biyokimyasal ve si-tolojik değişikliklerin belirlenmesinin yararı araştırıldı.Bu amaçla, 18 akut, 17 kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonlu ve 11 sağlıklı buzağı kullanıldı. Tüm buzağıların klinik muayenesi, tam kan analizi ve BAL sıvısı analizleri yapıldı. Bron-koalveolar lavaj sıvısı sitolojik, biyokimyasal ve bakteriyolojik yönden incelendi. Bronkoalveolar lavaj sıvısı laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH), alkalen fosfataz (ALP), aktiviteleri ve total protein konsantrasyonları, akut ve kronik solunum enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağılarda, sağlıklı gruba göre önemli ölçüde (p0.01) yüksek olarak belirlendi. Sağlıklı grup ile karşılaştırıldığında akut ve kronik solunum enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağıların BAL sıvısı nötrofil oranları önemli (p0.01) ölçüde yüksek bulundu. Bronkoalveolar lavaj sıvısı makrofaj oranı akut ve kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağılarda normal buzağılara göre düşüktü. Kronik solunum sistemi enfeksiyonu bulunan buzağıların BAL sıvısı makrofaj oranları akut enfeksiyonlu gruba göre daha yüksekti. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları BAL sıvısı analizlerinin pnömonik buzağıların spesifik tanısında hızlı, basit ve güvenli bir yöntem olduğuna karar verildi. Diagnostik amaçla BAL sıvısı LDH, ALP aktiviteleri ve makrofaj, nötrofil yüzdelerinin belirlenmesi değerli bulunmuştur. Solunum sis-teminin sitolojisi; daha kompleks diagnostik işlemler yapılana kadar hastaya uygulanacak işlemlerin seçilmesinde yönelik bilgi ve etiyopatolojik bir tanı sağlayabilir.Öğe Concentration of Insulin and Glucose in Dairy Cows With Abomasal Displacement(Indian Veterinary Journal, 2000) Ok, Mahmut; Şen, İsmail; Birdane, Fatih Mehmet; Sevinç, Mutlu; Aslan, Veysi; Alkan, Feyzanur[Abstract not Available]Öğe Deneysel Gentamisin Nefrotoksisitesinde Üriner Enzim Aktivitelerinin Önemi(1999) Maden, Mehmet; Aslan, VeysiTotally nine healthy and mature dogs were used in the study. Two of which were served as controls and remaining seven dogs were assigned to experimental group. Gentamicin sulphate was given to induce nephrotoxicity at the dose of 10 mg/kg body weight every 8 hours for 10 consecutive days. The samples of blood and urine were taken twice before the experiment and every other day during gentamicin infection and for 5 days after gentamicin injection was ceased. N-acetyl-?-D-glocosaminidase (NAG). ?-glutamyl transterase (GGT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and creatinine (CR), total protein (TP), glucose (GLU) and electrolyte (Ca, P, Na, K) concentrations in the urine samples and blood urea nitrogen (BUN), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), cretainine (SCR), glucose and electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K) concentrations in the blood samples were measured. Urine dip stick and microscopic examination of urine sediment were performed. Urine protein/creatinine rate and daily protein loss in urine were calculated. The fractionel clearances of electrolytes (Ca, P, Na, K) and glucose were determined. Sodium sulphanilate clearance was measured twice before the experiment and three times during the experiment. Daily clinical examination of all dogs were performed during the experiment. Autopsy and histopatologic examinations were performed in three dogs (1 control, 2 experimental group) on the 11th day of the experiment, two dogs were euthenasied due to uremic coma on the 12th day of the experiment and remaining dogs were necropsied at the end of the experiment. In this study, acute tubular necrosis induced with nephrotoxic doses of gentamicin was found to be occured between 7th and 10th days of the experiment on the basis of clinical and laboratory findings. Urine GGT activities were found to be increased (P<0.01) on the 7th day of the experiment, urine NAG and ALP activities did not significantly increase. Significant increaments in the GGT/CR (P<0.01) and NAG/CR (P<0.01). ALP/CR (P<0.05) rates were observed respectively on the 7th and 13th days of the experiment. In conclusion, GGT/CR rate was found to be the most sensitive and reliable indicator in the determination of renal tubular damage associated with gentamicin nephrotoxicity.Öğe Enzooti?k Pneumoni?li? Danaların Ti?amuti?n ile Tedavi?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, VeysiThis investigation has been made in Konya from 1986 - 1987'in winter season on 50 calves with enzootic pneumonia. In investigation, the most affected calves in the infected herds were chosen. Tiamutin was injected (1 ml/10 kg) intramuscularly to each infected calf for three consecutive days. All of the calves recovered by this treatment.Öğe Enzooti?k Pneumonili Danalarda Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Ca ve İnorgani?k P Değerleri? ve Hastalığın Li?nkomi?si?n+Gentami?si?n Kombi?nasyonu ile Sağıtım Denemeleri? Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Nizamlıoğlu, MehmetThis investigation was carried out at the Zootechnical Research Institute in Konya from 1984 to 1985 in winter season on 20 Brown-swiss calves with enzootic pneumonia. In the investigation, to most effected calves in the infected herd were chosen. The serum ALP, Ca and inorganic phosphorus values and the clinical controls of calves were determined before and after the treatment. The results of ALP, Ca and inorganic phosphorus levels before the treatment. were found to be 77.1 U/L, 14.9 mm%, 8.2 mm% respectivelly. Lincomycin (10 mm/kg) and gentamycin (4 mg/kg) combination was injected intramuscularly to each infected calf for four consecutive days. In addition, prednisolon and antistin ampules were injected in dosage of two ampules for two days intramuscularly. ALP, Ca and inorganic phosphorus levels were determined after the treatment again. The results were found to be 64.1 U/L, 15.04 mg%, 7.8 mg% respectivelly and all of the calves recovered by this.Öğe Gastri?k Anormalli?k Olan Köpeklerde Endoskopi?k ve Laboratuvar Bulguların Karşılaştırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2004) Güzelbektaş, Hasan; Aslan, VeysiBu çalışmada, köpeklerdeki gastrik anormalliderin teşhisinde Klinik, laboratuvar ve endoskopik muayeneler arasındaki uyum araştinimıştır. Bu amaçla, 4 akut gastritis, 14 kronik gastritis, 5 gastrik ülserasyon olmak üzere toplam 23 adet üst gast rointestinal sistem semptomlan gösteren ve 10 adet sağlık köpek kuzanidi. Bütün köpeklerin kinik muayeneleri, dışkı ve he matolojik kontrollerinin yanı sıra, endoskopik muayenelen yapıldı. Endoskopik muayene sarasında tüm köpeklerden mukus ve biyopsi ömekleri alındı. Endoskopik ve histopatolojik bulgular karşılaştinidianda, akut gastritis grubunda % 75, kronik gastritis grubunda % 78,5, gastrik Olser grubunda % 80 ve kontrol grubunda %70 uyumn belirlendi. Kronik gastritis grubunda, kontrol grubuna göre eritrosit (RBC) ve hemoglobin (Hb) konsantrasyonlannda önemli oranda (sırasıyla p<0,01, p<0,05) azalma be irlendi. Dişki muayenelerinde, köpeldenin 8'inde hafif siddet (kronik gastritus grubu), Sinde şiddetli pozitil (gastrik ülserasyon grubu) gizli kan tespit edildi. Mukus ömekken spiral mikroorganizmalar yönünden incelend. Hasta köpeklerin % 60.9, sağlam köpeklerin de %60'ında spiral mikroorganizma tespit edildi.Öğe Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (GAK), Holstein (H) ve Bunların G?, G? Melezleri Düvelerinin Kan Serumlarında Na, K ve I?norgani?k P Değerleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1987 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Nizamlıoğlu, Mehmet; Başpınar, NuriThis study was carried out on 76 heifers in 17-20 months of age; 20 Holstein (H), 20 Southern Anatolian Red (GAK), 20 first cross-bred (G) and 16 second cross bred obtained from the Mercimek Zootechnical Research Institue of General Directorate for Agricultural Affairs. The serum Na and K values were determined with Flame - Photometer. The serum inorganic P values were executed by using Boehringer test kit. The results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance. The levels of Na, K and inorganic P in all the groups respectively between 322.95 8.78 351.60 1.52 mg/100 ml, 21.45 0.45 23.14 1.83 mg/100 ml, 6.090.30 7.20 0.25 mg/100 ml. - The results between all of the groups were not found statistically significant (>0.05).Öğe I?neklerde Gebeli?k ve Laktasyon Dönemleri?nde Kan Gli?koz Değerleri? ile Subkli?ni?k Ketozi?s'i?n Teşhi?si? Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Nizamlıoğlu, MehmetThis investigation was carried out on 40 lactating Brown - Swiss at the age of 3-4 years belonging Konya Zootechnical Research Institute and on 2 cows with ketosis that were brought to our clinics. Before starting the experiments all of the cows were inspected clinically. Twenty cows which are due 30 days at maximum for calving and 10 lactating cows that were already parturated in 0-10 days were selected. In addition, 10 cows that were parturated 6 months ago were included for experiments as a control. It was determined that all the animals during the pregnancy period were inefficiently feed with coarse and consentradet feed stuffs for the purpose of normal and easy parturation, and they gave lesser milk production as such 4-5 litres per day on the average. Blood glucose levels were measured in all the cows at about 10 days before calving and at the 10th, 20th and 30th days of it thereafter, and milk keton bodies were tested in milk and urine by «rothera method.>> Blood glucose values of all the animalls at about 10 days before calving and at the 10th, 20th and 30th days of it were found to be 37.5 mg/dl, 32.5 mg/dl and 30.4 mg/dl respectively. It was determined that these values were increased up to 45.8 mg/dl after the addition of molassed sugar pulp to their ration 10 day later. On the other hand, the blood glucose levels in 2 cows with ketosis were 23 mg/dl at average. Following the treatment all of the animals were recovered and their blood glucose levels increased to 52.5 mg/dl..Öğe I?shalli? Neonatal Buzağıların Prognozu ve Tedavi?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Kocabatmaz, Mehmet; Aslan, Veysi; Sezen, Yavuz; Nizamlıoğlu, MehmetIn this investigation, it was studied on 50 neonatal calves with diarrhea. As soon as the calves arrived to clinic the blood samples were taken from the jugular vein in order to determine the following blood parameters: packet cell volume (hematocrit %), leukocyte number, differential leukocyte count %, sedimentation rate, serum urea, Na, K, Inorganic P and total protein. Especially, the increase in PCV (Hematocrit %). leukocyte number and serum urea were much pronounced in the blood of calves. To decide about prognosis and the treatment of the calves, these measurerements are taken into consideration. The analysis of these blood parameters was carried out before the treatment and during the treatment period. The treatment of animals consisted of subcutaneous infusion of a isolayt solution mixed with hyaluornidaes (50-150 ml isolayt + 15-45 I.U. hyaluronidase per kg of body weight). On the other hand, the application of the effective antibiotics were administered orally (chloramphenicol; 30 mg/kg). and intramuscular (Gentamycine; 5 mg) kg) based on the results of an antibiogram carried out on facces. Three calves died but the other 47 calves were returned to their health.Öğe Köpek ve Toklularda Warfarin ile Experimental Akut Zehi?rlenme Denemeleri? ve Bunların Tedavi?si?ne I?li?şki?n Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Aslan, VeysiThis study has been made in order to find out the effect of Transamin (an antifibrinolitic medicine) with Vitamin K, and to observe clinical and haematological changes on dogs and one year old lambs which experimentally poisoned by an anticoagulant rodentisit warfarin. During experimentally studies 60 dogs and 16 one year old lambs were used, 50 mg/kg warfarin was given to lambs clinical symptoms, bleeding time coagulation time and protrombin time, erythrocyte and leucocyte counts, haemoglobin contents, haematocrit values and leucocyte formula were determined. Experimentally poisoned dogs were grouped and following treatments were applied. a) Vitamin K,, b) Transamin, c) Vitamin K,+Transamin. The most succesfull treatment in dogs was applied to lambs. The begining of symptoms and severity was changed with species, age and condition of animal. During the period of increased symptom protrombin, coagulation, bleeding times and total leucocyte count were quite higher (P 0.001) than normal. In countrast, erythrocyte count, haemoglobin contents and haematocrit values were decreased (P 0.001). Changes were determined in leucocyte formula; lymphocyte 10 %, eosinophyl, 33% decreased; neutrophyl 9.6 % increased. Treatment with Vitamin K,+Transamin combination were more succesfull in both species and we believe this combination will be useful.Öğe Köpeklerde Solunum Yolu Hastalıklarının Kli?ni?k, Si?toloji?k, Bakteri?yoloji?k ve Radyografi?k Anali?zi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2000) Maden, Mehmet; Birdane, Fatih M.; Alkan, Fahrettin; Şen, İsmail; Aslan, Veysi; Hadimli, Hasan H.Clinical, cytological, bacteriological and radiographic analysis of respiratory tract diseases were per formed in dogs. The importance of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and culture were analysed and it is considered to be important to detect the ethiologic factor and overall rate of inflammation. In addition to this, radiography were also evaluated if there was any contribution to the diagnosis. Thirty one dogs were used in this study of which 6 was assigned as a control group. Cough, fever, nasal discharge and abnormal auscultation were found in tracheabronchitis and bronchopneumonia. While there was a statistically significant increase (p < 0.001) in the neutrophil counts, there was a statistically significant decrease (p<0.001) on macrophage and lenfocyte counts in both groups Statistically significant increase (p < 0.05) on epithel cells counts was found Coc and/or bacils were seen in all cases Three dogs had fungal organisms, and one had anaerob bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica and E coll (% 24) were the most isolated bacteria species in BAL fluid culture. Tracheabronchitis and bronchopneumonia findings were de termined radiographically. As a result, clinical, cytologic, bacteriologic and radiographic findings were considered to be important in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Especially BAL fluid cytology was found to be highly important tool in the diagnosisÖğe Koyunlarda Experimental Olarak Meydana Geti?ri?len Ketosi?zte Kan Metaboli?tleri?, Rumen Protozoonları I?nsuli?n Düzeyi? ve Karaci?ger Yağlanması ile Ni?asi?n in Bu Parametrelere Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Aştı, Reşat; Tiftik, Ali Muhtar; Eksen, MürsayettinIn this investigation, phlorizin was used to induce ketosis in Akkaraman ewes. Before the experiment, all ewes were examined clinically. After the blood was obtained from jugular vein and SGOT, serum insulin levels, blood sugar and total protein concentrations, Na, K levels, Hb and PCV, total leucocyte and differential leucocyte separations were counted. These parameters were accepted as a normal values. phlorizin was injected twice daily to each animal for a period of 12 days. Clinical and blood examinations ofewes were controlled on the 1st, 3th, 6th, 9th days after injection of phlorizin. At the end of phlorizin injection to sheep, rumen content and liver biopsi materials were obtained. Normal SGOT, serum insulin, blood sugar, total protein concentrations, Na, K levels, Hb and PCV, total leucocyte count were found to be as 48.2 U/L, 22.53 mIU/ml, 65.1 mg/dl, 5.86 gr/ dl, 138.4 mEq/L, 16 mEq/L, 6.08 % mg, 28 %, 10.6 x 101 respectively. These parameters have been changed at the end of phlorizin injection (on the 12 day) as 105.72 U/L, 4.52 mIU/ml, 32.3 mg/dl, 6.6 gr/ dl, 315.8 mEq/L, 17 mEq/L, 5.24 % mg, 28 %, 13.9 × 103 respectively and total rumen protozoa count decreased to 20.2004852/ ml and diffuse lipit infiltrastion was seen in epithelial cells of liver. On the 12 the day of the experiment, niacin was given orally to the animals for five days. At the end of the treatment, blood sugar incerased to 60.6 mg/dl, serum insulin levels increased to 20.46 mIU/ml, SGOT decreased to 55.4 U/L, rumen protozoa count increased to 111400 + 15883/ ml and lipid drops in liver samples were disappeared. The other blood parameters have also been changed and all animals were recovered by this treatment.Öğe Koyunlarda Ventral Trunkal Vagotominin Ön Mideler ve Abomasum Fonksiyonları Üzerine Etkileri(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1990 Ocak) Turgut, Kürşat; Başoğlu, Abdullah; Koç, Yılmaz; Çiftçi, Kemal; Tıpırdamaz, Saadettin; Aslan, Veysi; Gürbilek, Mehmet; Ok, Mahmut; Özkan, CevatIn this study, a total of 12 sheep was used. 6 of which were used as a control group on which only paramedian laparatomy was performed. 6 of which were used as an experimental group on wihch ventral truncal vagotomy was performed via paramedian laparatoy. All the clinical, heamotological, biochemical and electrocardiographic examinations were performed for a month during the experiment. During the study clinical symptoms of vagus indigestion which has been described by Hoflund were not observed. There was significant decreaments in the respiration rate of experimental group at the 4 ^ (th), 10 ^ (th) and 20th day of the experiment. Plasma BE values were significantly increased at the 10 ^ (th) 20 ^ (th) and 30 ^ (th) day of axperiment in the experimental group. Rumen Cl concentration was significantly increased only at the 15 ^ (th) day of the experiment in the experimental group. Plasma gastrin concentration was decreased only at the sceond day of the experiment in the experimental group. Sinus arret was recorded during the electrocardiographic examination of the two groups of sheep at the diferent time. Theresult of the study showed that functional disorders of the nervus vagus did not play a role of the pathogenesis of vagus indigestion.Öğe Kuzularda Deneysel Olarak Oluşturulan Serebrokortikal Nekrozda Kli?ni?k, Laboratuvar ve Patoloji?k Bulgular(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) Ok, Mahmut; Aslan, Veysi; Maden, Mehmet; Sevinç, Mutlu; Çiftçi, M. Kemal; Yener, ZabitThis study was undertaken to determine pathological changes of cerebrocortical necrosis (CCN) experi mentally induced by given amprolium in lambs. Six healthy lambs, aging between 7 and 9 months and weighting be tween 11 and 15 kg were used as a material. Six lambs were divided into two groups to be three animals in each group (group 1,10. Amprolium (600 mg/kg/day) was given per oral to the both groups of lambs by stomach tube dur ing experiment. The symptoms of CCN in lambs were observed between 29 and 63 days of the experiment. While the lambs in the group II were treated with thiamine (500 mg/day) after clinical symptoms of CCN were appeared, the lambs in the group I were not applied any treatment. Plasma tiamin concentration decreased dramatically from 4.42 pm to 0.62 pgm (p< 0.01) and aftering treatment, inclined to 3.2 µg/ml in the lambs of group II. Serum CPK, ALT, AST ve glucose concentration increased dramatically (p<0.01). The lambs in the group I were necropsied when the all symptoms of CCN were observed. The lambs in the group Il were necropsied when the clinical symptoms of CCN were disappered after treatment. At the necropsy, meningial hiperemia, swollen and oedematus brain tissues were observed in all the lambs of group 1. The slight cedema in the brain was detected in the lambs group II Histologically. ichemic neuronal changes, perivasculer and perineuronal oedema, focal necrosis in cerebellar cortex and colliculus were determined in all the lambs of group I. The results of this research work showed that using long term and high dose of amprolium in lamb caused cerebrocortical necrosis and deficies thiamin of lambs with thiamin treatment would be of benent in the care of CCN.Öğe Kuzularda Deneysel Oluşturulan Serebrokortikal Nekrozun Profilaksi ve Tedavisinde Mayanın Etkisi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1998) Ok, Mahmut; Ortatatlı, Mustafa; Aslan, Veysi; Çiftçi, Kemal; Şen, ismail; Birdane, Fatih M.; Irmak, KemalThe effect of yeast on the treatment and prevention of the cerebrocortical necrosis (GGN) induced experimentally by amprolium in lambs was investigated in this study. Nine healthy lambs (aging between 6 and 8 months, and weighing belween 14 and 16 kg) were used as a malerial. Nine lambs were divided inlo 3 groups. Each group had 3 animals. Amprolium (600 mglkgl day) was given lo induce GeN orally to all the groups during experiment by stomach tube. Yeast (2 g1kglday) was given orally to the lambs ol group i and 3 lo Ireat and lo prevent the GeN. The lambs ol all the groups exhibited clinical lindings related with GGN belween 24 and 62 days of the experiment, except two lambs of the group i. Serı..ım ALT and glucose concentralions increased (p <0.05, pÖğe Pneumo-Enteri?ti?sli? Buzağılarda Kan Protei?nleri? ve Glutaraldehi?t Testi?ni?n Teşhi?s ve Prognozdaki? Önemi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993 Ocak) Aslan, Veysi; Ok, Mahmut; Maden, Mehmet; Sevinç, Mutlu; Kurtoğlu, FiruzeFifteen healthy calves, sixteen calves with enteritis infections and seventeen calves, with pneumonia infections were used in thes study Clinical and laboratory examinations (Serum total protein, albumin, globulin and plasma fibrinogen levels, leucocyte counts and PCV), microorganism identification and antibiotis sensitivity and Glutaraldehyde test were performed. The differencies between albumin and fibrinogen rate of healthy calves and calves with enteric infections were found more significantly (p < 0.01) . The differents between albumin, leucocyt counts and fibrinogen rate of healthy and calves with pneumonia infections were found more significantly (p<0.01). Results of study showed that clinical findings, microorganism isolate and GA test, albumin, fibrinogen and leucocyt counts could be more significant (p<0.05) in the diagnosis of enteric and pneumonia infections