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Öğe Sucuk, Salam, Sosis ve Pastırmalarda Salmonella spp. ve Listeria Monocytogenes Varlığı ile Kimyasal Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi(Selçuk Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022) Keskin, Tayfun; Uçar, GürkanBu çalışmada 2021 yılında Türkiye’de süpermarketlerde satışa sunulan toplamda 60’ar adet sucuk, salam, sosis ve pastırma örneklerinin bazı mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal özellikleri incelenmiştir. Toplamda 240 adet örnek kullanılmıştır. Örneklerden elde edilen sonuçlar, Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et, Hazırlanmış Et Karışımları ve Et Ürünleri Tebliği (2019)'nde ve Türk Gıda Kodeksi Mikrobiyolojik Kriterler Yönetmeliği (2011)’nde belirtilen standartlara uygunluğu değerlendirilmiştir. Mikrobiyolojik analizlerde Salmonella spp. ve Listeria monocytogenes varlığı, kimyasal analizlerde ise tuz, yağ, protein, pH ve nem oranları tespit edilmiştir. İncelenen örneklerde Salmonella spp. ile L. monocytogenes varlığı sırasıyla sucuk örneklerinin 9 tanesinde (%15) ve 7 tanesinde (%11,66), salam örneklerinin 7 tanesinde (%11,66) ve 6 tanesinde (%10,00), sosis örneklerinin 7 tanesinde (%11,66) ve 5 tanesinde (%8,33) ve pastırma örneklerinin 3 tanesinde (%5,00) ve 2 tanesinde (%3,33) belirlenmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde toplam 240 örneğin 26’sı (%10,83) Salmonella spp. ve 20’si ise (%8,33) L. monocytogenes bakterileri ile kontamine olduğu saptanmıştır. Sucuk örneklerinin tuz oranları %2,67-4,34, yağ oranları %24,32-40,79, protein oranları %13,01-31,80, pH değerleri 4,69-6,22 ve nem oranları %20,73-53,68, salam örneklerinin tuz oranları %1,66-2,58, yağ oranları %8,57-24,01, protein oranları %9,60-13,57, pH değerleri 5,12-6,90 ve nem oranları %60,62-69,97, sosis örneklerinin tuz oranları %2,17-2,62, yağ oranları %11,49-29,87, protein oranları %10,88-14,05, pH değerleri 5,23-6,53 ve nem oranları %61,28-72,56, pastırma örneklerinin tuz oranları %4,01-10,94, yağ oranları %5,54-10,58, protein oranları %25,86-39,83, pH değerleri 5,29-6,44 ve nem oranları %40,36-55,12 arasında değiştiği bulunmuştur. Kimyasal analiz sonuçlarına göre, incelenen sucuk örneklerinin 3’ü (%5) yağ/et protein oranı, 4’ü (%6,66) protein, 3’ü (%5) pH ve 6’sı (%10) nem/et protein oranı, salam örneklerinin 2’si (%3,00) protein ve 4’ü (%6,66) nem/et protein oranı, sosis örneklerinin 1’i (%1,66) nem/et protein oranı, pastırma örneklerinin ise 14’ü (%23,33) tuz, 2’si (%3,33) pH ve 12’si (%20) nem açısından Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et, Hazırlanmış Et Karışımları ve Et Ürünleri Tebliği (2019)’ne göre uygun bulunmamıştır. Elde edilen bulgular sonucunda, işlenmiş et ürünlerinin %19,16 (46/240)’sının mikrobiyolojik kriterler yönünden Türk Gıda Kodeksi Mikrobiyolojik Kriterler Yönetmeliği (2011)’ne uymadığı dolayısıyla mikrobiyolojik kalitesinin kötü olduğu ve halk sağlığı açısından risk oluşturabileceği kanısına varılmıştır. Kimyasal kalite bakımından ise örneklerdeki bazı parametrelerin Türk Gıda Kodeksi Et, Hazırlanmış Et Karışımları ve Et Ürünleri Tebliğe (2019) uygun olmadığı gözlenmiştir. Pastırma ve sucuk üretiminde çoğunlukla nem oranlarının uygun olmaması ürünlerin yeterince kurutma işlemi yapılmadan piyasaya sürülmesinden kaynaklandığı anlaşılmaktadır. xi İşlenmiş et ürünleri kalitesinin yükseltilmesi için işletmelerin çok iyi denetlenmesi, belirtilen kriterler çerçevesinde üretim yapmaları ve iyi kalitede üretim konusunda bilinçlendirilmeleri önem taşımaktadır.Öğe The Basic Principles of Intermediate-Moisture Foods(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Anıl, NazifOrta Rutubetli Gıdalar, hemen yenecek kadar yumuşak (% 20-30 rutubet), fakat uzun süre saklanabilecek kadar kuru gıda olarak tanımlanabilir. En eski gıda muhafaza metodlarından biri olup, son yıllarda yeniden ilgi uyandırmaya başlamıştır. Modern anlamda, Orta Rutubetli Gıdalar, nemlendiricilerin ilavesiyle Aw'nin düşürülmesi; mikostatik ve bakteriyostatik maddelerin katılması ve ayrıca bazı ek kimyasal maddelerin dahil edilmesiyle dayanıklılık ve duyusal özelliklerin yükseltilmesi esasına dayanır. Bu amaçla katılan en önemli kimyasal maddeler gliserol, propilen glikol, K sorbat ve tuzdur. Aw seviyesi düştükçe, gıdalardaki mikroorganizmaların çoğalması da durur, Aw 0.65'ten daha düşük seviyelerde üreme imkansız hale gelir.Öğe Türk Pastırması; Modern Yapım Tekni?ği?ni?n Geli?şti?ri?lmesi? ve Vakumla Paketlenerek Saklanması(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Anıl, NazifThis research was carried out to develop a modern production technique for Turkish pastrami by using a drying chamber in which the climatic conditions could be controlled and to determine the storage conditions of the product for extended shelf life by vacuum packaging. Three different types of experimental pastrami were manufactured under various climatic conditions. Based on the physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic findings of those samples, the "DPx, sample" produced at 20°C temperature, 1.5 m/sec weather circulation speed and 655% relative humidity was found to be as the most ideal ore. The moisture content and the values of pH and A, were 41.62 %, 5.45, 0.91 respectively. The level of organoleptic acceptability was quite satisfactory (8,7). Although there was no growth for Coliform microorganisms, a mild increase was observed in the total viable cell count (5.6x106) and in the numbers of Staphylococci (4.5x103). The same pastrami sample (DPx1) was kept in a vacuum package for the periods of 1, 2 and 3 months at room temperature (20°C). It was deduced that the weight loss decreased to the level of 1.75 %, the total viable cell count dropped to 2.9x105, the proliferation of anaerob microorganisms increased to 3.5x104, the degree of organoleptic acceptability has not changed significantly (7.9) at the end of 3 months storage period.Öğe Balıklarda Gradi?ng Si?stemi?ni?n Geli?şti?ri?lmesi? ve Kali?te Faktörleri?ni?n Tesbi?ti? Üzeri?ne Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Anıl, Nazif; Nizamlıoğlu, Mustafa; Doğruer, YusufThis investigation was carried out to develop the grading system and to determine the quality factors for fish. On various sea fish the content of head, scales, fins, internal organs and fishbones; the waste percentage; the yield of fish meat and the sensorial quality factors were determined. The waste percentages were found to be 28.04 % for anchovy, 35.93% for horse mackerel, 29.64 % for bonito, 29.34 % for chub mackerel, 32.87 % for sea bream, 22.46 % for needlefish, 40.02 % for whiting. Hence, they have given 71.95 %, 64.04 %, 70.35 %, 70.65 %, 67.12 %, 77.53% and 59.97 % meat yield, respectively. Furthermore, the sensorial acceptance levels for the same fish were valued at 8.31, 6.41, 9.04, 7.37, 6.47, 6.87, 7.88, respectively. Needlefish gave the highest meat yield (77. 53 %) due to its lowest waste percentage (22.46 %) but obtained an unsatisfactory result (6.87) from the organoleptic evaluation. On the other hand, whiting was not found valuable enought because of its highest waste percentage (40.02 %) and the lowest meat yield (59.97 %). It was proved that anchovy and bonito were the ideal fish for both their meat yield and as well as their sensorial acceptance level. As a result, the waste percentage, the meat yield and the organoleptic quality factors of various fish were determined, henceforth, a groundwork was laid down for the application of fish grading in our country in the future.Öğe Konya'da Tüketi?me Sunulan Torba Yoğurtlarının Kali?tesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Yalçın, Suzan; Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Nizamlıoğlu, MustafaIn this research, chemical and microbiological qualities of 14 strained yoghurt samples taken from Konya market were determined. It was found that microbiological qualities of strained yoghurt samples were low and chemically 78.57 % of samples differed from the values of Food Regulation.Öğe Konya I?l Merkezi?ndeki? I?çme ve Kullanma Sularının Hi?jyeni?k Kali?tesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1988 Ocak) Yalçın, Suzan; Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Nizamlıoğlu, MustafaThis work was carried out to investigate the hygienic quality of drinking water in Konya. For this reason, totally 100 drinking water samples were analyzed for the microbial, chemical and physical qualities. Of 100 samples, 51 percent microbiologically and 36 percent chemically were not agreeable with the values of Turkish Food Regulation.Öğe Enfekte Yara ve Apseleri?n Sağıtımında Şeker Uygulamalarının I?yi?leşme Üzeri?ne Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1992 Ocak) Yavru, Nuri; Koç, Yılmaz; Arıcan, Mustafa; Doğruer, YusufWith this study it was tried to use the rather simple, cheap and uncomplicated treatment method of crystallise sugar application as an help of treatment in the field of veterinary medicine. In this study materials were consisted of total 28 cases; these were; 1 dog, 1 rabbits, 2 horses and 4 cattle which had been brought to the surgery clinics. 1 horse, 2 catle had bursitis purulenta, 2 calves had arthritis purulenta, 1 cat, 1 sheep, 4 horses, 3 cattle had infected and necrotic wounds, 6 dogs had experimentally made symetric wounds. Granulated sugar was applied in crystallise form as 40% solution and 59% paste form. One of the experimentally made wounds was treated in clasical medhod, and the next one is by grunulated sugar application. Any antibiotic was used expect in arthritis purulenta cases. The resistance of the wound was measured comparatively with an electronic prebe (Eastern-Animdletek-Inc. USA) in order to have an idea about the improvement rate of the healing results of granulation tissue of experimentally made wounds in 3 dogs. From the other 3 dogs 1 gram of muscle piece was taken before and third and sixth day after the treatment in order to detect the bacteria level on both of the wounds, that colony counts were made. Putrid flow from abscesses in different dimensions has stopped varying in time of 3 to 5 days by application of 40% granulated sugar solution. This time was obtained as 4 days in arthritis and 2-3 days in bursitis cases. Complete healing was in between 10-17 days. In the infected wounds it was detected that production of granulation tissue by ceasing of flow occured in 3 to 5 days depending on the size of the wound. It has neeted 7 to 13 days for granulation tissue to reach to the skin level. It was reported that the regression of the size of the wound half of its original size on the fifth day and a higher resistance of sugar applied wound was detected in the measurements of the granulation tissue improvement. Reduction of bacteria number was detected in sugar applied wounds comparing with the other one in colony countings bacteriologically. Findings at the end of this study was showed that because of good results, cheapness, easily applicabliness and most abundancy of sugar it may be an alternative to other classical treatment methods.Öğe Kokusu Gi?deri?lmi?ş Hamsi? Kıymasının Deri?n Dondurucuda Saklanması, Dondurmanın Mi?krobi?yoloji?k ve Ki?myasal Kali?tesi? Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1985 Ocak) Anıl, NazifThis study was carried out in two stages. At first, the anchovy fish was cleaned off, grounded and deodorized. Later, they were analyzed after being packed in the polyethylene pouches and stored in deep freeze at -18-2°C for the periods of 7 days, 1, 3 and 6 months. The chemical and microbiological experiments were conducted on fresh anchovy and frozen ground anchovy. The values of pH (average 5.7 0.04) and water activity (average 0.98 0.01) determined in fresh anchovy didn't show any significant differences with compared to those of ground anchovy. On the other hand, a decrease in the percentage of total acidity (average %0.88 0.05 ??%0.75), but an increase in the peroxide number (average 1.25 0.43 -6.7) were observed towards to the end of the storage periods. Thus, it was realized that the rancidity has undergone to develop even at the freezing temperatures. The total germ counts determined in fresh anchovy (1.15x107/gr) have decreased down to 7.51x105/gr in frozen anchovy. The same situation was also observed in other microorganisms. No growth was seen in coliform microorganism in the 6th month. However, the numerical drops of psychrophilic microorganisms were found to be not so obvious. As a result, it was determined that the freezing temperature didn't cause any significant side effect on the chemical and microbiological quality of ground anchovy during the extended storages in deep-freeze. On the contrary, it was understood that the low degree of freezing temperature has caused a mild sterilization effect on microorganisms. Thus, it became clear that the ground anchovy could be safely preserved at -18°C for at least 6 months.Öğe Fermente Süt Ürünleri?ni?n Besi?n ve Terapöti?k Değeri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1986 Ocak) Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Yalçın, SuzanFermentation with lactic acid bacteria is one of the oldest methods of food processing and food preservation used by mankind. Fermented dairy products have essentially the same caloric value as the milk from which they are made, but they are more nutritious due to predigestion by cultures of their components as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Lactobacillic fermented product such as yogurt could be of benefit to persons with lactose intolerance. Several fermented dairy products contain higher levels of B-vitamins than milk and their counterparts prepared by direct acidification. In addition, during fermentation the lactobacilli can also produce natural antibiotics which are active against a wide variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms including pathogens, natural anticholesteremic compounds and natural anticarcinogenic compounds.Öğe Kuru ve Sulu Tavuk Kesi?m Tekni?kleri?ni?n Mi?krobi?yoloji?k I?ncelenmesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1989 Ocak) Anıl, Nazif; Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Doğruer, Yusuf; Tufan, Semra; Öğütlü, Necla; Ayar, AliThis research was carried out for the microbiological evaluation of poultry slaughtering techniques with dry and wet systems. Chickens slaughtered by both techniques and the scalding water were used as materials. In physical investigations; the contents of waste material were estimated as 0.3137 gr/100 ml in softscalding (HH), 0.1096 gr/100 ml in sub-scalding and 0.1256 gr/100 ml in hard-scalding. In bacteriological examinations; the counts of total viable microorganisms were found to be as average 4.7 x102 per gram in the non-scalded chickens, but no growth was observed among the coliform microorganisms and fecal streptococci. In scalded chickens, the counts of total viable microorganisms were determined as 7.4 x 105 per gram in sample HH, 1.4 x10 per gram in sample VH, 2.2 x 10° per gram in sample KH. In the same samples, the counts of coliform microorganisms were 5.3 x 10', 7.7 x 10, 8.9 x 10 per gram, respectively. The numbers of microflora were higher in scalding water than those of in chicken meat. The counts of total viable microorganisms were 9.0 x 10 per gram in sample HH and 1.3 x 10 per gram in VH, but this level has dropped to 8.6 x 103 per gram in sample KH. In the same samples an intense growth was observed for coliform microorganisms and fecal streptococci, but no proliferation was seen for both microorganisms in sample KH. As a result, it may be decided that the slaughtering techniques with wet system are not hygienic enough and could cause microbiological examination, on the other hand, the dry system can be considered more hygienic, but not suitable for mass production. Therefore, the "vapor- scalding" system which is more hygienic and up-to-date would be highly beneficial for the poultry industry.Öğe Konya Bölgesi Tatlısu Balıklarında Grading Çalışmaları(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1989 Ocak) Anıl, Nazif; Doğruer, Yusuf; Nizamlıoğlu, Mustafa; Öz, Kadir; Tufan, SemraThis investigation was carried out to develop a grading system and to determine the quality factors for fresh water fishes caught in Konya region. The contents of head, scales, skin, fins, internal organs and fishbones; the waste percentages; the yields of fish meat and the organoleptique quality factors were determined on various fresh water fishes. The waste percentages were found to be 35.61 % for fresh water mullet, 43.62 % for carp, 44.21% for scaleless carp, 32.26% for pearl fish, 37.25 % for shiraz and 29.54 % for zander. Therefore, they had a dressing percent of 64.38 %, 56.37 %, 55.78 %, 67.73 %, 62.74 % and 70.45 %, respectively. Furthermore, the organoleptique acceptance levels for the same fishes were valued at 7.80, 8.17, 8.42, 6.57, 6.57 and 9.31, respectively. Zander gave the highest dressing percent (70.45%) due to its lowest waste percentage (29.54 %), plus its quality grade was quite superior (9.31). On the other hand, carp and scaleless carp had a satisfactory meat quality (8.17, 8.42), although they have possesed a low dressing percent (56.37 %, 55.78%).Öğe Bazı Kültür Mantarlarının (Agaricus Bisporus, Agaricus Campestris ve Agaricus Bitorquis) Besi?n Değeri? Üzeri?nde İncelemeler(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1992 Ocak) Yalçın, Suzan; Tekinşen, O. CenapThis study was carried out to investigate the nutritional values of culture-mushrooms and to obtain some basic information to increase their consumption. Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus campestris and Agaricus bitorquis were analyzed for chemical composition. Based on the chemical analysis, the average values of dry matter, crude protein, fat and available carbohydrate were 6.31-8.87 %, 2.54-3.70 %, 0. 18-0.39 % and 0.38-1.87 %, respectively. Energy values of culture-mushrooms according to Atwater system were found to be 9.59-17.85 kcal/100 g. The average values of calcium, phosphorus, copper and zinc were 1.64-1.86, 113.78-156.38, 0.52-1.01 and 0.54-1.56 mg/100 g, respectively. As a result, culture-mushrooms are poor in the values of fat, available carbohydrate and available energy but rich in protein and mineral content. Therefore it is concluded that culture-mushrooms are valuable foods.Öğe Starter Kültür Kullanımının I?vri?z Peyni?ri?ni?n Ki?myasal Mi?krobi?yoloji?k ve Duyusal Kali?te Ni?teli?kleri? Üzeri?ne Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2001 Ocak) Nizamlıoğlu, Mustafa; Demir, NevzatIn this study, addition of starter culture in traditional Ivriz cheese production and the effects of its on chemical, microbiological and sensory quality characteristics of the cheese during ripening period. Two groups of cheese were produced. Samples of group A cultured and samples of B were traditionally produced. On the other hand, the market cheese is obtained from Institute of Ereğli Sheep Production Station and performed group C. The chemical and microbiological analyses have been done in 1., 15., 30., 60., 90. and 120th days of ripening and the sensory analyses has been done in 60., 90. and 120th days of ripening. The samples belong to group A showed lower humidity and salt contents in dry matter at the beginning of ripening but later stages similar results have been obtained to the other groups. Fat levels in dry matter of group A, samples were higher in initial stage but during the ripening period they have show similar results to the others. Acidity value of A group Ivriz cheese samples were higher than group B and C groups during the ripening period. Generally, it has been observed that A group of cheese has low level pH. Higher protein levels found in C group Ivriz cheese compare to A and B levels. There are no significant differences between groups for generally microorganisms, staphylococcus, mould and yeast for experimental Ivriz cheese products. Cheese produced culture addition has the highest total points average in the 120th day of the ripening period. In conclusion; it was observed that using of the culture in the Ivriz cheese production increased the quality of cheese and decreased levels of ripening period in Ivriz cheese. Market cheese has to ripen in 90 days and sell. Ivriz cheese produced with culture addition showed similar sensory analyses results in the 60th day of ripening period to the market cheese. It is concluded that culture adding cheese production decrease to ripening period; therefore sto rage is short and microbiologic quality also best compare to other groups.Öğe Civil Peyni?ri?n Mi?krobi?yoloji?k Kali?te Ni?teli?kleri?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Nisan) Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Atasever, Mustafa; Keleş, AbdullahIn this study, 26 Civil cheese samples obtained from Erzurum province and arround were analysed microbiologically. The mean values of colony counts were determined as follows for different microorganisms : for general viable microorganisms 8.93x107/g, for proteolitic 9.61x105/g, for coliform group 4.64x104/g, for fecal streptococci 1.11x106/g, for lactic streptococci 2.18x106/g, for Lactobacillus 1.33x107/g, for Staphylococcus 6.48x105/g and finally for yeast and moulds 9.04x105/g. It was seen that microbiological quality of Civil Cheese was not very good. Civil cheese has a potantial risk for public health.Öğe Tavuk Sucuğu Üreti?m Teknoloji?si? 1: Ki?myasal Mi?krobi?yoloji?k ve Organolepti?k Kali?tesi? Üzeri?nde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) Anıl, Nazif; Doğruer, Yusuf; Gürbüz, Ümit; Keleş, Abdullah; Kayaardı, SemraThis study was carried out for producing a new product "Poultry Sausage" and investigate its quality factors. The poultry sausage used in the experiments was developped by the applications of several tests and trials. Besides the various formulas and technological methods have been used, also the effects of several factors such as tempareture, moisture and duration were also investigated. The poultry sausage samples developped by mixing chicken meat, beef and soybean flour in certain percentages (designed in groups) were examined from the chemical, microbiological and organoleptic point of view. All the samples were analysed at various stages of aging (1st, 3rd and 7th) and storage (14th, 21st and 30th) days significant differences were determined in chemical composition of poultry sausage according to the stages of aging and storage. At first day, moisture, protein and fat contents and acidity values showed differences. At 3rd day only value of acidity, at 7th day moisture, ashand water activity (a) values, at 14th day fat ash, salt and aw values, at 21st day moisture, protein, fat, ash and salt contents and value of pH and finally at 30th protein, fat and salt contents of sausage among the groups showed significant differences. There was no significant differnce in mikroflora between the groups in both aging and storage. Although the group C3 differed from the other groups in the number of Staphylococcus - micrococcus microorganisms at the begining stage of aging. It was detected that the number of total microorganisms and Lactobacillus species increased among aging and storage while coliform bacteria and yeasts-moulds showed significant and Staphylococcus - micrococcus species showed slight decreasing. After 7th day coliform bacteria was not detected. It was determined that the groups of C2 and C3 (consisting of chicken meat and beef) were more preferable in organoleptically, The groups B1 and B2 which were consisting of chicken meat beef and soybean flour, were detected poor in organoleptic determination. As a result it was concluded that poultry sausage might be a suitable product, producing by mixing chicken meat and beef especially using reformed chicken.Öğe Deği?şi?k Tuzlama Tekni?kleri?yle Üreti?len ve +4°C'de Muhafaza Edi?len Pastırmaların Ki?myasal ve Mi?krobi?yoloji?k Kali?tesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1995 Ocak) Gürbüz, Ümit; Doğruer, Yusuf; Anıl, NazifThis study was carried out to determine the effects of various salting techniques (dry, dipping and injektion) on physicochemical and microbiological properties of pastrami during storage periods (60 days, +4 °C). At the begining of the storage periods, moisture contents, salt contents, pH and water activity (a) values of pastrami samples applied dry, dipping and enjection techniques were respectively detected 42.65-43.36 and 45.16 %; 7.47, 8.58 and 6.18 %, 5.70, 5.46 and 5.97; 0.85, 0.86 and 0.88. During storage periods significiant decreaments in the moisture contents of pastrami samples applied various salting techniques a, observed because of drying effects in moisture contents. Parallely, Water activity (a) values of pastrami samples were decressed and salt content of pastrami samples were increased. During this period, the difference pH values of pastrami samples among the groups were not faund to be significant. There was no significant differences in the number of microorganizms (total count, Staphylococcus-micrococcus, Lactobacillus, mold and yeast) of the samples among the groups at the 60th day of the experiment. It was concluded that depending upon salting techniques the pastramies loasing chewing properties became dry and salting because of significant decreament in moisture contents and increaments in salt contents at the end of the storage period.Öğe Konya'da Tüketime Sunulan Tereyağlarının Kali?tesi?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Yalçın, Suzan; Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Doğruer, Yusuf; Gürbüz, ÜmitIn this research, chemical and microbiological qualities of 15 butter samples taken from Konya market were determined. It was found that microbiological qualities of butter samples were low and chemically most of the samples differed from the values of Food Regulation and Standards.Öğe Şavak Peynirinde Koliform Grubu Mikroorganizmalar Üzeri?ne Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Patır, Bahri; Alkan, MehmetElazığ'da tüketime sunulan şavak peynirinde koliform grubu mikroorganizmaların türleri ve dağılımları 45 peynir örneğinde incelendi Örneklerin tümünün koliform grubu mikroorganizmalarını içerdiği bulundu. Örneklerde en sık rastlanan türlerin sırasıyla Aerobacter aerogenes (% 75.6). Escherichia coli 1 (% 70.1). Escherichia freundi 1(% 48.9), Escherichia coliII (% 22 2), Aerobacter aerogenes II (% 13.3) ve Escherichia freundii II (% 6.7) olduğu gözlemlendi İzole edilen toplam 398 suşun 157'sinin Escherichia coli 1 (% 39.5), 129'unun Aerobacter aerogenesI (% 32.4) ve 54'ünün Escherichia freundiiI (% 13.6) olduğu bulundu Sonuç olarak, Elazığ bölgesi şavak peynirinin hijyenik koşullar altında üretilmediği ve halk sağlığı açısından potansiyel bir tehlike arzedebileceği kanısına varıldı.Öğe Kurutulmuş Etin Kalite Faktörleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Anıl, Nazif; Kayaardı, SemraThis study was undertaken for determining the hygienic and organoleptic qualities of our traditional meat product called "dried meat" As a material sheep meat was used. For comparison the meat samples were dried under the sun and in drying chamber for the periods of 5, 8 and 10 days Dried samples were stored in refrigerator for 2 months. Then the samples were analyzed for weight loss, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities at the intervals of 1 15 30 and 60 days. The samples showed differences for their chemical, microbiological and organoleptic qualities depending upon the drying methods, drying and storage periods the highest weight loss (5.7 * 96) was obtained in sun dried meats processed for 10 days. The fallowing values 41.43-47 29% for protein, 3.2 -12.9\% for fat, 6.96-766% for ash, 26.17-36.31% for salt. 5 57-5.92 for pH and 0.48-0.68 for a were found The variances between these values changed drastically as to the drying period storage time and the drying technics applied (p < 0.05) . On the other hand, the differences among the values for fat content and pH were not significant (p > 0.05) . The total viable microorganisms count for the sun dried samples was low ( 10 ^ 5 / 9 ) compared to those in the samples dried in drying chamber (2 0 ^ 6 / 9 ) No significant differences were observed in other microorganisms. As to the organoleptic evaluations, the level of general acceptance for taste, texture and color was av 6-7 out of 10 points. As a result, it was determined that the dried meats were more nutritious specifically rich in protein and highly consantrated meat products. On the other hands. the sundried meats processed for 8 days were accepted as the best and high quality dried meat. compared to the other experimental meat products.Öğe Balıkta Muhafaza Süresi?ni?n Hi?stami?n Mi?ktarına Etki?si?(Selçuk Üniversitesi, 1993) Tekinşen, O. Cenap; Yalçın, Suzan; Nizamlıoğlu, MustafaThe study was carried out to determine the effect of storage time on histamine content in fish. Mackerel, bonito and anchovy fish were used in this study. Fish samples were stored at 4°C during 3 days. The concentrations of histamine in fish were determined by spectrofluorometer during 3 days of storage The mean histamine levels for mackerel, bonito and anchovy fish after 3 days of storage period were found as 6.28, 3.70 and 3.25 µg/g, respectively. Based on this study, it is concluded that the histamine levels in mackerel, bonito and anchovy fish during storage at 4°C even after 3 days were below toxic level.