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Öğe Aflatoksin ve Aflatoksin Bağlayıcısı Olan Polivinilpolipirolidon (PVPP) Verilen Broilerlerde Peritoneal Makrofajların Fagositik ve Mikrobisidal Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1996) Çelik, İlhami; Demet, Ömer; Oğuz, Halis; Boydak, Murat; Dönmez, Hasan HüseyinIn thıs study effects of aflatoxlcosis. which was experımentally induced by giving mixed aflatoxins ın feed (2. 5 mg/kg) for 21 days. on phagocytic and Candidacidal activities of chicken peritoneal macrophages and pre· ventıve actıon ol polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) supplementation (3g/kg) were investigated. Feeding experıments were performed on totally 200 mala one·day·old chlcks of Avlan strain. The animals were divided into tour groups each containing 50 chickens and leed with dilterant diets as fallows: First group, with commercial broıler feed. Second group, wıth mixed aflatoxıns containing (2.5 mg/kg) commercial broiler feed Third group, wıth PVPP (0.3 %) supplemented commercial broiler feed. Fourth group, with both PVPP (0.3 %) and mixed aflatoxıns (2.5 mgfkg) con· taınıng feed At the end ol the feeding experiment, peritoneal macrophages were isolated. The phagocytıc and ınt· racellular Candidacidal indlces were determined. The data were analysed statistically. The results have revealed that allatoxıcosıs depressed both phagocytıc and Candidacidal potential of paritonaat macrophages. PVPP addrtıon pre· vented the anımals from deppressive effects caused by aflatoxins on peritoneal macrophage functıons.Öğe Broiler Ci?vci?vlerde Yeme Yalnız ve Kombi?ne Katılan Aflatoksi?n ve Adsorban (Mycofix® Plus)'ın Bazı Hematoloji?k ve Serum Bi?yoki?myasal Parametreler Üzeri?ne Etki?leri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Nisan) Keçeci, Tufan; Demet, Ömer; Oğuz, HalisThis study was carried out to investigate the effect of aflatoxin (produced by Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 on rice), that was added alone and its combination with adsorbent (Mycofix® Plus, based polyviniylpolypyrrolidone active matter), on some biochemical and haematological parameters in day-old sixty male broiler chicks (hybro). For this purpose, the animals, which were divided into four groups, were provided with feed and water for ad libitum consumption from 1 to 21 days of age. The experimental design consisted of four dietary treatments in the feed of the groups: a) Control with 0 mg of aflatoxin (AF), 0 g of adsorbent per kg of diet, b) 3.0 g of absorbent per kg of diet, c) 2.5 mg of AF per kg of diet, d) 2.5 mg of AF per kg of diet plus 3.0 g of adsorbent per kg diet. At the end of the experiment, 7 chicks from group fed adsorbent, and 10 chicks from others were bled and their blood samples were collected. In these samples; treatments-related changes in haematological (red blood cells, white blood cells and thrombocytes counts, hemoglobin amount, hematocrit values, erythrocyte sedimentation rate at 1st, 2nd and 24th hours, lymphocytes, heterophiles, monocytes, basophiles and eosinophiles percentages) and serum biochemical values (glucose, total cholesterol, uric acid and total protein levels) were observed. When compared with the control, serum total cholesterol and uric acid levels, thrombocyte counts, hemoglobin amount, hematocrit values, lymphocytes and basophiles percentages were significantly reduced in the chicks fed AF. Also, heterophiles percentages of the animals fed AF were higher values than control ones (P<0.05). Whereas, between the parameters of control chicks and the animals fed AF plus adsorbent, there was no significantly differences (P>0.05). Based on results, it was concluded that adsorbent used in this experiment was effective agent in restoration of the parameters, that were altered by AF in chicks.Öğe Broiler Civcivlerde Yeme Yalnız ve Kombine Katılan Aflatoksin ve Adsorban (Polivinilpolipirolidon)'in Bazı Kan Değerleri Üzerine Etkileri(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1996) Oğuz, Halis; Altunok, Vahdettin; Demet, Ömer; Nizamlıoğlu, FarhanThis study was carned out to investigate the effect of aflatoxin(produced by Aspergillus parasitıcus NRRL 2999 on rice) that was added alone and its combination with adsorbent (polyvlnylpolypyrrolidone) on some ha· ematologıcaı values a day-old in eighty broiler chicks (Avian). For this purpose, the animals, which were divided into four groups, were provided with feed and water for ad libitum consumptlon from 1 to 28 days of age. The experirnental design consisted of four dietary treatments in the feed of the groups: a) Control with O mg of aflatoxın (AF) per kg of diet. b) 2. 5 mg of AF per kg of diet, c) 3. O g of polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) per kg of dlet d) 2. 5 mg of AF per kg of diet plus 3 o g of PVPP per kg of dieı. AF that were incorporated to diet consisted of 83. 06 % B ı, 12. 98 % B2, 2. 84 % G 1, and 1. 12 % G2. At the e nd of the experiment. s ix chlcks per each group w ere bl ed by cardıac puncture and ıheır blood samples were collected and analysed for treated-related changes In serum glucose, total protein, albumin, bilirubin and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) enzım activity. These results lndlcate that aflatoxin caused a deereasa on serum total protein, albumin, and bilırubın values (p>O. 05), and its eHects on glucose values and AST activity were not appear Also the inert polymer (polyvinıylpolypyrrolidone) incorporated to diet 3. O g/kg of feed, has no benetilical effect on aflatoxin contaminated (2. 5 ppm) feed for these paramaters on broilers.Öğe Buğday, Mısır, Pi?ri?nç ve Yerfıstığında Aflatoksi?n Üreti?lmesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Nisan) Demet, Ömer; Oğuz, Halis; Çelik, İlhami; Adıgüzel, HasanIn this study, the production of aflatoxin at a grade appropriate for dietary aflatoxin feeding studies were performed under our laboratory conditions. After sporulation Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 strain in the tubes containing Patato Dextrose Agar (Merck), the spores were removed by washings with 0.005% Triton X-100 (Merck) and an enriched suspensions of spores were obtained, following determination of the spore numbers in per ml of sus- pension, the suspension was used the inoculate the sterilized substrate (wheat, corn, rice and peanut) in erlenmeyer flasks and after inoculation the flasks were into an incubator for fermentation at 28 °C. Toplam twelve erlenmeyer flasks each having three ones for each substrate were fermented. At the end of the five days fermentation aflatoxin levels of the flasks were the determined by Fluorescence Spectrophotometry. Aflatoxin levels were measured as mg/ kg substrate (ppm) as follows: 71.88 for wheat (72.55% B1. 11.31 % B2, 11.28% G, and 4.86 % G?); 48.14 for corn (78.84 % B1, 7.45 % B2, 10.85% G1 and 2.86% G2); 63.64 for rice (83.06 % B1, 12.98 % B2. 2.84 % G1 and 1.12% G2); and 14.65 for peanut (84.02 % B1, 8.82% B2, 5.01 % G, and 2.15% G?).Öğe Determination of the effects of aflatoxin B-1 given in ovo on the proximal tibial growth plate of broiler chickens: histological, histometric and immunohistochemical findings(TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2012) Öznurlu, Y.; Çelik, İlhami; Sur, Emrah; Özaydın, Tuğba; Oğuz, Halis; Altunbaş, KorhanDetrimental effects of aflatoxin B-1 (AFB(1)) on the embryonic development of broiler tibia and its proximal growth plate were determined by means of histological, histometric and immunohistochemical methods. For this, 420 fertile eggs from parent stocks of Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into five groups according to the proposed treatment: a control untreated group, a group injected with 30% ethanol and three further groups to be injected with 5, 15 or 40 ng AFB(1). The eggs were injected into the air space prior to incubation. Five eggs from each group were opened at 9, 11, 13, 17, 19 and 21 days of incubation and tibial tissue samples were removed, dissected of muscle and connective tissues, and processed by means of routine histological techniques. The cell proliferation rate of the epiphyseal growth plate cells was determined by immunohistochemical assay of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression. The results showed that both proliferative and hypertrophic zones narrowed significantly (P<0.05), when compared with the controls, in all of the AFB(1)-treated groups whereas the transitional zone thickened, especially in the group given 40 ng AFB(1) group. The PCNA positivity indices of 15 and 40 ng AFB(1)-treated groups were significantly higher (P<0.05) on days 11, 13, 17, 19 and 21 of incubation. It was concluded that in ovo-administered AFB(1) adversely affected embryonic development of the tibial growth plate, and that affected hatched broilers might also be more susceptible to skeletal disorders during growth.Öğe Enrofloksasi?ni?n Sütten Atılma Süresi? Üzeri?ne Deneysel Çalışma(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Traş, Bünyamin; Baş, A. Levent; Oğuz, HalisEnrofloxacin was given to clinically healty six holstein dairy cows at a dosage of 2, 5mg / k * g of body weight by IM as only dose. Milk samples were taken from cows 24th, 48th, 72th, 96th and 120th hours after drug administration and before administration. Residues of enrofloxacin were determined in milk samples by HPLC method. Determined means concentrations of enrofloxacin in milk samles were respectively 0.035 ± 0.005, 0.025 ± 0.009, 0.0054± 3mcg / m * l at 24th, 48th and 72th hours. Enrofloxacin was not determined in milk samples at 96th and 120th hours.Öğe Evaluation of Biochemical Characters of Broiler Chickens During Dietary Aflatoxin (50 and 100 Ppb) and Clinoptilolite Exposure(W B Saunders Co Ltd, 2002) Oğuz, Halis; Kurtoğlu, Firuze; Kurtoğlu, Varol; Birdane, Yavuz OsmanAflatoxin (AF) and clinoptilolite (CLI, a natural zeolite) were added to broiler food and some biochemical values and enzyme activities were evaluated. The experimental design consisted of six dietary treatments. (1) Control: basal diet; (2) CLI: basal diet plus 15 g clinoptilolite kg(-1) diet; (3) 50 ppb AF: basal diet plus 50 mug total aflatoxin (AF; the composition given below) kg(-1) diet; (4) 50 ppb AF + CLI: basal diet plus 50 mug AF Plus 15 g CLI kg(-1) diet; (5) 100 ppb AF: basal diet plus 100 mug AF kg(-1) diet; (6) 100 ppb AF + CLI: basal diet plus 100 mug AF plus 15 g CLI kg(-1) diet. A commercially available CLI was provided from the west region of Turkey and its chemical formula is "KNa2Ca2(Si(29)AL(7))O.7(2).32H(2)O". For this a total of 576 1-day-old Ross broiler chicks were housed in six treatment groups from days I to 42. AF treatment significantly increased the serum Na levels and the aspartate-amino-transferase (ASAT) and alanine-amino-trasferase (ALAT) enzyme activities, while total protein, albumin, total cholesterol uric acid, and K levels were not significantly different between groups. These results suggest that these low A F levels in food did not change the serum biochemistry but significantly affected the enzyme activities in broilers.Öğe Karma yem, un ve bulgur örneklerinde aflatoksin kalıntılarının araştırılması(2011) Oğuz, Halis; Nizamlıoğlu, Ferhan; Dinç, İffet; Üney, Kamil; Aydın, HasanAmaç: Konya, Karaman ve Mersin bölgesinden toplanan karma yem, un ve bulgur örneklerinde aflatoksin (AF) kirliliğini belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Konya, Karaman ve Mersin il merkezleri ve ilçelerden Mayıs 2005-Ağustos 2006 arasında farklı mevsimlerde 150 adet karma yem, 210 adet un ve 210 adet bulgur örneği olmak üzere toplam 570 örnek toplandı. Örneklerde İnce Tabaka Kromatografisi-Scanner yöntemi ile analizler gerçekleştirildi. Bulgular: Analizler sonunda her üç ilden toplanan un ve bulgur örneklerinin hiçbirinde tespit edilebilir düzeyde AF kirliliğine rastlanmadı. Karma yem örneklerinde ise, Konya ilinden toplanan üç örnekte 1 ppb ve Mersin ilinden toplanan bir örnekte 0.5 ppb AFB1 tespit edildi. Bu düzeyler Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı tarafından yayınlanan ilgili mevzuatla karma yemlerde izin verilen üst sınırı aşmamaktadır. Öneri: Bu çalışmada karma yem, un ve bulgurda elde edilen sonuçlar halk sağlığı ve hayvan yetiştiriciliği açısından oldukça memnuniyet verici bir durum olarak değerlendirilebilir. AF oluşmadan önce koruyucu önlemlerin alınması oldukça önemlidir. AF'in neden olduğu sağlık riskleri ile ilgili olarak tüketiciler, yetiştiriciler ve ihracat-ithalatçılar düzeyinde bilgilendirme faaliyetlerine devam edilmesi gerekmektedir. İnsanlar tarafından tüketilen ve mikotoksinler yönünden hassas gıdaların düzenli bir program dahilinde resmi otoriteler tarafından kontrol edilmesi gerekmektedir.Öğe Konya Bölgesi İçme Sularındaki Ağır Metal Düzeylerinin Araştırılması(Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi, 2010) Yalçın, Mustafa; Oğuz, HalisBu çalışmada Konya bölgesi içme sularındaki bazı ağır metallerin (Al, Ag, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) düzeyleri araştırılmıştır. Konya iline bağlı 28 ilçe merkezi ve il merkezinin içme suyunu karşılayan kuyulardan, kaynaklardan, bunların beslediği depolardan ve arıtma tesisleri çıkışlarından 50 adet numune alınmıştır. Alınan numuneler ICP–AES metodu ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları TS–266 (TSE) içme suyu standartlarında belirlenen üst sınır değerlerin altında çıkmıştır. Ancak Hadim–2 (20.78 µg/L) ve Seydişehir (25.24 µg/L) numunelerindeki kurşun düzeyinin Sağlık Bakanlığı, Avrupa Birliği ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü’nce belirlenen üst sınır değerin (10 µg/L) üzerinde olduğu görülmüştür. Bu numunelerin alındığı suların içme suyu olarak tüketildiği yerlerde (Hadim–2: Merkez, Taşpınar ve Armağanlar mahallelerinin içme suyunu karşılamaktadır, Seydişehir: Seydişehir ilçesinin içme suyunu karşılamaktadır) sağlık açısından olumsuz etkilerin görülmemesi için bebek ve çocuklara şişelenmiş içme sularının verilmesinin uygun olacağı sonucuna varılmıştırÖğe Mısır silajında aflatoksin B1 ve zearalenon kirliliklerinin yüksek performanslı ince tabaka kromatografisi (HPTLC)-florodansitometrik yöntemle belirlenmesi(2012) Aydın, Hasan; Oğuz, HalisBu araştırmada mısır silajında aflatoksin B _1 (AFB _1) ve zearalenon (ZON) kirliliklerinin analizinde Yüksek Performanslı İnce Tabaka Kromatografisinde (HPTLC) Florodansitometre ile yemlerde kullanılan yöntemin modifiye edilerek silajlarda rutin olarak kullanılması ve bu yöntem ile İç Anadolu Bölgesi illerinden toplanan mısır silajı örneklerinde bu kirliliklerin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Mısır silajında AFB _1 ve ZON miktarının tayininde kullanılan metotların validasyonu için özgünlük, doğrusallık, geri kazanım, duyarlılık ve kesinlik parametreleri çalışıldı. Mikotoksin analizlerinde duyarlılık limitleri AFB _1 için 2 ppb, ZON için 12 ppb; geri kazanım AFB _1 için %74, ZON için %81 olarak belirlendi. Mısır silajında AFB1 analizinde developman çözeltisi olarak kloroform aseton bidistile su kullanıldı. ZON analizinde ise TLC plakaların yerine HPTLC plakalar kullanıldı. Aksaray, Ankara, Çankırı, Eskişehir, Karaman, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Konya, Nevşehir, Niğde, Sivas, Yozgat’taki süt sığırcılığı ve koyunculuk işletmelerinden 1 Mart - 31 Mayıs 2008 tarihlerinde 2007 yılının ürünü olan toplam 260 mısır silajı örneği toplandı ve örneklerde AFB1 ve ZON düzeyleri belirlendi. Mısır silajlarında AFB _1 ve ZON düzeylerini tespit eden geçerliliği denenmiş bu yöntemlerin rutin analizlerde laboratuvarlarda kullanılabileceği belirlendi. Toksikolojik analizler sonucunda mısır silajı örneklerinin hiçbirinde AFB _1 ve ZON kirliliği tespit edilemedi.Öğe Occurance of Aflatoxin M1 in Cheese(2009) Akkaya, Levent; Birdane, Yavuz Osman; Oğuz, Halis; Cemek, MustafaThe present study was aimed to analyse the presence and levels of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1), in 177 yogurt samples consisting of 104 samples of ordinary yogurt, 21 of fruit yogurt, and 52 of strained (Torba) yogurt. The competitive ELISA method was used to determine the aflatoxin. The highest AFM1 concentration was 150 ng/kg in strained yogurt, 100 ng/kg in ordinary yogurt as well as in fruit yogurt. The incidence of AFM1 contamination in yogurt samples were 65.38% (68 samples) of all ordinary yogurt samples, 33.33% (7 samples) of all fruit yogurt samples, and 55.77% (29 samples) of all strained yogurt samples. In addition, 11.53% of ordinary yogurt (12 samples), 9.52% of fruit yogurt (2 samples), and 21.15% of strained yogurt (11 samples) had higher AFM1 levels, than the acceptable levels for the Turkish Food Codex (50 ng/kg for yogurt). The results of this study imply that more emphasis should be given to the routine AFM1 inspection of milk and dairy products in the Afyonkarahisar region. Furthermore, both farmers and dairy companies should be informed on the importance of AFM1, and the consequences of the presence of the aflatoxin in dairy products.Öğe Occurrence of Aflatoxins in Layer Feed and Corn Samples in Konya Province, Turkey(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2003) Nizamlyolu, F. ; Oğuz, HalisThe natural occurrence of aflatoxin was investigated in layer feed and corn samples brought to Konya Veterinary Control and Research Institute Laboratory between 15 April and 15 December 2002. Seventy-eight samples ( 52 feeds, 26 corn samples) were analysed for total aflatoxin (B-1 + B-2 + G(1) + G(2)) by an ELISA screening method. Aflatoxin contamination was determined in 37 feed samples (71.1%) and 15 corn samples (57.7%), with a range of1.5 - 133 mug kg(-1). However, a majority ofthe aflatoxin contamination was less than 5 mug kg(-1) (50% within the positive samples). Two feed samples and two corn samples exceeded the maximum tolerated levels in feed (20 mug kg(-1)) and feedstu. s (50 mug kg(-1)) for total flatoxin.Öğe Pi?ri?nçte Aflatoksi?n Üreti?lmesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) Demet, Ömer; Oğuz, Halis; Çelik, İlhami; Nizamlıoğlu, FerhanIn this study, the production of aflatoxin at a grade appropriate for dietary aflatoxin feeding studies were performed under our laboratory conditions. After sporulation of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 strain in the tubes containing Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA), the spores were removed by washings with 0.005% Triton X-100 (Merck) and an enriched suspension of spores were obtained. Following determination of the spore numbers in per ml. of suspension, the suspension was used to inoculate the sterilized rice in erlenmeyer flasks and after inoculation the flasks were in to an incubator for fermentation at 28 °C. At first stage of the study, thirtyfour erlenmeyer flasks were fermented. On the 2nd day of fermentation four erlenmeyers were removed because that rice kernels formed a large compact mass. After seven days fermentation, aflatoxin levels of the flasks were determined by Fluorescence Spectrophotometry. The mean aflatoxin level of thirty flasks was approximately 62.71 mg/kg (ppm). At second stage, three groups of erlenmeyers each having six ones, were fermented for 6,9, and 12 days. Aflatoxin levels were de- termined as follows; 30. 16 mg/kg, 29.65 mg/kg and 29.58 mg/kg respectively. Observation of no increase after 6 th day of the fermentation. As a result, 62.71 mg/kg total aflatoxin level were produced on rice, provides a sufficient amount for dietary aflatoxin feeding studies.Öğe The presence of mycotoxin in total mixed rations of dairy cattle in Konya and the surrounding provinces(Ataturk Universitesi, 2016) Yalçin, Nihayet Fadime; Işik, Mehmet Kürşat; Avci, Tülay; Oğuz, Halis; Coşkun, Behiç; Çiftci, EmineIn this study, it was aimed to determine the levels of mycotoxin contamination in total mixed rations (TMR) of dairy cattle in Konya and the surrounding provinces where 13.3% cattle production of Turkey takes place. For this purpose, a total of 74 ready-to-consume TMR samples from dairy cattle farms in Konya, Afyonkarahisar, Karaman, Aksaray, Nigde, Antalya, Isparta and Burdur provinces were collected. A general screening in dairy cattle feeds was performed in terms of mycotoxin presence and contamination levels. Samples were analysed for aflatoxin B1, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, fumonisin and deoxynivalenol levels by LC-MS/MS multi-mycotoxin method. The levels of different mycotoxins in cattle feeds obtained from dairy cattle farms, the proportion of positive samples and the percentage of presence in the feeds were compared in terms of maximum residue limit. It was concluded that the feeds were found partially contaminated with mycotoxins in terms of mycotoxin types and levels in the regions screened. The exceeded rates were found 30% for aflatoxin B1 (?5 ppb) and 3% for ochratoxin A (?100 ppb) in TMR according to Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey (2014/11). According to the exceeded levels, TMR and feedstuffs should be stored under more favourable conditions to avoid mycotoxin contamination.Öğe A review from experimental trials on detoxification of aflatoxin in poultry feed(2011) Oğuz, HalisBu meta-analitik derlemede kanatlı yemlerindeki aflatoksinlerin etkisizleştirilmesi ile ilgili genel bilgiler verildikten sonra bu amaçla yem katkısı şeklinde kullanılan adsorbanlar ve biyolojik ürünlerle yapılan in vivo deneysel çalışmalar özetler halinde sunuldu. Bu amaçla 33 farklı ülkede gerçekleştirilen toplam 135 araştıma tarandı ve sonuçları ana hatlarıyla verildi. Bu derleme ile ilgili konuda yapılan tüm çalışmalar ve sonuçlarının konu ile ilgilenen sektör ve bilim temsilcilerine ülkeler bazında toplu halde sunulması ve onların bütüncül bir değerlendirme yapmalarına imkan sağlanması amaçlandı. Üreticiler ve araştırıcılar için yeme aflatoksin bağlayıcı olarak katılan yem katkısının etkinliğini belirlemede en iyi yol, aflatoksin ve aflatoksin koruyucu madde grubunu karşılaştırılarak elde edilen sonuçların performans, biyokimyasal-hematolojik, immunolojik ve makroskobikhistopatolojik verilerin hepsinin “bir bütün olarak” ele alınması ve değerlendirilmesidir. Üretici ve araştırıcılar denemelerin bütününe ulaşıp koruyucu maddenin pratikte kullanılabilirliğini değerlendirmek için makale başlıklarını, ortak yazarları ve/veya makalenin materyal ve metodunu takip edebilirler.Öğe Yeme Katılan Aflatoksin ve Bir Aflatoksin Bağlayıcısı Olan Mycofix® Plus (Pvpp Etken Maddeli)'in Broiler Civcivlerde Bazı Verim Değerleri Üzerine Etkileri(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1996) Demet, Ömer; Oğuz, Halis; İnal, Fatma; Nizamlıoğlu, FerhanThıs study was carrıed out to ınvestlgate the effects ol aflatoxın and adsorbent (Mycofix Plus, based polyvmıylpolypyrrolidone active matter) on some perfonnance paramaters of day-old broiler chicks. A total of 132 chicks (Hybro) were divided into four groups each containing 33 animals. lt was mixed into diets at O, 3, O, 3 g/kg Mycolix'1J. Plus and O, O, 2.5, 2.5 ppm aflatoxin. Feed and drinkıng water was provided ad fibitum for 21 days. Feed consumptlon, body weight were determined every 7 days. Died animals were recorded daily Feed consumption (gl day) was 23.6, 24.7, 17 1, and 21.6; final body welghts were (g) 346.3; 275.5; 235.0 and 241.4 respeotively. Aflatoxın (83.06% Bı . 12.98% B2. 2 84% Gı. and 1.12% G2) was produced by Asperglllus parasiticus NRRL 2999 at "University of Selçuk, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology." Based on results, although there is a significant dıfference (p<0.05), between control and the other groups on body weight and no signifıcant differences between the others (p>0.05). However, feed consumption was hıghly reduced in aflatoxin group.Öğe Yeme Tek Başına ve Bazı Adsorbanlarla (Polivinilpolipi?rolidon, Bentonit) Bi?rli?kte Katılan Aflatoksi?ni?n Broyler Ci?vci?vlerde Bazı Veri?m Değerleri? Üzeri?ne Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1997 Ocak) Oğuz, Halis; Demet, ÖmerThis study was conducted to determine the effects of aflatoxin on some the performance parameters broiler chicks and also to evaluate the preventive efficacy of various adsorbents (polyviniylpolypyrrolidone; PVPP and bentonite; BNT), given as feed additives, on experimentally induced aflatoxicosis. A total of 147 day-old unvaccinated broiler chicks (Avian) were divided into seven groups (control, AF, PVPP, AF+PVPP, PVPP+BNT, AF+PVPP+BNTand AF+BNT) each consist of 21 chickens. 2.5 mg of AF (total aflatoxin; 83,1% B?, 13.0% B?, 2.8% G, and 1.1% G?) 3 g of PVPP, and 5 g of BNT were incorporated into per kg of feed. Feed and water were provided ad libitum from 1 to 21 days. Feed consumption, body weight were determined every 7 days. Died animals were recorded daily. Feed consumption (g/day) was 23.1, 17.2, 32.0, 18.6, 24.7, 24.4, and 23.4; final body weights were (g) 234.0, 183.1, 251.6, 162.3, 203.5, 169.7, and 177.0 respectively. These results suggested that, AF caused significant (p<0.05) reduction in leed consumption and body weight gain. Addition of PVPP and BNT on the diet containing AF has no significant improvement on performance parameters (p>0.05) in chicks.Öğe Yeme tek başına ve bazı adsorbanlarla (Polivinilpolipirolidon, bentonit) birlikte katılan aflatoksinin broyler civvivlerde bazı verim değerleri üzerine etkisi(1997) Oğuz, Halis; Demet, ÖmerBu çalışma ile, tavukçuluk sektörünün önemli bir sorunu olan aflatoksikozis, et-tipi civcivlerde deneysel olarak oluşturularak verim kayıplarının belirlenmesi ve adsorbanların (polivinilpolipirolidon; PVPP ve bentonit; BNT) af-latoksikozise karşı koruyucu etkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Hayvan materyali olarak toplam 147 adet aşısız günlük et-tipi civciv (Avian) kullanıldı. Herbirisinde 21 adet civciv olmak üzere 7 grup (Kontrol, AF, PVPP, AFPVPP, PVPPBNT, AFPVPPBNT ve AFBNT) oluşturuldu. Gruplarda 1 kg yeme 2.5 mg AF (karışık aflatoksin; %83.1 B1( %13.0 B2, %2.8 G1 ve%1.1 G2), 3 g PVPP ve 5 g BNT katıldı. Civcivlere 21 gün süreyle ad libitum yem ve temiz su verildi. Gruplarda, yem tüketimleri ve canlı ağırlıklar haftalık tartımlarla belirlendi. Ölen hayvanlar günlük olarak kaydedildi. Üç haftalık besleme süresi bitiminde grupların yem tüketimleri (g/gün) sırasıyla 23.1, 17.2, 32.0, 18.6, 23.4, 24.7 ve 23.4; ortalama canlı ağırlıklar (g) ise aynı sırayla, 234.0, 183.1, 251.6, 162.3, 203.5, 169.7 ve 177.0 olarak belirlendi. Bu verilere göre; AF grubunda kontrole göre yem tüketimi ve canlı ağırlık kazancında önemli oranda azalma (p0.05) kaydedildi. Yeme katılan PVPP ve BNT'in aflatoksinin verim değerleri üzerindeki olumsuz etkisini önleyemediği (p0.05) tesbit edildi.Öğe Zehirlenmelerde İntravenöz Lipit Emülsiyonu Tedavisi(2019) Bahçivan, Emre; Oğuz, Halisİntravenöz lipit emülsiyon (ILE) tedavisi, dolaşımdaki zehirli maddelerin biyoyararlanım ve toksisitesini azaltmak için lipitemülsiyonlarının intravenöz infüzyon yoluyla kullanılmasını tanımlar. Lipit emülsiyonu yağ, emülsifier, tonisite değiştirici madde vesudan oluşurken ve bileşiminde yaklaşık %80 su, %20 soya fasulyesi yağı, %2 gliserin ve %1 yumurta sarısı fosfolipidi bulunmaktadır.ILE’nin üretilme amacı öncelikli olarak yetişkinler, çocuklar ve yeni doğanlar için parenteral beslemedir. Bunun dışında ILE propofol veamfoterisin B’de olduğu gibi ilaç taşıyıcısı olarak da kullanılmaktadır. ILE, lipofilik toksinleri absorbe etme yeteneklerine bağlı olarakveteriner hekimlikte ve insan hekimliğinde lokal anesteziklerin sistemik toksisitesinin tedavisinde de antidot olarak kullanılabilmektedir.Lipofilik ilaçlarla zehirlenmelerin tedavisinde belirgin klinik düzelme, uygulamasının nispeten kolay olması, düşük maliyet, söz konusulipit emülsiyonlarının etiket dışı kullanımının artmasına neden olmuş ve zehirlenmelerin tedavisinde kullanılabilmesinin yolunu açmıştır.Bu makalede ILE’nin etki mekanizmaları, endikasyonları, mevcut ticari formülasyonları, dozaj rejimi önerisi ile yan etkileri hakkında bilgiverilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.